Newsletter No. 207
4 No. 207 19th September 2002 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued from page 3 續上頁) 抽血檢驗於十月十七及十八日上午九時至中午十二時半,以及下午二時至四時 半在保健醫療中心進行,費用為一百元。欲注射乙型肝炎疫苗者,必須驗血;欲注 射甲型肝炎疫苗者,則可選擇直接注射。 注射甲型肝炎疫苗(兩劑)每劑費用二百二十五元,乙型肝炎疫苗(三劑)每劑 七十元,而混合甲乙型肝炎疫苗(三劑)則每劑二百二十元。疫苗注射日期訂於十月 二十四及二十五日、十一月二十一及二十二日,以及明年四月十及十一日進行,時 間為上午九時至中午十二時半,以及下午二時至四時半。 另,梁慧儀醫生應邀於十月三日下午一至二時在保健醫療中心主持「甲型肝炎 與你」專題講座。歡迎出席。 The University Health Service is organizing a Hepatitis Awareness Campaign from 16th to 25th October 2002. An exhibition on Hepatitis will be held at the University clinic. Blood tests for antibodies and antigens w i ll be available to staff, their dependents, and students. There will also be vaccinations for those in need. The blood tests, costing $100 per test, will take place from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., and from 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. on 17th and 18th October at the University clinic. They are required for Hepatitis B vaccination, and optional for Hepatitis A vaccination. Hepatitis A vaccination comes in two doses at $225 per dose, while that for Hepatitis B comes in three, at $70 each. Vaccination for combined Hepatitis A and B comes in three doses at $220 per dose. The vaccination dates and times for the three doses are respectively 24th and 25th October 2002, 21st and 22nd November 2002, and 10th and 11th April 2003, from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., and from 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Dr. Nancy Leung will deliver a talk on 'Hepatitis A Affects You' from 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m. on 3rd October at the University clinic. All are welcome. 器官捐贈推廣週 Organ Donation Awareness Week 器官捐贈推廣週將於下月七至十一日在文化廣場舉行,活動內容包括展覽、專 人解答疑問及簽署捐贈證。歡迎大學同人參與。 An Organ Donation Awareness Week will be held in the Cultural Square from 7th to 11th October. There will be an exhibition, aQ&A session, and a donation card signing activity. A ll are welcome. 江西元明青花瓷展 Blue and White Ware of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties on Exhibition 文物館與江西省博物館將於本月二十七日至十一月二十四日,在文物館西翼展覽廳 合辦「江西元明青花瓷展」,歡迎參觀。 展覽由文物館館友會展覽基金贊助,開幕禮 於九月二十六日(星期四)下午四時半舉行,由江 西省文化廳王曉慶副廳長剪綵,中大副校長楊綱 凱教授主禮。 青花是白地藍花的釉下彩瓷的通稱,元代以 來,景德鎮的青花瓷器遐邇聞名,但有關的研究 及展覽大多集中在官窯青花,民窯青花常被忽 略,此展覽特以元明兩代民窯青花為主題。 民窯青花與官窯青花風格大異其趣,內容豐 富,線條簡練率性,青花料呈色不穩,倍覺隨意 自然。其用途廣泛,如宗教方面之香爐、淨水 碗,墓葬用之墓誌、罐、碗,專供外銷的大盤、 軍持等,是研究元明兩代社會政治、經濟科技、 海外貿易、宗教風俗、藝術演變的第一手資料。 展品包括十四世紀後期至十七世紀中期景德鎮生產的元明民窯青花瓷器共一百二十 八項,約一半選自江西省博物館及江西文博單位,著重於紀年墓葬出土青花瓷。其餘則 匯集香港及海外公私藏品,主要是內銷民間用器及外銷貿易瓷。其中,紀年標本豐富, 達三十多件,是學術研究的珍貴素材。將國內出土標本、東南亞沉船資料及傳世品同場 陳列,更是中外歷年青花瓷展的創舉。 文物館特為中大員生提供導賞服務,介紹精選展品,歡迎參與。詳情如下: 日期:十月九日(星期三) 時間:下午一時十五分至一時四十五分 集合地點:文物館展覽廳 The Art Museum and the Jiangxi Provincial Museum are jointly staging an exhibition entitled 'Yuan and Ming Blue and White Ware from Jiangxi' from 27th September to 24th November 2002 in the West Wing Galleries of the Art Museum. The best blue and white or underglaze blue ware came from Jingdezhen, the ceramic capital of China. Since the 14th century both the imperial court and the general public patronized the production of blue-and-whites from Jingdezhen, giving rise to the so-called official and Minyao (or provincial) ware. Scholarship in the past was, and to some extent still is centred upon the products from the official factories