Newsletter No. 305
第 305 期 2007 年 10 月 19 日 No. 305 19 October 2007 第三零五期 二零零七年十月十九日 No. 305 19 October 2007 楊振寧教授銅像豎立校園中部 Statue of Prof. C.N. Yang Graces Central Campus 中 大在9月22日舉行楊振寧教授銅像致贈儀式,慶祝楊教授85歲生辰及榮獲諾貝爾獎50周年。 主禮嘉賓為楊振寧教授與夫人翁帆、校長劉遵義教授和銅像雕塑家兼捐贈者吳為山教授。 楊振寧教授的銅像豎立在邵逸夫夫人樓天台花園的草坪上,位於校園中心地帶,面向林蔭大道。楊教 授對這個位置很滿意,「我可以一直看着中大發展,在每年秋天目睹幾千位學生拿畢業證書。」此 外,楊教授對吳為山教授表示感謝,讚揚他為中國最重要的天才雕塑家。 吳為山教授是南京大學美術研究院院長,這位熱情洋溢的藝術家解釋為楊教授雕塑銅像的原因:「我 與楊教授相交多年,很瞭解及尊重他的為人。他既是卓越的科學家,又是誨人不倦的教授,具有追求 真理的個性及超然的人文理想。唐代詩人高適的兩句詩『性靈出萬象,風骨超常倫』,正是楊教授人 格的寫照。」 吳教授用了三個月時間雕塑銅像。銅像身軀挺直,雙手放於背後,神態莊嚴,充滿自信﹔「在表情的 處理上,是要突顯導師在講課時的形象,流露出楊教授理性、內斂及儒雅的個性。」 吳教授把銅像送贈中大,主要是基於楊教授與中大有深厚淵源。楊教授在1964年中大仍是一片荒蕪 時,便跋涉到訪,以後更在中大任教,貢獻良多,現為中大博文講座教授。楊教授還將他的信札、手 稿和著作,以及多個獎章送贈中大。 T he University held a presentation ceremony of the bronze statue of Prof. Yang Chen Ning on 22 September in celebration of Prof. Yang’s 85th birthday and the 50th anniversary of his being awarded the Nobel Prize. In attendance were Prof. Yang and Mrs. Yang, Prof. Lawrence Lau, Vice-Chancellor of the University, and Prof. Wu Weishan, sculptor and donor of the statue. Prof. Yang’s statue is erected on a grass lawn on the Rooftop Garden of Lady Shaw Building — a central location on campus, facing the University Mall. Prof. Yang is pleased with the location. ‘From here, I can watch as the University develops. Year after year, I can witness several thousands of graduating students receiving their certificates in autumn.’ He also expressed thanks to Prof. Wu Weishan, lauding him as China’s most important genius sculptor. A passionate artist, Prof. Wu Weishan is director of the Institute of Fine Arts of Nanjing University. When asked about his decision to sculpt a statue of Prof. Yang, he explains, ‘We have been friends for years. I understand him well and respect him very much. He is an excellent scientist and a tireless teacher — a committed seeker of truth with lofty humanist ideals. The couplets of Tang Dynasty poet Gao Shi is an accurate portrait of Prof. Yang, “Soul with countless manifestations, strength of character out of the ordinary”’. Prof. Wu spent three months creating the sculpture. A dignified visage and a confident demeanour adorn the statue which takes an upright pose with hands behind the back. ‘The facial expression is meant to convey Prof. Yang’s rationality, restraint and scholarly manners. It is the image of a teacher giving a lecture.’ Prof. Wu’s decision to donate the statue to the University is due mainly to Prof. Yang’s long and deep relationship with CUHK. Prof. Yang had visited the University as early as 1964 when the campus was still a bare hillside. He later taught at CUHK and made enormous contributions. Currently Distinguished Professor-at-Large of CUHK, he has generously made a gift of his correspondence, manuscripts, publications, and medals to the University. 左起:吳為山教授、楊振寧教授、楊教授夫人翁帆及劉遵義校長 From left: Prof. Wu Weishan, Prof. C.N. Yang, Mrs. Yang and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor 勞思光教授:「生而不息」破文化隔閡 Prof. Lao Sze-kwang: ‘Ceaseless Effort’ Bridges Cultures 當 代哲學大師勞思光教授於10月8日主持公開講座,題目為「哲學 課題之變與常」,吸引了二百多位中大師生和來賓出席。勞教授 由哲學課題的變易性,帶出文化之間的溝通問題,最後點出「不息」的 概念,內容發人深思。 勞教授指出,以「本質定義」界定哲學是行不通的;用「實指定義」則很 多問題解決不了。以「哲學思維」的特性看哲學的工作,方法論上是一進 步,但卻引起另一個重要問題:不同的反省課題,會產生不同的哲學系 統;系統之間沒有真正的溝通,造成世界的分裂和文化之間的衝突。 勞教授借儒家「生而不息」一語,指出「不息」代表一個向上的努力過 程;引伸至文化層面,就體現成建設意識的發揮,透過自我和社會轉化, 帶來各種文化成就。所以,「不息」可說是不同的國族文化之間的共通 點,它可以作為文化之間的溝通橋樑。 「哲學課題之變與常」是「唐君毅訪問教授」計劃的其中一項學術活 動,也是勞教授八十華誕活動之一。有關其他活動的詳情,請瀏覽哲學 系網頁: R enowned philosopher Prof. Lao Sze-kwang gave an inspiring public lecture on ‘Variations and Constancy in Philosophical Problematics’ on 8 October. The lecture attracted over 200 teachers and students of CUHK, as well as guests. For Prof. Lao, neither essential definition nor ostensive definition can cope with the constantly changing character of philosophical problematics. Moreover, the differences in philosophical problematics among different cultural systems result in the predicament of incommensurability and hence conflicts between civilizations. To overcome this, Prof. Lao proposes the Confucianist idea of ‘ceaseless effort’ as the common characteristic of different cultures. By this he hopes to pave the way towards intercultural communication. The lecture was organized by the Department of Philosophy under the ‘Tang Chun-I Visiting Professorship’. It was also held in celebration of Prof. Lao’s 80th birthday. For information of other academic activities associated with the celebration, please visit
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