Newsletter No. 305
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 資訊日吸引逾二萬人出席 Orientation Day Attracts over 20,000 Visitors 香 港中文大學於9月29日舉行本科入學資訊日,八個學院及所有學系和課程均 準備了展覽、入學輔導、實驗室導覽及學科講座等,吸引了逾二萬名預科同 學、家長和教師出席,校園內人潮絡繹不絕,氣氛熱烈。 當天的特備節目之一為「全 方位入學講座」,由副校長 鄭振耀教授介紹中大的宗旨 及特色,並展示統計資料、 剖析入讀中大的多個途徑, 包括大學聯合招生辦法、優 先錄取計劃、中學校長推薦 計劃和自薦計劃等。 此外,四位傑出校友與同學 分享他們在中大的讀書生 活,他們是保安局助理秘書 長劉思敏女士、屯門醫院駐 院醫生吳家榮醫生、德輔大 律師樓駱敏賢大律師和有線 電視總新聞報道員張宏艷小 姐。他們除了在業內有突出 表現外,個人的奮鬥故事亦 發人深省,值得學習。 O ver 20,000 prospective students, parents and teachers flocked to The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 29 September 2007, for the Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions. Exhibitions, admission talks, lab visits, and programme introductions were organized by the seven faculties and the School of Law. The special programme of the day was the admission talk by Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice- Chancellor of the University, who presented the mission and vision of CUHK to the audience, and introduced the different routes for applying to the University, including JUPAS, the Early Admissions Scheme for Secondary Six Students, the School Principal’s Nominations, and the Self Recommendation Scheme. Four outstanding alumni were invited to share their undergraduate experiences. They were Miss Lau Sze-mun, Shirley, Assistant Secretary for Security, Security Bureau; Mr. Ng Ka-wing, resident doctor of Tuen Mun Hospital; Ms. Lok Man-yin, Frances, barrister of Des Voeux Chambers, and Ms. Cheung Wang-yim, Lavender, chief anchor of Hong Kong Cable Television Ltd. 三諾貝爾經濟學獎得主講座 Lectures by Three Nobel Laureates 中 大於2007年9月19日邀得三位國際知名的諾貝爾經濟學獎得 主──謝林教授、蒙代爾教授和費爾普斯教授,在逸夫書院 大講堂舉行講座,並與其他經濟學者、中大師生和中學生探討經濟 問題。 校長劉遵義教授對中大能邀得三位卓越學者到來演說表示高興及榮 幸。是日謝林教授最先發表演說,題為「核擴散問題的處理」,接着 是蒙代爾教授的「中國的人民幣滙率政策與國際貨幣體系」,最後 是費爾普斯教授的「經濟無盡發展的關鍵」。講座結束後,謝林教授 更會見近百名大學及中學生,分享知識,親切交流。 P rof. Thomas C. Schelling, Prof. Robert A. Mundell, and Prof. Edmund S. Phelps, Nobel Laureates in Economic Sciences, each delivered a talk in the lecture theatre of Shaw College on 19 September 2007. The three scholars also discussed economics with staff and students of CUHK, as well as local secondary school students. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of the University, was pleased and honoured that CUHK had the opportunity to host the eminent scholars. The first talk was given by Prof. Schelling who spoke on ‘Managing Nuclear Proliferation’, followed by Prof. Mundell on ‘China’s RMB Exchange Rate Policy and the International Monetary System’, and Prof. Phelps on ‘Keys to Endless Economic Development’. After the talks, Prof. Schelling shared his knowledge and experience with close to a hundred university and secondary school students. 左起:2006年得主費爾普斯教授、1999年得主蒙代爾教授、中大校長劉遵義教授及2005年得主謝林教授 From left: Prof. Edmund S. Phelps (2006 Nobel Laureate), Prof. Robert A. Mundell, (1999 Nobel Laureate), Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Thomas C. Schelling, (2005 Nobel Laureate) 大學輔導長何培斌教授(右一) 與四位校友分享中大讀書生活, 左起為駱敏賢、吳家榮、張宏艷及劉思敏 Prof. Ho Puay-peng (right 1) and four almuni sharing their CUHK experience. From left : Lok Man-yin, Ng Ka-wing, Cheung Wang-yim and Lau Sze-mun
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