Newsletter No. 141
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 N o . 141 4 th M a r c h 1999 C U HK N e w s l e t t e r Home Financing Allowance (HFA) 1. The market rentals of on-campus quarters at Residences 1-15 have been determined and placed on the Bursary website for all staffmembers' information. These rentals will be assessed and revised annually by the Rating and Valuation Department. 2. Staff members who do not purchase property before 1st April 1999 may lock in the present scale of HFA by using the allowance to rent accommodation first and buy property later. The period of using the allowance to rent accommodation is, however, counted towards the 120-month instalment period. 3. 7.5 per cent rental contributions are not required of staffusing HFA to rent accommodation on leased premises off-campus or on-campus University quarters. 4. According to a letter issued by the Inland Revenue Department on 21st January 1999 on tax treatment in respect of Home Financing Allowance, if HFA is utilized for home purchase, the full amount of the allowance is taxable as cash allowance. However, if it is utilized for rental purpose on a 10 per cent accountable basis, it is regarded as rent refund and should be dealt with in Section 9(1A) and Section 9(2) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. In line with the usual interpretation, this means tax for HFS benefit (renting) will be levied on 10 per cent of the staff's total salary income only, e.g. a staff with a monthly salary of $100,000 drawing an HFA of $37,530 for renting campus accommodation and paying a standard tax rate of 15 per cent will have tax liability worked out as follows: $100,000 X 12 (months) x 110% x 15% 5. To allow for postal delay, applications for HFS reaching the Bursary on or before 10th April 1999 will be treated as having been received before 31st March 1999. No backdating will be entertained for applications received after 10th April 1999. 體適能測試 體育部協辦之「身心康泰在中大」之體適能測試(九八至九九年度下學期),將 於本月十六及十七日上午十一時半至下午二時半,在富爾敦樓一零三室舉行。測試項 目及方法如下: 測試項目 測試方法 (1)心肺功能 踏台階測試 (2)脂肪含量百分比皮脂測試 (3) 肌肉力量 手握力測試 (4) 肌肉耐力 仰臥捲腹測試 (5) 柔軟度 坐體前伸測試 (6)壓力水平 問卷測試 上述測試共需時二十至三十分鐘。曾參與上學期測試者,今次再行參與便可審視 體能有否進步。這項活動歡迎所有中大員生參加,無須報名。 健康教育活動 UHS Health Campaigns 預防流感 流行性感冒於二月、三月及七月最為猖獗,但一般體質良好的人士,在患病期 間,只要多喝水,進食有營養的食物,休息充足,保持室內空氣流通和注意衛生,可 在一星期內復元。 預防流行性感冒最有效的方法是增強個人抵抗力,實踐健康生活模式,也可注射 預防疫苗。對長者和慢性心臟病及呼吸道疾病患者來說,注射疫苗有一定功效,可預 防流感所引致的併發症。保建處備有預防疫苗,供員生注射,只收回成本價。由於流 感病毒每季不同,所以每年都要注射新的疫苗。 捐血週 保健處、學生事務處和香港紅十字會於本月十五至十九日合辦捐血週,每天上午 十時至下午四時半於下列地點進行,歡迎體重達四十點九公斤的員生參與。 三月十五日 科學館東座 ELG104 學生休息室 三月十六日 聯合湯若望宿舍禮堂 三月十七日 新亞樂群館學生憩游堂 三月十八日 富爾敦樓一零三室 三月十九日 崇基眾志堂 預防肝炎運動 保健處將於三月八至十九日再度舉辦預防肝炎運動,在保健中心展出有關肝炎的 資料,為教職員及其家屬和學生檢驗肝炎抗原及抗體,並為有需要者注射疫苗。抽血 檢驗費用為一百元;注射甲型肝炎疫苗(三劑)每劑費用二百元,乙型肝炎疫苗(三劑) 每劑費用一百元。抽血日期為三月十一及十二日,注射疫苗則在三月十八及十九日。 如何面對壓力 壓力會使人精疲力竭,但如果處理得宜,也可把壓力轉為驅動力量。保健處將於 三月二十九日至四月九日在該處展覽板介紹應付壓力的方法,同場播放「自我鬆弛」錄 像帶,參觀者可獲贈「如何面對壓力」小冊子。 Influenza Vaccination Influenza vaccinations are available at cost price at the University Health Centre. The vaccinations have to be renewed annually due to differences in the types of endemic vims. They can help reduce complications due to influenza especially among the elderly and patients with chronic cardiac or respiratory diseases. Influenza is an acute febrile illness mainly affecting the respiratory tract. It is present in Hong Kong all year round and is especially common in February, March, and July. The commonest subtypes of influenza in the territory are influenza A (H3N2), influenza A (H1N1), and influenza B. Antibiotics are not effective against the influenza vims unless there is also a complicating bacterial infection. In most cases patients with a good health record recover within a week. General management and symptomatic treatment is recommended: • Have plenty of fluids as well as nutritious and easily digested food • Take adequate rest • Maintain good ventilation • Observe good personal hygiene—such as thorough hand-washing, and covering mouth with tissue when coughing Blood Donation Campaign 1999 The schedule of the campaign is as follows: Date Location 15th March (Monday) Science Centre: Students' Common Room, ELG 104 East Block 16th March (Tuesday) United College: Hall of Schall Residence 17th March (Wednesday) New Asia College: Students' Common Room Amenities Bldg. 18th March (Thursday) John Fulton Centre: Rm 103 Multipurpose Hall 19th March (Friday) Chung Chi College: Chung Chi Tang Time: 10.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. Donors should be aged between 16 and 65, weigh at least 40.9 kg, and be in good health. Parental consent is required for those aged 16 to 18. Male donors can donate blood four times ayear whereas female donors can donate three times a year. Those aged 16 to 18 can donate twice ayear. All donated blood is screened for Hepatitis B and C viruses, the AIDS vims, and syphilis etc. to ensure recipients' safety. Donors with problematic lab results will be notified. Hepatitis Awareness Campaign The Hepatitis Awareness Campaign will be held from 8th to 19th March 1999. There will be an exhibition in the Health Centre. Blood tests for markers of the Hepatitis A and B viruses will be made available to all staff, dependants, and students at the privileged price of $100 each on 11th and 12th March. Those in need of immunization may have themselves vaccinated at cost in the Health Centre on 18th and 19th March if they so desire. The cost is $200 per dose of Hepatitis A, and $100 per dose of Hepatitis B, both requiring 3 doses. All are welcome. Stress Management Campaign An exhibition on how to manage stress will be run at the Health Centre from 29th March to 9th April 1999. A video on self-relaxation will be played in the venue and pamphlets on how to handle pressure will also be given away. Mail Delay From the Business Office The University Mail Room handles around 300 letters and parcels daily with wrong or insufficient address information. We would like to remind all staff members that the Mail Room checks the addressee's name against a staff list in hard copy provided by the Personnel Office, and dispatches such mail to related University units. If the addressee's name is not listed, the mail is returned to the post office to avoid further delay. As this is amanual process and the staff list is currently updated on a quarterly basis, delay is unavoidable. Please note that providing correct and detailed correspondence address is the only way to avoid unnecessary delay in mail. Thank you very much. 文物館展覽預吿 Art Museum Exhibition 文物館將於下月一日至五月十六日,假該館西翼展覽廳舉辦「貞珉丹青——中國 古代畫像石畫像磚拓片展覽」。 展品近百項,精選自文物館歷年收藏之石刻或墓磚拓片。主要內容包括漢代山東 嘉祥武氏祠及蔡氏園等畫像石拓片、北朝石窟佛教造像拓片、唐代西安乾陵隨葬墓棺 槨刻石拓片、明清石刻如明初蘭亭修褉圖拓片等。此外,戰國及漢代畫像磚、北朝造 像碑、隋唐墓誌等會同時展出原件及拓本,從多方面展示中國歷代石刻並戰國及漢代 畫像磚的豐富內容。 An exhibition entitled 'The Iron Brush—Rubbingsfrom Ancient Chinese Pictorial Stone Carvings and Bricks, will run from 1st April to 16th May 1999 in the West-wing Galleries of the Art Museum. The exhibition will feature one hundred rubbings selected from the Art Museum collection. Representative pieces include items from the Wu Family Shrines and Cai Family Garden in Jiaxiang, Shandong, of the Han Dynasty, Buddist grottoes of the Northern Dynasties, sacrophaguses from satellite tombs in Qianling of the Tang Dynasty, and Ming and Qing stone carvings such as a Lanting Gathering scene carved in early Ming. Some rubbings will be displayed side by side the original stones or bricks which are in the Art Museum collection. They include bricks of the Warring States and Han periods, votive steles of the Northern Dynasties, and epitaphs of the Sui and Tang dynasties.
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