Newsletter No. 2
had any experience coping with similar emergent situations. But all in all, the result was something the staff concerned could pride them- selves on: they managed to get everything done on time and not one single complaint had been filed against them. Some guests in fact wrote in after the congregation to congratulate them on their efficiency and team spirit. After two consecutive congregations held on the campus, the organizers learnt from experience that it would be ex- pedient to provide some sort of cover at the University Mall, which could offer shade when the sun was too hot and shelter if it rained in the middle of the congregation. An outside contractor was subsequently commissioned to manu- facture eight large marquees of 54 feet by 26 feet for the purpose, which cost the University some HK$100,000. They were put up for the first time in 1978 and their number has gradually increased to 14 by the 39th congregation in 1989. Such marquees have now become a permanent feature of the University's congregations. Together with the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall completed in 1978, they have also made the annual congregations truly sun-proof and rain-proof. College Affiliation for Administrative/Professional/ Research Staff Administrative and professional staff at Executive Officer rank and above, and full-time research staff at Research Associate rank and above, are now invited to apply to join one of the four Colleges as full members. Applications should be sent via the respective College Secretaries: Chung Chi - Angeline Kwok 2450; New Asia 一 Stephen Tiong 2608; United— Tai Chiu-min g 2577; Shaw 一 Clara Wong 2505 Each College will have its own criteria for membership and may set a quota for admission. This will be an on-going exercise, but each College reserves the right to accept or not to accept an application Please contact the College Secretaries for more information. The Shaw College Tie and Scarf are now on sale at the University Bookshop in the John Fulton Centre and the Shaw College Office at Wen Lan Tang (Rm. 110). The college tie is sold at HK$35 each and the college scarf, HK$45. The Chung Chi Staff Club announces that from 1st January, those who wish to book the small dining room and the guest rooms of the club must first fill in prescribed application forms. Forms are obtainable from the college office of Chung Chi College (ext. 2452). K. C. Wong Education Foundation Ltd. invites applications for conference grants from academic staff from Hong Kong, Macau, and China who will be presenting papers at international conferences to be held in Europe or USA in 1990/91. Each application should be accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae; a brief description of the conference; an invitation to present papers; formal acknowledgement of acceptance of the paper(s) to be presented; information about possible financial assistance from the conference organizers; and a copy of the Paper(s) to be presented. All applications should be sent to the secretary, Academic Staff Review Committee via the chairman of department and dean of faculty concerned by 25th January. Please direct all enquiries to Mr. H. K. Cheung, Personnel Section (ext. 2249). University Subsidy for Training Courses The University will soon consider requests for reimbursement of fees to staff members on Terms of Service (B) and (C) who will attend training courses beginning at a date between January and August 1990. U n i t heads who w i sh to make such recommendations should write to Mr. S. S. Tam, Secretary, Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Section, Room 203, University Administration Building (Ext. 2269) with particulars of those courses on or before Wednesday, 31st January, 1990. The Benjamin Franklin Centre and John Fulton Centre will be closed at 5.00 p.m. on Thursday, 25th January and will be re-opened at 8.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 30th January during the Chinese New Year. The business hours of various service units will be as follows: Units Closing Re-opening (25.1.90) (30.1.90) B.F.C. Canteen 2.00 p.m. 7.30 a.m. (2.2.90) Coffee Shop 2.00 p.m. 7.30 a.m. (2,2.90) Fast Food Shop 2.00 p.m. 8.30 a.m. Printing Services Centre 4.00 p.m. 9.15 a.m. (2.2.90) J.RC . Bank 4.00 p.m. 9.15 a.m. Beauty Parlour 5.30 p.m. (26.1.90) 9.30 a.m. Book Store 6.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. Supermarket 7.00 p.m. (26.1.90) 9.00 a.m. University Souvenir 4.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. Counter New Publications of The University Press The following new books will be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre: • A Concordance to Oracle Bone Inscriptions (in English) edited by Jao Tsung-i, K.N. Shum and Z.Y. Shum, xxx + 190 pp., (hardcover, HK$135). • Hong Kong Taxation: Law and Practice (in Chinese) translated by Aloysius Tse, xxxii + 482 pp., (paperback, HK$120). m The Other Hong Kong Report (in English) edited by T.L. Tsim and Bernard H.K. Luk, xxxvi + 395 pp., (paperback, HK$68). • Towards Open Skies and Unconquested Airports (in Chinese) translated by Ronald N.C. Teng, xii + 82 pp., (paperback, HK$35). 11
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