Newsletter No. 524
07 # 5 2 4 | 0 4 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 8 焦慮症不可怕 Don't be Anxious about Anxiety 根據中大精神科學系和食物及衞生局合訂的《香港精神健康調查2010 – 2013》,成人一 般精神病患(例如焦慮症及抑鬱症等)的患病率為13.3%,當中廣泛性焦慮症是4.2%,僅 次於混合焦慮抑鬱症。 廣泛性焦慮症是焦慮症的一種,患者會持續為多件事情過度憂慮,而這些憂慮是不合理 的。醫學院精神科學系助理教授 麥敦平 醫生作比喻:「一個身體健康,成績名列前茅、品 學兼優的學生會經常擔心考試失準、患上重病。」另外,患者同時有多樣身體不適,例如失 眠、難以集中精神、容易疲倦,難以放鬆身體以致肌肉繃緊。 焦慮症有多項風險因素—例如有三分一的患者是與遺傳有關,後天方面,幼年不愉快的 經歷、遇上災難、與主要照顧者關係不佳、遭人欺凌等。社交焦慮症患者常於青少年期發 病,廣泛性焦慮症則剛好相反,發病率隨年齡遞增。麥醫生解釋:「年月增長,便要面對愈 複雜、艱難的處境,而日子的歷練,反使部分人成為驚弓之鳥。」 做帶氧運動可以減壓,即使是瑜伽和太極等輕量運動,也有助減低患上焦慮症的機會。 若確診患上焦慮症,病情較輕的可接受認知行為治療,而血清素調節劑亦是安全有效的藥 物,經醫生處方後依時服用,可持續改善病情。 若家人朋友患上焦慮症,切忌勸喻他們「唔好諗咁多」,患者自己難以控制焦慮,要他們別 想那麼多,反使他們覺得不被理解、接納。每個人承受壓力的程度不同,思考模式也不一 樣。要關心重視的人,就要有一份同理心。 According to The Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey 2010–2013 published by CUHK’s Department of Psychiatry and the Food and Health Bureau, common mental disorders (such as anxiety disorder and depression) were found in 13.3% of the adult population. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) was the second most common disorder (4.2%), following mixed anxiety and depressive disorder. A person with GAD has lasting and excessive worries about a number of things but the worries are without a rational base. Dr. Arthur Mak , assistant professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, compared a GAD patient to ‘a healthy and top- performing student worrying that he would fall behind in class and suffer from serious illnesses.’ The patients would also develop a number of symptoms such as insomnia, inability to concentrate, fatigue, and muscle tenseness. There are many causes of anxiety disorder. For example, around one third of the patients have a family history. Traumatic experience in childhood, brushes with disasters, relationship with primary caretakers, and the experience of being bullied also contribute to GAD. Unlike social anxiety disorder which finds easy prey in teenagers, the morbidity rate of GAD increases with age. ‘The longer one lives, the more complexities and difficulties one has to deal with in life. Some may become more vulnerable to anxiety with the fair wear and tear of time,’ Dr. Mak explained. Aerobic exercises including yoga and tai chi could reduce stress and thus lower the risk of developing anxiety. Once diagnosed, less severe patients can receive cognitive behavioural therapy. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have proved safe and effective against anxiety. In case someone near you suffers from GAD, be considerate and avoid saying things like ‘Take it easy.’ When people are already gripped by anxiety, asking them not to worry may make them feel they are not understood or accepted. We all differ in our stress tolerance level and habit of thinking. To care for someone we value is to be empathetic. M. Mak 雅 共 賞 / ART iculation 醫醫筆寫 / D octors ’ N otes 瓔珞前傳 Jewels of Transcendence 在「瓔珞」成為「天生脾氣暴、不好惹」的宮鬥劇女主角,威名傳遍大街小巷之前,這個雅 緻的詞語其實是作為源於古印度文化的一種飾物而為人所識的。 瓔與珞都指似玉的美石。由各種珠玉連綴而成的瓔珞多作頸飾、胸飾,華貴非凡,本是古印 度王公貴族熱愛的身分象徵,傳入中國後也廣受喜愛。坡公有「亭下佳人錦繡衣,滿身瓔珞 綴明璣」之句;《紅樓夢》中黛玉初見鳳姐、寶玉二人時,兩人分別佩「赤金盤螭瓔珞圈」和 繫着通靈寶玉的「金螭瓔珞」。唐朱揆《釵小志》又載宮中伶人戴上七寶瓔珞表演霓裳羽衣 舞,舞罷「珠翠可掃」。種種記載都為瓔珞抹上一種既奢華又浪漫的感覺,就不知劇組是否 因而選用瓔珞作為女主角的名字呢? 其實除了為凡塵男女妝點身體,增添貴氣之外,瓔珞更為人熟知的是其宗教意義,常用於 裝飾神像,或由皇室成員、宗教儀式中的通神者佩戴,具有神聖象徵。這類瓔珞通常呈半月 狀,中部裝飾瑞獸或杜爾迦、度母等神祇。下圖這件金嵌寶石瓔珞就是一例,中央由綠松石 和金薄片組成綠度母( Syamatārā ),綠度母左右兩側分別飾以綠松石和紅珊瑚鑲嵌而成的 蓮花。半月形瓔珞之邊緣裝飾聯珠紋一周。 度母這個佛教神名大家可能比較陌生,她是大慈悲佛教女神,有二十一種形象,但在珠寶 上最常見的是綠度母,為不丹、蒙古、西藏以及一些尼泊爾族群的佛教信徒所尊崇。綠度母 相傳由觀音左眼的眼淚化成,是健康、豐饒的象徵,可以護佑信徒遠離八難:水、火、賊、冤 獄、蛇、象、獅子、惡神。依據南亞地區傳統,其綠色的皮膚象徵神聖,尤其在與凡間相聯繫 之時。 這件色彩絢麗的瓔珞來自尼泊爾,表現了喜馬拉雅地區飾品濃郁的藏傳佛教元素,及其飾 神若人、飾人若神的天人合一理念。文物館《雪漠玲瓏:喜馬拉雅與蒙古珍品》展覽精選 夢蝶軒及承訓堂珍藏喜馬拉雅、蒙古藏品三百餘項,全面展示蒙古和喜馬拉雅地區十三世 紀至二十世紀造像、唐卡之外的絢爛繽紛的飾品及宗教用品。該展覽於文物館展廳二舉 行,展期為2018年9月30日至2019年2月4日。有興趣了解瓔珞以外的華麗飾品的話,萬勿 錯過!
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