Newsletter No. 160
4 No. 160 4th March 2000 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes 財務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資基金於二零零零年一月之回報如下: From the Bursary: The monthly returns for January 2000 in the Designated Investment Fund of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: 二零零零年一月 January 2000 基 金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指摽回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -5.20% -4.04% -4.84% 平衡 Balanced 4.84% -4.76% -4.15% 穩定 Stable -3.54% -2.68% -3.17% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.59% (年息 Annualized 6.34%) 0.56% (年息 Annualized 6.05%) 0.35% (年息 Annualized 4.13%) 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit 0.61% (年息 Annualized 5.88%) 0.58% (年息 Annualized 5.85%) 0.43% (年息 Annualized 4.99%) 附註:由 1995 計劃之增長、平衡及穩定基金共同持有之商業樓宇,每年十二月底由獨立 測計師重新估值,其增幅或減幅則於翌年一月份平均攤分列入上述三項基金之內。由於商 業樓宇市道仍然疲弱,該物業於一九九九年十二月之估值錄得百分之六點一之跌幅。 Note: The 1995 Scheme Growth, Balanced and Stable funds own, as part of their assets and in equal share, a commercial property which is subject to an annual revaluation by independent surveyors at the end of December each year. The profit or loss arising from such revaluation is accounted for in January of the following year and is shared equally by the three funds. The revaluation as at 31st December 1999 has resulted in a loss of 6.1 per cent of the property value, which is in line with the condition of the current commercial property market. 新千禧中大校友日 校友事務處和中大校友會聯會將於本月十二日在校園合辦「新千禧中大校友日」,節 目包括院際校友聚餐,體育競技項目,攤位遊戲,大學出版社書展,大學紀念品銷售等。 大會特為校友子女設立兒童樂園和兒童網球訓練班,壓軸節目為專車環遊校園,介紹中大 最新設施。 查詢請聯絡校友事務處(電話二六零九七八七三;傳真二六零三六二二六;電郵 ) , h t t p : / / w w w . a l u m n i . c u h k . e d u . h k 。 青光眼檢査 青光眼是眼球內的壓力不正常,引致視覺神經受損。青光眼可分為急性、慢性、繼發 性及先天性,年紀越大,患慢性青光眼的機會越高;年逾四十歲者,有百分之一會患病。 保健處和眼科及視覺科學學系本月會為中大員生免費檢查,以及早發現,從速醫治。 有意者請致電保健處健康教育組(內線六四二八)預約。 禮券 Gift Certificates/Vouchers for Bidding 校方最近收到由帝都酒店送出之西武禮券共九份,每份面額總值一千港元,有效期至 二零零三年一月二十三日;另先施禮券兩張,每張面額一千港元,隨時通用。 中大同人可以投標方式購買上述禮券。有意者請致電商務組曹小姐(內線七八八七) 索取表格,填妥後密封寄往富爾敦樓地下商務組投標箱,截止日期為二零零零年三月十四 日中午十二時正。投標結果將於二零零零年三月底直接通知各投標者,所有收入將撥歸大 學。 The University has been given nine sets of Seibu gift certificates, with face value of $1,000 per set, and two Sincere gift vouchers with face value of $1,000 each, by the Royal Park Hotel under a business incentive scheme. The Seibu gift certificates are valid until 23rd January 2003, and the Sincere gift vouchers have no validity deadlines. Members of staff are welcome to bid for these certificates/vouchers by completing an application form available from the Business Office and returning it in an envelope to the Tender Box, Business Office, G01, John Fulton Centre, before noon on 14th March 2000. The result of the bidding will be released before the end of March 2000. The proceeds will go to the University. Enquiries can be directed to Ms. Jacqueling Cho of the Business Office at Ext. 7887. 中國歷代璽印藝術展覽 The Art of Chinese Seals Through the Ages Exhibition 璽印是古代人在交往過程中使用的一種憑證信物。 中國古代璽印內容豐富,形式多樣,用途各異,不僅是社 會生活中的實用品,也是具有很高欣賞價值的藝術品。 文物館與浙江省博物館將於本月十日至五月七日在 中大合辦「中國歷代璽印藝術」展覽,展出兩館珍藏歷代 璽印共五百方,歡迎參觀。 展品年代從戰國到清末,橫跨二千餘年。質料以 銅、石為主,也有金、銀 、玉、 瑪瑙、綠松石 、骨 、瓷 等。用途方面,官印、私印、肖形印、花押、閒章俱備。 印形以方形佔多數,其次為長方形、圓形、橢圓形,也有 少數葫蘆形、心形、連珠形或不規則形。鈕式包括鼻鈕、 瓦鈕、壇鈕、橋鈕、亭鈕、柱鈕、覆斗鈕、橛鈕及龜、 蛇、龍、鳳、馬 、牛、羊 、駝、獅、虎、兔、魚等動物形 鈕和穿帶印。印文方面,既有大篆、小篆、鳥蟲篆、九疊篆,也有楷書、巴蜀符號和西 夏、八思巴文字。此外,亦有明清流派石印,包括「西泠八家」、徐三庚、趙之謙、吳昌 壽如金石佳且好兮(趙之謙) 碩諸大師的佳作。這些展品從各方面展示了中國古代璽印藝術源遠流長的歷史和光輝燦爛 的成就。 為配合展覽,文物館特別出版圖文並茂的展覽圖錄,並召開「中國古璽印學國際研討 會」,邀請兩岸三地,以及日本和以色列的學者探討中國古璽印學各方面的問題,以促進 有關研究的廣度和深度。研討會訂於三月九至十一日假大學行政樓祖堯堂舉行,由鄭德坤 教授伉儷中國藝術考古學術基金贊助。查詢請電內線七四一六或七三七三。歡迎出席。 In ancient China, seals were used as evidence of promise, agreement, or trust. In its long history of development, seals have been tools for exercising authority as well as objects of art. Five hundred seals will be on display in this exhibition jointly organized by the Zhejiang Provincial Museum in Hangzhou and the Art Museum of The Chinese University from 10th March to 7th May in the West Wing Galleries of the Art Museum. Seals, especially ancient ones, have high academic value because they give first-hand information for the study of official hierarchy, history, geography, family pedigree, and tribal relationships. Seals are also objects of art blending Chinese calligraphy, carving, and metal casting. From the Ming Dynasty, seal carving has been regarded as an independent art form, competing directly with traditional Chinese calligraphy. Exhibits in