Newsletter No. 524
05 # 5 2 4 | 0 4 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 8 風雨下的無名英雄 Salute to the Unsung Heroes 9月16日,超強颱風「山竹」襲港,校內多處樹木倒塌,多 條主要道路受阻。幸得物業管理處、保安及交通事務處 的前線工作人員日以繼夜清理善後,交通才得以暢通,校 巴服務才能回復正常。他們為確保師生安全,校園盡快 恢復運作,無私付出,令人感佩。 After super typhoon Mangkhut hit Hong Kong on 16 September, toppled trees blocked the access to major roads on campus. Frontline staff from the Estates Management Office and the Security and Transport Office worked day and night to clean up and resume school bus services. The selfless act ensured the safety of all colleagues and students, and helped the campus to resume normal operation at the soonest possible time. 招生網站獲獎 Admissions Website Wins International Award 中大本科招生網站 ( ) 獲WMA萬 維網推廣協會頒發傑出網站獎。該獎每年由來自世界各 地的市場營銷專家評審,表揚網站設計表現出色的機構。 本科招生網站於去年9月推出,採用生動活潑的頁面設 計,以豐富的圖像展示充滿活力的校園,並運用信息圖表 顯示重要概覽及統計資料。網站亦提供多個本科課程的 學生分享,吸引來自三十個國家的大量讀者。在招生高峰 時期,每月瀏覽人次逾七萬。 協理副校長兼入學及學生資助處處長王淑英教授表示: 「我樂見本科招生網站獲認可為重要的溝通工具,促使 海內外優秀學子認識中大、選擇中大。我們將和資訊處 繼續合作,向世界展示中大最好的一面。」 The CUHK Undergraduate Admissions Website ( ) has won the Outstanding Website Award of the Web Marketing Association (WMA), an association of international marketing professionals that recognizes and decorates excellence in website development. Launched last September, the Admissions Website features a combination of spectacular and moving images of CUHK’s vibrant campus, infographic presentations of key facts and figures, and in highly informative and readable narrative form the experiences of choosing and studying in the major programmes CUHK offers. The website has since its launch attracted a large volume of traffic from 30 countries, spiking to over 70,000 visitors a month in the high season of admissions activities. Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President and Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, said, ‘I am pleased to see the recognition of the Admissions Website as an important communication tool to inform and attract the best students from local and around the world to CUHK. My colleagues and I will continue to work with the Information Services Office to bring the best of CUHK to the rest of the world.’ 親炙大師 Learning from the Master 世界著名心臟病學家、美國國家醫學院院長曹文凱醫生 應邀擔任由中大及信興集團合辦的「信興講座」主講嘉 賓,9月18日到校演講醫學及科技突破對未來衛生、醫療 及社會的影響,並鼓勵年輕人投身科學和醫學研究。 Dr. Victor Joseph Dzau, an eminent cardiologist and the President of the US National Academy of Medicine, was invited to speak at the Shun Hing Lecture jointly organized by CUHK and the Shun Hing Group held on 18 September. Dr. Dzau delivered a lecture on the medical and technological breakthroughs that have shaped the future of health and medicine and their implications for the society, and encouraged the young audience to participate in scientific and medical research. 校長膺中國發明協會會士 Vice-Chancellor Conferred China Association of Inventions Fellowship 段崇智校長因其積極創新的精神,以及多項傑出發明對 社會福祉的貢獻,近日在廣東省佛山市舉行的第十屆國 際發明展覽會暨第三屆世界發明創新論壇上,獲選為中 國發明協會首屆會士,成為唯一獲此殊榮的香港學者。 段校長表示:「我很榮幸獲選為中國發明協會會士。我 希望憑藉科研上的創新發明,推動大學以至區內的創 新科技發展,協助人類解決當前面對的各種問題,造福 世界。」 Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan was elected as one of the first batch of China Association of Inventions (CAI) Fellows in recognition of his distinguished achievement in innovative inventions and his contributions to CAI. Professor Tuan, the only recipient of the fellowship from Hong Kong, was bestowed the honour at the CAI Fellow certificate presentation ceremony held in tandem with the 10th International Exhibition of Invention and the 3rd World Invention and Innovation Forum that recently took place in Foshan, Guangdong Province. Professor Tuan said, ‘I am honoured to be elected a CAI Fellow. I hope that my scientific and technological inventions can play a role in driving the development of technological innovation in CUHK and the region, and thus help to solve various problems we are facing and to benefit the world.’ 再次恭賀盧煜明教授! Congratulations Again, Prof. Dennis Lo! 醫學院盧煜明教授獲世界權威科學期刊《自然生物科 技》評為「2017年全球二十位頂尖轉化研究科學家」之 一,以表彰他於孕婦血漿發現胎兒DNA的創舉。盧教授 及其團隊研發的唐氏綜合症無創檢驗方法已被九十多個 國家採用,研究成果啟發了不少遺傳疾病的無創檢驗方 法。盧教授連續第二年獲此殊榮,亦是唯一獲選的香港 科學家。 Prof. Dennis Lo of the Faculty of Medicine was named one of the ‘Top 20 Translational Researchers of 2017’ by the world-renowned scientific journal Nature Biotechnology in recognition of his discovery of fetal DNA in maternal blood. The non-invasive prenatal test for Down Syndrome developed by Professor Lo and his team has now been adopted in over 90 countries. The research findings have laid the foundation for non- invasive prenatal diagnostic tests for multiple genetic diseases. Professor Lo has received this honour for two consecutive years and is the only Hong Kong scientist on the list. 划艇隊再報捷 Triumph at Intervarsity Rowing Championships 中大男子划艇隊於9月9日舉行的第三十二屆兩大划艇錦 標賽力挫香港大學隊,連續第三年勇奪這項比賽的冠軍 獎座。 The CUHK Men’s Rowing Team defeated the University of Hong Kong in the 32nd Intervarsity Rowing Championships on 9 September, and became the winner of the title for three consecutive years.
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