Newsletter No. 543

新 學年伊始,中大校園迎來近四千名本科新生,當 中包括近六百二十名非本地生,另外約有五百名 本地生經非聯招計劃錄取。他們在國際或當地認 可考試中成績優異,如IB、SAT、GCE A-Level、台灣學測 等。多名在IB考獲43分至45滿分或在GCE A-Level考獲 3A*至5A*的學生入讀環球商業學、醫學、生物醫學及生物 醫學工程學等課程。 非本地生除來自內地、澳門及台灣外,還有孟加拉、加拿 大、丹麥、埃及、法國、德國、印度、印尼、哈薩克斯坦、吉 爾吉斯坦、馬來西亞、新西蘭、巴基斯坦、菲律賓、波蘭、 葡萄牙、新加坡、南韓、斯里蘭卡、泰國、土耳其、土庫曼 斯坦、英國、美國、越南等三十三個國家及地區。今年首次 有來自智利、以色列、牙買加、約旦、墨西哥、緬甸、突尼 斯及烏克蘭的學生入讀中大本科課程。 此外,中大透過內地「全國統一招生計劃」,在內地三十 一個省市及自治區錄取了三百零九名優秀的內地高考生, 他們來自五湖四海,遠至東北面的黑龍江省佳木斯市、西 北面新疆的哈密市等地。考生中有二十一名屬於農村類 別,另有十四名少數民族學生,例如回族、壯族、布依族、 滿族、侗族、苗族及納西族。學生的文化和背景各異,豐富 了校園的文化面貌。 T he University welcomed about 4,000 freshmen to its campus for the new academic year. Over 500 local talents and around 620 non-local students have been admitted through the Non-JUPAS admissions scheme. All of them have achieved outstanding results in internationally/locally recognized examinations including IB, SAT, GCE A-Level and Taiwan GSAT. Many of these students are top scorers attaining from 43 to a full score of 45 in the IB examination or from 3A* to 5A* in the GCE A-Level examination. They are admitted to Global Business Studies, Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering programmes. Among the non-locals, besides those recruited from mainland China, Macau and Taiwan, students hail from 33 other countries and regions including Bangladesh, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenia, the UK, the US and Vietnam. For the first time, students from Chile, Israel, Jamaica, Jordan, Mexico, Myanmar, Tunisia and Ukraine are admitted to CUHK’s undergraduate programmes. Through the National Unified Universities and Colleges Entrance Examination System, CUHK has admitted 309 undergraduate students from 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of mainland China. Some of them are from more distant places such as the cities of Jiamusi in Heilongjiang and Hami in Xinjiang. Among them are 21 students from rural households and 14 ethnic minority students, enriching the multicultural learning environment on campus. Reported by J. Lau with information from OAFA 林瑋韜 Lam Wai-to Keith 何勁敏 He Jinmin Sven Zajonz Thiha Kuang Sett Aditi Singh 於IB以43分佳績入讀數學精研課程的瑋韜曾自修附加數學、完成網上數學理論及天體物理學課 程,並參加海外大學的暑期課程,為數理知識奠下穩固的根基,冀能盡己所能,活用數學理論推 動香港科研發展。 來自雲南的勁敏是國家二級網球運動員,她欣賞中大美麗的校園環境和獨特的書院制度,認為 大學的通識教育與體育課有助學生的全人發展。她喜歡閱讀和思考,善於與人溝通,故選擇法 律學院,盼成為跨國律師。 Sven感激中大向他頒發為德國學生而設的獎學金。他曾於中學時來港交流一年,欣賞香港融合多 元文化。他入讀經濟系,相信中大有優質的學習環境,讓他學習中國文化及語言,亦會參加各類活 動及學會認識朋友,發展潛能。 來自緬甸的Thiha入讀會計學,獲香港特區政府頒發「一帶一路獎學金─緬甸」,喜歡解決數學問 題,愛鍛鍊分析力及邏輯思維,曾積極參與各項國際數學比賽。他期望與頂尖學生交流切磋,並立 志從商,為緬甸和中國貫通文化交流。 Aditi在印度公開試成績優異,入讀全港首辦的人工智能:系統與科技課程,她感到中大人非常友 善,相信書院制有助她結識不同學科的同學。她熱切期待展開大學生活,拓展視野,冀畢業後投 身科研。 Admitted to the Enrichment Mathematics programme with an outstanding IB score of 43, Keith has self-studied additional mathematics, completed online courses on mathematics theories and astrophysics, and enrolled in overseas summer classes to build a solid foundation in mathematics and science subjects. He hopes to contribute to Hong Kong’s technological research by applying theories into practice. Jinmin comes from Yunnan and is a national second-level tennis athlete. She appreciates the campus environment and the college system of CUHK, and looks forward to broadening her horizons through both general and physical education. She chose to study law given her strong interests in reading, thinking and communicating with people. She sets her sights on being a multinational lawyer. Sven is grateful for CUHK’s tuition scholarship designated for German students. He had been in Hong Kong for an exchange programme during high school. He has made economics his major and believes CUHK will be an ideal place for learning Chinese language and culture. He cannot wait to meet new friends and explore his potential through joining extra-curricular activities and clubs/societies. Thiha from Myanmar, a recipient of the HKSAR Government’s Hong Kong Scholarship for ‘Belt and Road’ Students (Myanmar), gets into the Professional Accountancy programme. With a passion in mathematics, he has taken part in many international mathematics contests and strives to nurture his analytical and logical thinking. He hopes to exchange ideas with other top students and learn from them. He aspires to become a social entrepreneur to facilitate cultural exchanges between Myanmar and China. As a top scorer in India, Aditi is admitted to the Artificial Intelligence: System and Technologies programme, the first of its kind among local institutions. She finds the CUHK community amiable. Its unique college system gives her opportunities to make friends with students from other majors. She looks forward to a new chapter at CUHK, with an aim to achieve great heights and to become a leader in research and technology field in the future. 本地生 Local Student 非本地生 Non-local Students 06 # 5 4 3 | 1 9 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 9