Newsletter No. 45
CUHK Newsletter No.45 August 1993 ANNOUNCEMENTS Local Education Allowances (LEA) Members of staff who are entitled to claim LEA for their dependent children in 1993-94 are requested to complete and return an application form for each child with receipts of school-fees as early as possible to the Personnel Office. Please direct all enquiries to the office (Ext. 7292). Reimbursement of Course Fees to Terms of Service (B) and (C) Staff The University will soon consider requests for reimbursement of fees to staff members on Terms of Service (B) and (C) who will attend training courses which start between September and December 1993. A l l applications together with written recommendations by unit heads should be forwarded to Mr. S. S. Tam, Secretary, Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Office, University Administration Building (Ext. 7269) by Saturday, 4th September 1993. Salary Revisions for Terms (A) Staff The Hong Kong Government recently approved a 9.756 per cent pay rise for senior civil servants from 1st April 1993. Salaries for University staff employed under Terms of Service (A) will be similarly revised and new salaries will be paid in the August payroll. Backpay for the months from April to July will be paid in September. Certificate Courses in Theology The Theology Division and the Department of Extramural Studies will jointly offer one-year elementary and intermediate certificate courses in theology this October. Elementary Course Course contents will include introduction to theology, introduction to the Old and New Testaments, church history, Christian education, and pastoral care. Intermediate Course Course contents will include theology in social context, synoptic Gospels, Old Testament theology in Hong Kong context, Chinese church history, Christian ethics, and counselling and growth. Those who are interested should apply before 25th August. For further information, please contact the Theology Division (Ext. 6705) or the Department of Extramural Studies. Mandarin and Cantonese Courses for Staff and Spouses The New Asia Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre will again offer Mandarin and Cantonese courses to the University's academic and administrative staff and their spouses from 14th September to 30th November 1993. The following courses have been tentatively scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday during the period from 2.30 to 4.15 p.m. at the Fong Shu Chuen Building: (1) Beginner's courses in Mandarin and Cantonese for foreigners; (2) Beginner's course in Mandarin for non-Mandarin speakers of Chinese origin; (3) Beginner's course in Cantonese for non-Cantonese speakers of Chinese origin. The size of each class will be limited and participants will be enrolled on a first-come-first-served basis. The minimum number of students to form a class is four. Basic tuition fee for each course is HK$3,995. The University will subsidize 40 per cent of the tuition fee for all full-time academic and administrative staff as well as their spouses who are expected to be with the University for at least two years, and who are not receiving a language study subsidy from any other source. For enrolment, please contact the Chinese Language Centre (Ext. 6727-9) before 31st August 1993. Home Purchase Scheme Invites Application Senior staff members eligible for housing benefits may opt for the Home Purchase Scheme in place of University quarters, Private Tenancy Allowance or Housing Allowance. Interested staff members may apply tojoin the schemeusingFormHPS 1 obtainable from the Bursar's Office. Enquiries about terms and conditions of the scheme should be directed to Miss Sandie Chan/Mr. Laurence Chiu(Ext. 7240/7244). CUH KNewslette r We welcome your contributions 1. Items for the next issue (mid-September 1993) should reach the Editor by 27th August 1993. 2. All contributions and suggestions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, c/o the Publication Office, University Secretariat, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 6097297; fax. 6035503). 3. Contributions should bear the writer's name and contact telephone number, and may be published under pseudonyms. Articles without Chinese translations will appear in the English version of the Newsletter only. No anonymous letters will be published, 4. The Editor reserves the right to reject contributions and to edit all articles for reasons of clarity, length or grammar. Those who do not wish to have their articles amended should indicate clearly in writing. 5. No part of this Newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 6. This publication has a circulation of 1,500 and is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK. Copies are also sent to local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Those who wish to be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct. Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor: Amy K. Y. Leung Assistant Editors: Lawrence Choi; Florence Chan Graphic Artist: Stella P. C. Lai 12
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