Newsletter No. 84
CUHK Newsletter No.84 4th March 1996 5 轉眼廿五年 After a Quarter of a Century 數位本年度長期服務獎得獎人應本刊之邀,或撰文述說得獎感受,或寄上舊照緬懷昔日人物,本刊謹此致謝。 Our thanks go to eight recipients of this year's Long Service Award, who have contributed photographs and articles to reminisce about their experience of having served the University for 25 years. Hong Kong is My Home Prof. David Gwilt Department of Music Teaching in The Chinese University on a long-termbasis has enabled me to be involved with the development of the institution and of Hong Kong itself, both of which have proved fascinating. Of course as the years went by I steadily became more and more of a Hong Kong person. Now after 25 years here it seems to me that Scotland, where I come from, is a good place to go to for a holiday, and Hong Kong is my home. I have learned enough even to be able to writemusic for the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra When I came in 1970 to join the Music Department, I remember that there were only four students in the theory class, and that the valiant efforts of the staff to get the students to play and enjoy chamber music yielded some strange results. One day while passing the door of a room where two students were playing an arrangement for piano duet of a Haydn symphony, I was rooted to the spot by a sound I couldn't at first believe. In a piece with quick quavers bustling along in both parts, the players appeared to be quite happy to be a half beat out. This is the sort of thing I would find difficult to achieve even if offered a million dollars for the feat. In time the number of students grew, the opportunity for music making on a broader scale became more frequent, and the choir and orchestra flourished. One of my lasting regrets on looking back is realizing now little effect any of my efforts to improve the status of music in the Hong Kong school system have had. It is only in very recent times that the Education Commission has said anything constructive about the creative subjects in the school curriculum, and it will no doubt be many years before anything is done about these suggestions. This is a great shame, for what we will very much need in the years to come is creativity, to enable us to stay on top in an increasingly competitive world. On the other hand I believe that The Chinese University Music Department at present enjoys a good reputation both in the local community and amongst those from overseas who know the department and its work. One of the things which has always impressed me as a teacher here is the quality of the students 一 not necessarily their academic quality 一 but their quality as people, and the way they engage the sympathies. It is unprofitable to be nostalgic, but I do miss the little cove with its rowing boats for hire that was the main feature of the waterfront of Chung Chi College when I arrived, and I very much miss the loss of many of the old Chung Chi College buildings to the march of progress. I have always been grateful for the friendly understanding of colleagues when I was new to the place, and I can say that, with extremely few exceptions, it has been a great pleasure to work amongst such people for 25 years. Long may the traditions and successes of the University continue! I shall not be happy to leave, but my wife and I will be happy to be staying on in Hong Kong. 二十五年有感 經濟學系莫凱教授 回想二十五年前剛到中大任教的時 候,新亞和聯合還沒有搬進沙田校園。 在恬靜的馬料水,只有崇基。現在,「馬 料水」這名字似乎已經被人淡忘,代之而 起的,是「中文大學」——所建築物遍 佈山坡,矗立於馬料水的大學。 把各書院集中在一 起是遠見,有利大學的 發展,教師再不用跋涉 到中環講授院際課程。 但是,這個成果並非一 職即就,而是經過一段 漫長的日子。在開山闢 石的初期,由崇基往大 學本部,要踏過崎嶇泥 濘的山路,我有時乾脆 走大埔道。這些事情, 思之仍恍如昨日。 經過二十多年的努 力,座落在這一片山頭 的中文大學,已經奠下了穩固的根基, 在國際上也有崇高聲譽。從《中大校友》 的報導,我們可以知道不少畢業同學, 無論在本港或海外,在學術界或各行各 業,成就斐然。古人視「集英才而教育 之」爲人生樂事,思之實有同感,亦不知 老之將至! My Love Song to CU Mr. Lee Chee-leung, University Library System Rien a chang é , etpourtant tout est different; Rien est pareil, et pourtant tout est comme avant... (Nothing has changed, yet all is different; Nothing is the same, yet all is as before... Ed.) This verse from one of my favourite French love songs describes precisely my feeling about The Chinese University after 25 years of service at the University Library. When I first joined the University, most trees in the campus were but saplings, and teaching blocks and students' quarters sparsely strewed the barren hills overlooking Tolo Harbour. Twenty-five years on, the trees have grown into forests, the teaching buildings have multiplied to accommodate the ever growing student population. The once peaceful campus has become a bustling city complete with a barber shop and a supermarket. Hardly a brick remains unchanged in these years. What has remained unchanged are the beautiful and happy young faces I encounter each day in the libraries, the canteens, the sports centre, the swimming pool... . What has remained unchanged is the intelligence and diligence that reside in the students. What has remained unchanged are the vigour and potential ofthe University to enhance and grow. What has remained unchanged is the persevering spirit in the staff of the University to strive for the best. It is impossible to work in a place for 25 years and not fall in love with it. But much as I love the university, a hint of sadness sets in as I think about the swift passage of my youthful years on this campus. 家在中大 新聞及公共關係處林益來先生 中大同事喜以「同坐一船」自喻。苟如 是,坐上「中大號」航行了廿五年的我,可 以套用詩句「小舟如葉旋回波」來描繪我在 整個航程裡的心境。然而,我自己卻樂於 視中大爲「家」,「愛護中大猶如關心家庭」 (《職協十五年》拙文語)是我心底裡的一份 濃情! 當年,捨棄會計專業前途(慶幸在非 正職方面仍可學以致用)而選取文書工作, 是我人生路向上一項重大且冒險 的抉擇。「中大安定福利好,中文 用廣機會佳」,很感佩早年人事組 主任王太給我的忠告;也銘懷捐 館多年的首位上司王德昭教授昔 日的訓誨:「趁靑春用心進取,穩 根基有力向上」。大學慶祝三十而 立之年,我也慶幸在兜轉路上被 尋獲,轉任現職。總算並未辜負 兩位長者語重心長的鼓勵;也聊 作補償我摸摸「專業工作」領域的 邊陲。 廿五年歲月,一直都感到欣 慰的是與歷任上司和諧共事,他 們都很親切隨和,禮待下屬,也讓我發揮 所長。這或許是我的際遇不錯,又或者是 他們已滿意我眞誠的服務,不忍心加諸責 難。當然,「家」人貴乎融洽共處,互相尊 重勝於彼此排斥,殆放諸四海而皆準的至 理。 情長紙短,我以「中大人」爲榮,身在 福中樂知福。回望我在中大經歷的四份一 世紀一一這麼漫長的一條時光隧道,倘若 缺乏愜意與融和,少點濃情和熱誠,豈可 安步而輕快地走過來,行至今,往前 去…… 人生大事 文物館黄逐貴先生 八零年杪結婚時返校園留 影,並在文物館工作處與上 司合照。左起:鄭德坤教授 (中國考古藝術硏究中心主 任)、屈志仁教授(文物館 館長)、內子、本人和陳荊 和教授(中國文化研究所所 長,已故)。 中大通訊 第八十四期 一九九六年三月四日 4
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