Newsletter No. 3
CUHK Newsletter Si u- l i en Ling Wong Vi s i t i ng Fel low 1989/90 Professor Ma rk O.M. Tso, a renowned o p h t h a l mo l o g i st f r om U.S.A., visited Chung Chi College as the Siu-lien L i ng Wong V i s i t i ng Fellow for 1989/90 from 4th to 22nd January, 1990. The Siu-lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow programme was established in 1982 by Chung Chi College to p r omo te c u l t u r al and academic exchange, to broaden the horizons of staff and students and to enrich college life. Professor Tso was raised and educated i n Hong Ko n g. A f t er graduating from the University of Hong Kong, he went to the States to receive further training and is now one of the world's top ophthalmic pathologists. His contribution to the understanding of the retina has won international acclaim and he was presented the Friedenwald Award, the most pretigious award in vision research, by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology last year. During his visit, Professor Tso participated in Chung Chi's Annual Educational Conference on ‘Life and the Medical Sciences'. He also gave public lectures and took part in many other college activities to share his findings and experience with the staff and students of Chung Chi College. Services to the Community and International Organizations • M r s . Grace Chow, administrative director of student affairs, has been invited to serve on the 1989-90 Scholarship Selection Panel by Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council. Mrs. Chow has also been invited to serve on the panel of advisers for the setting up of a Self-Help Resources Centre by the Women's Centre of the Hong Kong Council of Women. Mrs. Chow has also been re-appointed chairman of the Review Sub-Committee of the Joint Committee on Student Finance for the academic year 1989-1990 and Chairman of the Working Party on the Student Expenditure Survey of the five UPGC funded institutions. • Mr. Terence Chan, deputy bursar, has been elected a member of the Executive Committee of the Road Safety Association for a term of two years from 1989 to 1991. • Prof. Patrick C.P. Ho, professor of surgery, has been re-appointed a member of the Drugs Evaluation Committee of the Optometry Board for a term of two years from 13th January 1990. • Prof. C.N. Chen, head of Shaw College and professor of psychiatry, has been invited to serve as an external examiner for a Doctor of Medicine candidate at the National University of Singapore. • Dr. Wong Yue-chim, senior lecturer in economics, has been invited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to be a member of the Prize Committee for the A l f r ed Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to nominate candidates for the Prize in 1990. • Dr. C.W.K. Lam, senior lecturer in chemical pathology, has been elected President of the Hong Kong Society of Clinical Chemistry for a term of two years from 6th January. 1990. • Dr. Edmund K. Li, lecturer in medicine, has recently been elected a Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP). • Mr. Fung Ho Lup, lecturer in social work, has been elected Honorary Secretary of the Board of the Society for Community Organization for a term of one year from 1st November 1989. • Prof. Joseph C. K. Lee, Professor of anatomical & cellular pathology, has been nominated to represent the University on the Government's Advisory Council on AIDS. • Prof. Y. W. Lam, dean of science and professor of electronic engineering, has been invited by the Government to represent the University on the Electronics Committee of the Industry Development Board for a termof one year from 1st January, 1990. • Dr. Winston Liang, director of the office of industrial and business development, has been invited by the Government to serve as a member of the Industrial Technology Committee of the Industry Development Board for a term of one year from 1st January, 1990. 5
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