Newsletter No. 316
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 中大成立國家級實驗室改良稻 State Key Laboratory Set Up at CUHK to Improve Production 大 米是亞洲許多地區民眾的主要 糧食,目前稻米產量已趨極限, 加上全球暖化,令情況雪上加霜。以農 立國的中國,是稻米主要產地之一,因 此,面對稻米供應不足,如何改良水稻 品種、提升產量、增加營養成分,是中國 科學家的當務之急。中大的科研人員對 這個課題素有研究。最近,中大更獲國 家科學技術部批准,成立農業生物技術 國家重點實驗室(香港中文大學)。 這個國家級科研單位位處香港,既可借 助香港旳環球網絡、國際科研人才和管 理制度,又能利用內地的龐大經濟力量、 優秀的科研隊伍和豐富的天然資源。研 究人員將結合現代生物科技與農民及育 種家的傳統智慧,開發新技術,提升中國 的農業技術和生產力,培養科研人才。 實驗室由生物學講座教授辛世文主持。 身兼中國工程院院士的辛教授,是應用 生物技術改良農作物的先驅。他認為, 成立國家級實驗室,「代表中大在農業 生物技術研究領域所付出的努力及其卓 越成就,得到國家充分認同和肯定。能 夠與優秀的中國農業大學結為夥伴,雙 方必能起互補作用,發揮最大優勢。」 農業生物技術國家重點實驗室(香港中 文大學)是繼2006年成立的華南腫瘤學 國家重點實驗室(香港中文大學)後,中 大第二個國家重點實驗室。 R ice is a staple food of many Asian populations. However the present rice yield has reached its limit and the matter is worsened by global warming. China being a major rice-producing nation, it is imperative that Chinese scientists find ways to improve rice species, increase yield, and enhance nutritive value, in the face of a rice shortage. Researchers from CUHK have been making contributions in these areas and recently, the University obtained the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China to set up the State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology (CUHK). Strategically located in Hong Kong, the laboratory will tap Hong Kong’s advantages in global networking, international human resources and modern management, as well as the mainland’s strengths in economy, research capacity and natural resources. By combining the traditional wisdom of farmers and breeders, and modern biotechnology, its researchers will up- scale China’s agricultural technology, increase agricultural productivity, and groom talent. The laboratory is directed by Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a pioneer in the application of biotechnology to crop improvement. Prof. Sun said, ‘This is an eloquent testimony to the fact that our efforts and achievements in agrobiotechnology are acknowledged and recognized by the country. By teaming up with the prestigious China Agricultural University, we can 聯合「雙城記」研討會 UC Conference ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ 聯 合 書 院 二 零零八年度 周年研討會「雙城 記—香港與澳門 的發展比較」於三 月七日舉行,近二百 師生、校友及嘉賓 出席。講者包括( 左 起 )澳門基金會行 政委員會委員吳志 良博士、香港展覽 會議業協會常務副 會長張偉雄先生、澳門特別行政區立法會議員吳國昌先生,以及前香港歷史博 物館總館長、中大歷史系名譽高級研究員丁新豹博士。 T he 2008 Annual Workshop of United College, titled ‘A Tale of Two Cities: Developments of Hong Kong and Macau Compared’ was held on 7 March. The workshop was attended by about 200 guests, staff and students of the College. Speakers of the workshop included ( from left ) Dr. Wu Zhiliang, member of the Macau Foundation, Macau SAR; Mr. Daniel Cheung, executive vice- chairman, Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Industry Association; Mr. Ng Kwok-cheong, member of the Legislative Assembly, Macau SAR and Dr. Joseph Ting Sun-pao, former chief curator, Hong Kong Museum of History and honorary senior research fellow, Department of History, CUHK. 農業生物技術國家重點實驗室(香港中文大學)主要科研人員,左一為實驗室主任辛世文教授 Core researchers of the State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) and director, Prof. Samuel Sun sai-ming (1st left) 工程學院率中學師生境外交流 Engineering Faculty Joins International Science Fair 參觀者對學生的作品甚感興趣 The students’designs interested the visitors 工 程學院機械人及科技教育中心每 年均為中小學生舉辦互聯網機械 人比賽和工作坊,今年4月5日至8日更首 次率領逾百中學師生到境外觀摩,參加 在深圳舉行的第二屆中國國際科學生活 博覽會,與內地學生交流科技知識。 大會以「科技讓生活更美好」為主題, 其中「科學普及和創新科技」展區的重 點活動是「深港青少年科技創新作品聯 展」,以及「長城電腦杯.深港青少年互 聯網機器人足球友誼賽」。 在中心的領導和組織下,香港學生共有 超過150件機器人創意作品參展。至於機 器人足球友誼賽,深港各有20和12支機器 人隊伍參加,兩支港隊分奪亞軍及季軍。 T he Centre for Robotics and Technology Education of the CUHK Faculty of Engineering, which organizes Internet robotic competitions and workshops for primary and secondary schools every year, led over 100 secondary teachers and students to take part in the 2nd China International Science and Living Fair held from 5 to 8 April at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center. The aim of the trip was to conduct scientific and technological exchange with the mainland students. The fair themed ‘Science betters lives’ consisted of different exhibition zones. Features of the zone Scientific Popularization and Innovative Technology included an exhibition of innovations by youngsters from Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and Internet robot football matches. Over 150 innovative designs by Hong Kong secondary students were shown. Twenty Shenzhen teams and 12 Hong Kong teams competed in the football matches and Hong Kong won second and third places. complement each other and maximize our respective strengths for the best results.’ The State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) is the second state key laboratory at the University following the establishment of the State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China (CUHK) in 2006.
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