Newsletter No. 522
05 # 5 2 2 | 0 4 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 8 擁抱晚晴 All’s Well That Ends Well 人生在世,難免面對死亡,若能善終,或可紓緩晚晴病 人的忐忑。為幫助大眾和醫護人員應對社會老齡化問題 及提升晚晴照顧質素,中大賽馬會老年學研究所於8月 18日在康本國際學術園舉辦「晚晴照顧規劃」公眾教育 活動,參加者逾四百七十人。講座內容涵蓋與認知障礙症 患者訂立預設照顧計劃的技巧、應用《嚴重疾病對話指 南》與晚晴病人商談,以及晚期照顧的靈性關懷。參加者 隨後分組出席「應用《嚴重疾病對話指南》」講座、晚晴 照顧手冊製作班、從園藝說生死體驗班和晚期照顧的臨 床倫理工作坊,從中學習與晚晴病人同行。 Death is inevitable, but a good ending probably relieves the anxiety and frustration alongside. To help the public and the healthcare workers respond to the challenges in the ageing city and enhance end-of-life care, the CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing held a public event on End-of-Life Care education on 18 August at the Yasumoto International Academic Park. Over 470 attendees took part in the seminar, who benefited from topics on advance care planning for dementia patients, conversation with healthcare workers using Serious Illness Conversation Guide (SICG), and spiritual care at the end of life. After the seminar, they also joined interactive workshops on the application of SICG, advance care planning handbook making, reflection on life and death via horticultural therapy, and clinical ethics in end-of-life care. The knowledge and experience acquired have equipped them to walk an extra mile with patients at the end stage of their lives. 移植微生物減肥 Using Microbes to Lose Weight 醫學院成立亞洲首間「微生物移植及研究中心」,專研腸 道微生物群在人體發揮的作用,以訂立預防及治療疾病 的新策略。醫學院早年已成功透過移植健康人士糞便內 的微生物群治療多種腸道危疾,現正將其應用拓展至肥 胖、糖尿等疾病。初步研究發現,移植微生物群有助糖尿 病患者減輕體重,其中一名研究參加者六個月內體重下 降十二公斤。 The Faculty of Medicine has established Asia’s first microbiota transplantation and research centre to unravel the role of gut microbiota in human health, and to develop novel strategies for disease prevention and intervention. With successful experience in using gut microbes from the faeces of healthy people to cure others of fatal intestinal problems, experts from the Faculty are now studying whether the method can be applied to managing obesity and diabetes. A pilot study has shown that microbiota transplantation helps diabetics lose weight. The most substantial weight loss was 12 kg in six months. 加入環太平洋聯盟 Joining the Pacific Rim League 段崇智校長於6月24至26日於台北參加由國立臺灣大 學主辦的第二十二屆「環太平洋大學協會(APRU)」 校長會議。是次會議主題為「Our Digital Future in a Divided World」。段校長與超過一百名APRU成員大 學代表探討在瞬息萬變的數碼時代,大學如何推進創 新、消除隔膜、培育各種專才以迎接未來挑戰與機遇, 並介紹中大獨特的優勢及卓越的科研成就,也對日後與 APRU及其成員大學的合作表示振奮。 Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan took part in the 22nd Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Annual Presidents’ Meeting in Taipei from 24 to 26 June. Over 100 delegates from APRU member universities joined the meeting hosted by the National Taiwan University. Themed ‘Our Digital Future in a Divided World’, the meeting explored how universities will play a critical role in advancing innovation, bridging divides, and preparing a diverse workforce for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Professor Tuan shared the unique features and research strengths of CUHK and expressed excitement to engage with APRU and its member universities. 揭小腦萎縮之謎 Demystifying ‘Little Brain’ Deterioration 罕見的小腦萎縮症三型迄今尚無法可治。生命科學學院 陳浩然教授(左)及其研究團隊發現,該病成因與患者體 內Fuz蛋白出現異常、導致神經元死亡有關。陳教授指, 研究結果有助研發醫治小腦萎縮症的藥物,期望十年內 可推出。 Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 is a rare neuronal disorder that remains incurable. Prof. Edwin Chan (left) and his research team from the School of Life Sciences have discovered that the disease may be caused by faulty Fuz protein that leads to cell death in neurons. Professor Chan said the finding is conducive to the design of new drugs which are expected to be rolled out in 10 years. 推廣香港高等教育 Promoting Hong Kong’s Higher Education 5月下旬,八所本地資助大學在美國費城的NAFSA高等 教育會議及展覽期間,舉行了一場午餐會。協理副校長 王淑英教授代表八大向近三百名來自世界各地的國際教 育專業人員簡述香港高等院校推動國際化的成就,並介 紹與香港院校的教研合作機會。此外,王教授亦主持了一 場以「讓國際學生融入校園」為主題的座談會,邀請來自 加拿大、香港及日本的專家分享心得。 Associate Vice-President Prof. Wong Suk-ying represented eight UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong to host a luncheon for some 300 international education professionals from around the world during the NAFSA 2018 Annual Conference & Expo held in Philadelphia at the end of May. Professor Wong spoke of the internationalization efforts devoted by Hong Kong and its universities, and unique opportunities on offer for collaboration in teaching and research. She also chaired a session on best practices for integrating international students on campus, and drew experience from Canadian, Hong Kong and Japanese experts. 透視人工智能的未來 Shedding Light on the Future of AI 中大(深圳)與清華 —伯克利深圳學院於7月30至31日 合辦「機器學習與工業智能國際論壇」,邀得中外頂尖學 者雲集南山智園,就工業智能、智能製造、智能操作和控 制、工業物聯網、機器學習等領域深入交流。論壇吸引來 自華為、騰訊、上海證券等知名企業人士出席,以及清華 大學、香港中文大學、史丹福大學、浙江大學、廈門大學 等高校師生的參與。 CUHK (SZ) and the Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute jointly held the Workshop on Machine Learning for Industrial Intelligence from 30 to 31 July, gathering top scholars from across the world in Nanshan Smart Park to have in-depth discussions on industrial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent operation and control, industrial Internet of Things and machine learning. The forum attracted business people from well-known corporations like Huawei, Tencent and Shanghai Securities, as well as the participation of teachers and students from Tsinghua University, CUHK, Stanford University, Zhejiang University and Xiamen University.
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