this exhibition date from the Warring States period (475BC—221BC) to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), and include official seals, private seals, pictographic seals, and signature seals. The great variety in shape, material, and script demonstrates the development and status of the art of seal carving in China throughout two millennia. To coincide with the exhibition, a fully illustrated catalogue will be published, and a three- day international symposium with about 20 speakers will be held from 9th to 11th March at Cho Yiu Conference Hall. European Intercultural Week The European Intercultural Week: Europe in Hong Kong in the New Millennium will be hosted from 20th to 24th March 2000 at the University by the Department of Modem Languages and Intercultural Studies in collaboration with the European consulates in Hong Kong and the European Union Working Party on Culture. Activities will be open to the public. Events featured will include a round-table seminar by European consul-generals, career talks by European companies in Hong Kong, film shows, and exhibitions of European fashion, cosmetics, cuisine, and wine. Please contact Dr. Thomas Luk at Ext. 7015 for details such as the times and venues of the different events. CSC/ITSU Seminars on Technology for Teaching and Learning To provide teaching staff with a better understanding of the teaching and learning technology currently provided by the Computer Services Centre/Information Technology Service Unit (CSC/ ITSU), a series of workshops have been organized from March to April 2000. In addition, three sharing sessions will be given by teachers who use IT in their teaching. Participants are welcome to discuss with the guest speakers in the subsequent Q&A sessions. 7. Computing Fundamentals for Teaching 8th March, 12.15p.m.—1p.m. Sharing session by Mr. George Jor, English Language Teaching Unit Mr. Jor will lead an informal sharing session on the practical issues of teaching using ICT. He has been teaching English using computer networks, the Internet, and the Web since 1993. He will raise critical questions about the core issues, potential benefits and challenges, and practical considerations of using ICT for teaching at university level. He will give a quick demo and some students will give a short presentation. Two students will talk about their experience of using computers in their studies. Participants will get a copy of his article 'Web Teaching in Hong Kong: A Story'. The article, the talk, and the demo will serve to generate ideas for discussion in the Q&A session on the further development of learning technology and Internet pedagogy at CUHK. 11th March, 9.30a.m.-12.30p.m. Workshop by CSC • An overview of computing facilities such as e-mail, newsgroups, academic applications, WebCT available centrally to faculty and students, as well as information about network connections to the campus network (e.g. departmental LAN, ResNet, ClassNet etc.) • Introduction to telnet for the use in overseas conferences and Internet search • Introduction to shareware and freeware 2. Designing a Web-based Course 15th March, 12.15p.m.—1p.m. Sharing session by Prof. Ho Man-koon, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and Mr. George Lam, United College (conducted in Cantonese) Prof. Ho will introduce a well-developed web-based course in Chinese and the use of WebCT for teaching. He will also introduce interesting websites for reading and writing. Mr. Lam will demonstrate the use of SMIL multi-media presentation on the web. He will also share with participants the student feedback on his WebCT course. 18th March, 9.30a.m.—12.30p.m. Workshop by CSC • Introduction to WebCT • Scanning documents and images • Putting documents (e.g. Word, PPT, PDF) on the Web and teaching some basic HTML tags to show how to create a simple webpage • Preparing and saving images on the web 3. Multi-media Technologies 22nd March, 12.15p.m.-1p.m. Sharing session by Prof. Liu Chun-wah, Department of Economics Prof. Liu will discuss how he put his seminar series (video format) on the web for students and the public to access as well as his experience in using IT tools to assist teaching. These tools and related issues include: • Objective and constraints of teaching using IT tools • PowerPoint vs chalk/talk • Course homepage vs lecture notes/readings reserved in the library
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