Newsletter No. 121
4 No. 121 19th February 1998 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 建築處重組 Reorganization of the Buildings Office 大學建築處將於一九九八年四月一日起,重組爲兩個獨立部門:校園發展處及物 業管理處。 校園發展處負責策劃大學校園的發展,監察所有基建、改建、加建及修葺工程的 進度和質素,並就校園規劃與發展事宜與政府及大學教育資助委員會聯絡。 物業管理處則負責監管大學建築物及園地之維修和保養,以及物業設施的日常運 作,包括工程服務、潔淨、搬運、庭園佈置及園藝工作。 兩部門各設主任一職。校園發展處將由現任建築處主任陳尹璇先生出長,下設副 主任,由林泗維先生擔任。林先生將於二月廿三日履新,之前爲何弢建築設計有限公 司的合伙人/董事。 物業管理處將由候任主任譚必成先生出長。譚先生原爲香港上海大酒店的項目經 理(物業服務、集團發展及技術服務部),已於一月十九日到校履職。 現時陳尹璇先生繼續掌領建築處,惟有關物業管理的工作將陸續移交譚先生。待 重組工作於四月完成後,校園發展處和物業管理處將會公布主要職員名單及聯絡電 話。 From 1st April 1998, the Buildings Office will be reorganized into two independent offices: the Campus Development Office (CDO) and the Estates Management Office (EMO). The CDO will oversee the development of the University campus and monitor the progress and quality of all capital and alteration/addition/improvement works. It will also be responsible for liaising with the government and the University Grants Committee with regard to campus planning and development. The EMO will supervise the repair and maintenance of the buildings and grounds of the University, and the operation of its physical plant, including engineering services, scavenging, cleaning, removal services, landscaping, and gardening. Each office will be headed by a director. Mr. Vincent Chen, current director of the Buildings Office, will be appointed director of the CDO. He will be assisted by a deputy director, Mr. David S.W. Lim, previously partner/director of Taoho Design Architects Ltd. Mr. Lim will assume duty on 23rd February 1998. The EMO will be headed by Mr. Benny P.S. Tam, currently director designate of the EMO. Mr. Tam was previously Project Manager (Building Services, Group Development and Technical Services Division) of Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd. He assumed duty on 19th January 1998 and will be formally appointed director of EMO on 1st April 1998. From now to April, Mr. Vincent Chen will continue to head the Buildings Office and refer all estates-management-related tasks to Mr. Benny Tam. Once the reorganization is complete, the staff lists of both the CDO and the EMO and the relevant telephone extensions will be announced. 教職員進修資助計劃 Staff Development Grants (一)英聯邦大學協會發展獎學金(九八至九九年度) 該獎學金特爲發展人力資源而設,資助獲選者前往英聯邦一所大學,或工商/公 共機構硏習,以六個月爲限。該計劃專爲具備優越才能及發展潛質之人士而設,惟學 位或其他深造課程則不在資助之列。申請人須介乎廿八至五十歲。資助類別爲 Titular Fellowships, 最高資助額爲五千英鎊。 (二)泰晤士報高等敎育副刊交流資助計劃(九八年度) 該計劃旨在促進各發展中之英聯邦國家大學之間的學術交流,最高資助額爲三千 英鎊。交流計劃分四類: (甲)選派教職員前往發展中英聯邦國家之大學實習或訓練,增加其工作經驗; (乙)選派教職員前往發展中英聯邦國家進行短期實地考察,提高其專業水平; (丙)資助發展中國家各大學的教職員交換計劃,以促進地區發展;或 (丁)選派畢業生前往發展中英聯邦國家之大學進行硏究或訓練,以促進地區發 展。 有關資料已送交各學院及部門,有意申請者請與學院院長或部門主管聯絡。校內 截止申請日期爲一九九八年四月十六日。查詢請致電人事處(內線七一九一或七二八 八)。 The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) invites applications from staff members of the University for the following fellowships: 1. ACU Development Fellowships 1998-99 With an aim to develop human resources, the fellowship will sponsor attachment for up to six months to a university or the industry/commerce/public sector in any Commonwealth country. The programme has been devised for people of proven quality at a crucial stage of their career development. Degree courses or postdoctoral programmes will not be supported. The fellowships will be in the form of titular fellowships. Applicants should be university staff of proven high quality aged between 28 and 50 years. The award may be worth up to £ 5,000 to cover the cheapest return airfare, medical and travel insurance, board and lodging, local transportation, and fees for formal training programmes. 