Newsletter No. 117
4 No. 117 4th December 1997 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 第 五十三屆 大會(頒授學位典禮)及典禮日特別安排 Arrangements for Congregation Day 大學第五十三屆大會(頒授學位典禮)將於本月十一日 (星期四)分兩部分舉行。典禮之第一部分於上午十時在林蔭 大道舉行,由大學監督、香港特別行政區行政長官董建華先 生主持,頒發榮譽博士學位、髙級學位及學士學位。 第二部分由成員書院、兼讀學士學位課程及硏究院分別 爲學士學位及碩士學位畢業生舉行畢業禮,依次由各書院院長、副校長廖柏偉敎授,和副 校長兼硏究院院長楊綱凱敎授主持。時間及地點表列如下: 畢業禮 時間 地點 逸夫書院 下午十二時三十分至二時 邵逸夫堂 新亞書院 下午一時三十分至二時四十五分 林蔭大道 崇基學院 下午二時至三時三十分 崇基禮拜堂 聯合書院 下午二時三十分至四時三十分 邵逸夫堂 兼讀學士學位課程 下午三時至四時三十分 逸夫書院大講堂 碩士學位課程 下午三時三十分至五時 林蔭大道 披袍處 披袍處位於中國文化硏究所第一講室及一二四室。典禮第一部分之行列準於九時四 十分列隊,並於九時五十五分離開中國文化硏究所。 交通 典禮當日,范克廉樓、富爾敦樓、大學行政樓、中國文化硏究所、田家炳樓及大學 圖書館等停車場,皆保留予嘉賓及公務車輛專用。 邵逸夫堂對面停車場暂停開放 邵逸夫堂對面之停車場將闢作畢業生座席,該停車場將於十二月四至十四日暫停開 放’以便蓋搭帳蓬。 停課 硏究院課程與醫科一、二年級及醫學科學增插學年學士學位課程是日停課。 范克廉樓教職員及學生餐廳暫停服務 范克廉樓敎職員餐廳及學生餐廳是日上午七時三十分至下午五時暫停服務,以便安 排典禮後之茶會。快餐店亦於上午十一時三十分至下午二時三十分暫停營業,以舉行兼 讀學士學位課程畢業午餐會。 天雨安排 如遇天雨,典禮第一部分改在邵逸夫堂舉行;而新亞書院畢業典禮及碩士學位課程 畢業典禮則改在新亞書院體育館舉行。 The 53rd Congregation for the conferment of honorary and other degrees will be held in two parts on Thursday, 11th December 1997. Morning Session The ceremony in the morning, to be presided over by the Chancellor, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Honourable Tung Chee Hwa, will be held at 10.00 a.m. at the University Mall. Honorary, higher, and first degrees will be conferred. Afternoon Session The graduation ceremonies held by the four colleges, the Part-time Degree Programmes (for first degree graduates), and the Graduate School (for Master's degree graduates) will take place as follows: College/Programme Time (p.m.) Presiding Officer Venue Shaw 12.30 — 2.00 Head of College Sir Run Run Shaw Hall New Asia 1 . 3 0 - 2 . 45 Head of College University Mall Chung Chi 2.00 — 3.30 Head of College Chung Chi Chapel United 2.30 — 4.30 Head of College Sir Run Run Shaw Hall Part-time Degree 3.00 — 4.30 Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Liu Pak-wai Shaw College Lecture Theatre Master's Degree 3.30 — 5.00 Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Graduate School, Prof. Kenneth Young University Mall Other Special Arrangements Robing Staff members joining the official procession in the morning session should assemble at L1 and Room 124 of the Institute of Chinese Studies, which will serve as the robing rooms. Marshalling o f the procession will begi n at 9.40 a.m. The procession will leav e the Institute of Chinese Studies at 9.55 a.m. Traffic Car parks at the Benjamin Franklin Centre, John Fulton Centre, University Administration Building, Institute of Chinese Studies, Tin Ka Ping Building, and the University Library will be reserved for guests with special parking labels. Car Park Opposite to Sir Run Run Shaw Hall Temporarily Closed The car park opposite to the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall will be used as a seating area for graduates. I t will b e temporarily close d from 4th to 14t h December for the erection of a canopy for the ceremony. Suspension of Classes Classes for Medical Years 1 and 2, the Intercalated Degree Programme i n Medica l Sciences , an d th e postgraduat e programmes will be suspended for the day. BFC Staff and Student Canteens Temporarily Closed The Benjamin Franklin Centre Staff and Student Canteens will be closed from 7.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on 11th December to be used for reception after the morning session. The Fast Food Shop will also be closed from 11.