Newsletter No. 543

大學宣布委任下任常務副校長 Provost-designate Announced 陳金樑教授將於2020年1月就任常務副校長,接 替於本年底卸任的華雲生教授。他將與校長段崇智 教授緊密合作,籌劃大學未來的教研計劃、領導 有關計劃的執行及評估,並加強發展學術與應用 研究,也會領導大學延聘和培養教研人員,制定 教研的資源分配方案。 陳教授現任新加坡南洋理工大學文學院講座教授 及副校長,負責統籌校友事務、大學發展和國際 關係。他曾在北美、亞洲和大中華區多所院校擔任訪問教授與學人,深入了解全球高 等教育界。段校長認為陳教授學術成就傑出,大學領導及管理經驗豐富,相信能為大 學注入新動力。他也感謝華教授在其十年任期內竭力盡忠,為中大貢獻良多。 Prof. Chan Kam-leung, Alan was appointed the new Provost with effect from January 2020, succeeding Prof. Benjamin W. Wah who will complete his term at the end of this year. Professor Chan will work closely with CUHK’s Vice-Chancellor and President Prof. Rocky S. Tuan in proposing the University’s future teaching and research plan, leading its implementation and evaluation, as well as strengthening the development of scholarly and applied research. He will provide leadership in academic staff recruitment and development, and will be responsible for formulating resource allocation plans for the academic enterprise. Professor Chan is Toh Puan Mahani Idris Daim Chair Professor of Humanities and Vice President at the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, who is responsible for alumni engagement, university advancement and international relations. He has held visiting professorships and fellowships in North America, Asia and Greater China, through which he has developed a broad understanding and experience of the higher education sector in a global context. Professor Tuan believes that Professor Chan will energize CUHK with his outstanding academic performance and rich leadership and administrative experience. Professor Tuan also expressed gratitude to Professor Wah for his dedicated service and significant contributions to CUHK over the last decade. 揚威亞太機械人大賽 Student Robotics Team Crowned Asia-Pacific Champion 工程學院機械人團隊「工無不克」於8月 25日遠赴蒙古,出戰雲集十六個國家及地 區合共十七支大專院校隊伍的「亞太廣播 聯盟機械人大賽」,以全勝姿態擊敗多國 強隊,贏得金牌獎座,是該比賽自2002年 創辦以來首支贏得冠軍的香港隊伍。 中大機械人團隊隊長、機械與自動化工程 學系畢業生葉俊華已先後兩次帶領師弟妹 出戰亞太區大賽,對奪冠感到喜出望外。 他表示:「我們在漫長的設計和測試過程 經歷多番測試挫敗及意見分歧,但隊友們 仍不眠不休、全力以赴調整機械人的速度 和穩定性。」工程學院院長黃定發教授認 為這是學生對機械工程設計努力不懈的 成果,更是對香港達到世界級教育水平的 肯定。 The Engineering student robotics team Phantom Dancer was crowned champion in the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union Asia-Pacific Robot Contest which comprised 17 regional-winning teams from 16 countries and territories and was held in Mongolia on 25 August. Phantom Dancer is the first Hong Kong team to win this international trophy since the game began in 2002. Billy Yip, an alumnus of CUHK’s Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, is the team leader who has twice led the CUHK team to compete in the contest. He was amazed by the team’s performance this year. He said, ‘There were times when we had setbacks and divided views, but we worked day and night to boost the robots’ speed and performance.’ Dean of Engineering Prof. Martin Wong believes the result is about the student team’s hard work paying off and Hong Kong’s world-class education getting recognized. 宣 布 事 項 / A nnouncements 榮休教授 Emeritus Professor 法律學院Christopher Hugh Wylie Gane教授獲頒榮休教授名銜, 由2019年9月30日起生效。 Prof. Christopher Hugh Wylie Gane of the Faculty of Law has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor with effect from 30 September 2019. 傑出校友訪問計劃 2019 Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme 2019 「傑出校友訪問計劃2019」將於10月3至5日在中大校園舉行。今年邀得香港金融管理局總裁 陳德霖校友(76崇基社會學)於9月底退休後,回到校園擔任到訪傑出校友,出席多場活動,與 中大師生及校友互動: The Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme 2019 will be held in October on CUHK campus. Alumnus Norman Chan Tak-lam (1976/Chung Chi/Sociology), Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, will be the visiting distinguished alumnus for this year, after his retirement at the end of September. He will visit CUHK from 3 to 5 October for a series of interactive activities with students, staff and alumni: 日期 Date 時間 Time 活動 Event 3.10.2019 5:00pm | 6:30pm 開幕典禮暨專題演講「人生交叉點」 Opening Ceremony cum Keynote Speech — ‘Crossroads in Life’ 廣東話 Cantonese 4.10.2019 10:30am | 11:30am 大師班「FinTech對金融產業的革新和挑戰」 Master Class:‘FinTech — the Innovation and Challenges on the Financial Sector’ 英語 English 3:00pm | 4:00pm 師生校友籃球友誼賽 Basketball Friendly Match with Staff, Students and Alumni 廣東話 Cantonese 6:30pm | 8:00pm 商業管理講座系列Business Lecture Series: It Works for Me: Life Lessons from Norman Chan 英語 English 5.10.2019 11:00am | 12:30pm 專題演講「香港的國際金融中心角色和前瞻」暨閉幕禮 Keynote Speech —‘Hong Kong: International Financial Centre and Future Prospects’cum Closing Ceremony 廣東話 Cantonese 網上報名 Register online: 到 任 同 仁 / N ewly O nboard 07 # 5 4 3 | 1 9 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 9 Information in this section can only be  accessed with CWEM password .  若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。