Newsletter No. 45
CUHK Newsletter No.45 August 1993 Programme: To pursue a distance learning course leading to the award of a diploma in medical education offered by the University of Dundee, Scotland, Period: October 1992 - September 1993 Commonwealth Medical Fellowship Awardee: Dr. Lai Yee-ching, Kelly, lecturer in psychiarty Programme: To study child psychiatry at the Institute of Child Health in London, UK. Period: 2nd September 1992 - 1st September 1993 CUHK-Robinson College Exchange Scheme Awardee: Dr. Lai Fung-kuen, Eva, lecturer, English Language Teaching Unit Programme: To conduct research at Cambridge University and visit other language centres in the UK. Period: 28th June - 14th August 1993 Diploma Course in Management of Executive Development (MED) Scholarships Awardees: Mr. Simon Tarn Sheung-wing, senior computer officer II, Information Management Unit; Mr. Thomas Tsui Yiu-ming, computer officer I , Computer Services Centre. Programme: To attend the MED diploma course. Period: 3rd September 1992 - July 1993 Japan Foundation Training Programme Awardee: Mr. Kojima Yoshiharu, instructor I, Department of Japanese Studies Programme: To attend a training programme in Japan for Japanese language teachers. Period: 24th November - 31st December 1992 C.Y. Kwan Endowment Fund for Staff Development Awardee: Mrs. Lai Chan Sau-hing, instructor I, English Language Teaching Unit Programme: To pursue further studies leading to the award of a PhD degree at Macquarie University in Australia. Period: 1st February 1993 - 8th January 1994 Awardee: Miss Tam Mei-ngan, counselling assistant, Office of Student Affairs Programme: To attend the 'Gender Consciousness and Values Development Orientation Workshop for College Counsellors' held in Quezon City, the Philippines. Period: 20th-24th October 1992 Lee Hysan Foundation Endowment Fund for Staff Development Awardee: Dr. Ng Heung-ling, Margaret, lecturer in anatomical and cellular pathology Programme: To undertake an attachment programme in the UK to study the set-up, structure and operation of specialist haematology centres and to sit for the final practical examination of MRCPath (part II) in haematology. Period: 23rd June - 10th December 1993 Service to the Community and International Organizations • Prof. Kenneth Young, dean of science and of the Graduate School, has been reappointed by HE the Governor as a member of the Radiation Board for two years from 23rd March 1993. • Dr. Daniel T. L. Shek, senior lecturer in social work, has been reappointed by HE the Governor as a member of the Mental Health Review Tribunal for two years from 1 st July 1993. • Prof. Ho Chi-ping of the Department of Surgery has been reappointed by HE the Governor as a member of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board for 14 months from 1st August 1993. Prof. Ho has also been appointed as an external examiner in ophthalmology of the faculties of medicine at the National University of Malaysia and the University of Malaya from April 1993 and June 1993 respectively. • Dr. Liu Pak-wai, reader in economics, has been reappointed as a member of the School Examinations Board of the Hong Kong Examinations Authority for three years from 1st September 1993. • Prof. Joseph C. K. Lee of the Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology has been invited to serve on the Supplementary Medical Professions Council from 1st October 1993. • Prof. Mun Kin-chok of the Department of International Business has been invited to serve as the chairman of the advisory board for the Department of Marketing and International Business at Lingnan College for two academic years from 1st September 1993. • Prof. Rance P. L. Lee, dean of social science, has been invited by Lingnan College to serve as an external examiner of its honors diploma in social issues and policy for the academic year 1993-94. • Dr. Serena S. H. Jin, reader in translation, has been invited to serve as a member of the advisory board for the Department of Translation at Lingnan College for two years from 1st September 1993. • Dr. Tam Yue Him, senior lecturer in history, has been elected a founding member of the Committee on Sino-Japanese Studies of the Association for Asian Studies (USA) from May 1993 to May 1996. • Prof. Arthur K. C. Li, dean of medicine, has been invited to serve as a member of the International Scientific Council of the European Postgraduate Gastro-Surgical School. (All information in this section is provided by the Information Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) 4
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