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. for the lunch gathering of graduates of Part-time Degree Programmes and their guests. Wet Weather In case of wet weather, the morning session will be held at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and the graduation ceremonies for New Asia College and the Master's degree graduates will take place in the New Asia Gymnasium. 防止賄賂條例 Gifts? Bribery? 根據本港條例,香港中文大學爲公共機構,並受《防止賄賂條例》之管制。條例中第 三條〈接受利益規例〉及第四條〈賄賂條例〉旁及所有公共機構僱員。 聖誕節、元旦及農曆新年將至,本校僱員擬贈送或收受禮品,而又不能確定該等贈 受是否抵觸《防止賄賂條例》,請先參閱條例之有關細節。 《防止賄賂條例》原文單行本分存大學各圖書館和新聞及公共關係處(碧秋樓三樓), 以備同人參考。 The University i s a public body listed under the Schedule of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (CAP 201, Laws of Hong Kong). All University employees are classified as 'public servants' under the ordinance and should be wary of accepting gifts which could be construed as being offered to them in connection with their 'public' capacities. As the Christmas and New Year holidays are approaching, members of the staff who wish to give away or accept any gifts in this festive season and are in doubt as to whether such gifts are permissible under the law should first consult the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance. Copies of the ordinance are available for reference at the University Librar y and its branch libraries, as well as at the Information and Public Relations Office (2nd floor, Pi Ch'iu Building). 聖誕、除夕及大除夕之辦公安排 Staffing Arrangements on Christmas and New Year's Eves 根據大學關於聖誕、除夕,以及大除夕辦公安排之規定,大學所有部門於本月廿四 日(星期三)、卅一日(星期三)和下月廿七日(星期二)上午只須留有職員値班。當値之職 員可獲補假半天。 上述安排不適用於保健處、大學圖書館系統、電算機服務中心之電算機操作組、保 安組、交通組、建築處保養組等部門。該等部門須留有足夠人手以維持基本服務。 接載敎職員下班的專車於該三日中午十二時五十五分從范克廉樓大停車場開出。 The following staffing arrangements for Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, and Chinese New Year's Eve have been endorsed by the University since 1983 and will apply on 24th and 31st December 199 7 and 27th January 1998: 1. Fo r essential service units such as the Health Service, the Library System, the Operation Unit of the Computer Services Centre, the Security Unit, the Transport Unit, and the Maintenance Office of the Buildings Office, a task force should remain on duty to provide basic services. 2. Fo r all other offices in the University, a skeleton crew should be appointed to be on duty on each morning to handle urgent matters and answer enquiries. These offices will be closed in the afternoon. 3. Th e skeleton staff on duty on those mornings will be given compensation leave of half a day. Staff Bus Arrangements Subscribers to the University staff bus service please note that the Transport Unit has arranged for the homing staff bus to leave the Benjamin Franklin Centre large car park at 12.55 p.m. on Christmas Eve (24th December), New Year's Eve (31 st December), and Chinese New Year's Eve (27th January). 教職員人事紀錄 Updating of Personnel Records 各同事之個人資料如地址、電話、婚姻/家庭狀況、學歷等倘有更改,請盡早塡寫特 定表格,並於適用時附上有關文件正本,通知人事處,以便修訂大學之人事紀錄及作報 稅之用。 又已婚同事在選擇其本身或配偶所享有之各類福利(例如房屋津貼、子女敎育津貼及 機票等)事宜如有變更,或其配偶工作上所獲之福利有所改變,亦請塡寫特定表格通知人 事處。 To facilitate the maintenance of updated personnel records at the University and for inland revenue reporting purposes, staff members are requested to notify the Personnel Office on prescribed forms at the earliest possible opportunity i f they have changed their address, telephone number, marital status or family size, or acquired additional qualifications. Where applicable, the originals or certified true copies of relevant documents should be enclosed.
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