2. Times Higher Education Supplement Exchange Fellowship 1998 The fellowship is intended to support visits from one country of the Commonwealth, or previously of the Commonwealth, to another for any of the following purposes: (a) attachment of university staff, academic or administrative, to other universities to enhance training and experience, (b) short study tours to other universities for the purposes of professional development, (c) exchanges of staff between universities to further a specific development objective, or (d) the attachment to another university of a graduate for research projects or training programmes with a developmental objective. The fellowship is normally tenable for up to three months and in general covers cost of an economy class air ticket and a subsistance allowance not exceeding £ 3,000 in total. Staffmembers interested in applying for the above fellowships may consult their faculty deans/unit heads, who should have received details about these programmes. Further enquires may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191/7288). The internal deadline for application is 16th April 1998. 圖書館新服務 New Services of the University Library 文獻傳遞 大學圖書館系統已將館際互借服務擴展至全面的文獻傳遞服務,向讀者提供: •大學圖書館系統庋藏期刊的文章副本; •大學圖書館系統訂購的電子期刊及電子全文資料庫的文章副本; •非館藏期刊的文章副本和書籍借閱。 申請方法 教硏人員及硏究生可塡表或透過電子郵遞向館方申請文獻。若所需文獻不存於香 港,申請者須指明可從何處取得文獻,以及願意負擔的費用上限。申請方法與館際互 借的相同。 收費 文 獻傳遞 服務的費用可經由申請者私人或其硏究帳戶支付;若由學系支付,則須 由有關系主任簽核。 系主任可設立或指定某一電子郵箱供系內教硏人員申請文獻傳遞服務,經該電子 郵箱向大學圖書館館際互借部申請文獻的費用,概由該系支付。 文獻傳遞服務的收費如下: 來自大學圖書館庋藏 每件 文獻港 幣十元 來自大學教育資助委員會轄下的大學 每一頁 A4 紙港幣三角(或將調整) 其他來源 提供者的收費,另加郵遞費用 員生可向圖書館讀者服務部主管吳余佩嫻女士(內線七三一三),或館際互借負責 人梁有貞女士(內線八七四一)查詢詳情。 考試試題資料庫 考試試題資料庫由大 學圖書 館及教務處合作編製,提供方便快捷的方法查 閱舊試 卷,並可供多人同時使用。資料庫收錄本校自一九九五年以來的統一考試試卷。 讀者只可在本校圖書館內查閱該資料庫,方法爲以科目編號、科目名稱、修讀課 程或年份尋找所需之試卷。 Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery The University Library System has extended its interlibrary loan service to include a full- fledged document delivery service for teaching staff and graduate students. The service covers photocopies of periodical articles housed in the different ULS libraries on campus, article print-outs from electronic journals or full-image databases, and periodical articles and books from external sources that are unavailable at ULS libraries. Teaching staff and graduate students may place requests by completing a request form or through e-mail. They should also specify if they would like to have the documents delivered from overseas if they are unavailable in Hong Kong. Delivery costs are HK$ 10/request for documents from the ULS collection, and HK$0.3/ A4 sheet (currently under review) for those from UGC-funded institutions. The cost of delivering documents from overseas sources is the postage plus the delivery cost as determined by the supplier. Fees may be paid by the requesting party, or charged to research or departmental accounts, with the endorsement of the unit heads concerned. Department heads may also create or designate an e-mailbox through which their staff can send requests to the Interlending Section of the ULS, with the understanding that all costs incurred are to be borne by the department. Enquiries may be directed to Mrs. MelizaNg, head of the ULS Public Services Division, at Ext. 7313, or Miss Y.C. Leung, head of the Interlending Section, at Ext. 8741. Examination Papers Database An initiative of the ULS and the Registry, the purpose for the database is to provide fast, easy, and multiple access to past examination papers of the University. It includes papers of the centralized course exams from 1995 and is accessible through terminals in the main and branch libraries. The papers are searchable by course code, course title, programme of studies, and year set.
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