at the expense of provincial ware. This exhibition addresses this issue by focussing on the provincial blue-and-whites of the Yuan and Ming dynasties. The style of Minyao blue-and-whites is distinctively different from that of imperial ware. The decorative motifs encompass a much wider range of subjects. The lines and washes are spontaneous while the blue pigment usually runs slightly, leaving an impressively natural touch in the design. Minyao ware consists not only of utilitarian products for domestic life, but includes censers and ritual bowls for religious services, funerary objects like epitaphs, jars or covered bowls, and export commodities such as large dishes or kendis. They are first-hand materials that facilitate studies of the politics, economics, technology, overseas trade, social customs, religious, and artistic atmospheres of the Yuan and Ming dynasties. On display at this exhibition are 128 items of the Yuan and Ming (late 14th — mid 17th centuries) periods produced in Jingdezhen. Half of the exhibits, primarily specimens from dated burials, come from the Jiangxi Provincial Museum and cultural institutions in Jiangxi. The rest, mostly products for local and overseas markets, are selected from the Art Museum collection and loans from private and public collections in Hong Kong and the Philippines. In particular, there are over 30 items from datable contexts, providing significant specimens for academic research. The installation juxtaposes archaeological finds from mainland China with salvages from shipwrecks in South-east Asian waters and heirloom pieces, making it the first of its kind ever found in exhibitions of Chinese blue and white ware staged anywhere so far. The exhibition is financed by the Exhibition Revolving Fund of the Friends of the Art Museum. It will be preceded by a formal opening and preview at 4.30 p.m. on 26th September hosted by Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vice-chancellor. Mr. Wang Xiaoqing, deputy director of the Department of Culture in Jiangxi Province, will cut the ribbon. 景德鎮明代民窯青花瓷器國際硏討會 International Symposium on Ming Provincial Blue and White Ware from Jingdezhen 為配合「江西元明青花瓷展」,文物館將於九月二十六及二十七日主辦國際研討 會,邀請海內外學者出席,探討明代民窯青花瓷器的歷史及社會因素,其分類、發 展及斷代,在海內外之發現,外銷及影響等。 研討會獲鄭德坤教授伉儷中國考古藝術基金贊助,於大學行政樓祖堯堂舉行, 會議以普通話或英語宣讀論文,設有即時傳譯。開幕禮於九月二十六日上午九時半 舉行,由中國文化研究所所長蘇芳淑教授主持。 查詢詳情請電二六零九七四一六,傳真二六零三五三六六,或上網( http://www. m ) 瀏 覽。 The International Symposium on Ming Provincial Blue and White Ware from Jingdezhen will be held from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on 26th and 27th September 2002 in Cho Yiu Conference Hall. Papers will be presented in either putonghua or English with simultaneous interpretation, and admission is free. Prof. Jenny So, director of the Institute of Chinese Studies, will deliver an opening speech on the first day of the symposium. For details, please call 2609 7416 (fax 2603 5366) or visit the Art Museum homepage at The symposium is made possible by a grant from the Prof. and Mrs. Cheng Tek'un Academic Fund in Chinese Art and Archaeology. 中文大學出版社新書 《家庭學校與社區協作:從理念硏究到實踐》 何瑞珠 教育改革除了是學校和教師的責任外,也牽涉到 家庭及社區兩個層面。中外的研究均顯示適切的家庭 與學校合作,會使學生有較佳的學習成效,亦會改善 學校氣氛。而社區可以提供學校以外的學習場所,提 高學生的學習興趣。 此書是香港第一本結合「家庭學校與社區協作」理 論、研究與實踐的專著,從西方家校合作的理念及中 外的實證研究出發,探討本地家校合作的現況。書中 介紹各種類型的家校協作計劃,說明如何在學校層面 規劃整體的家校協作計劃,適合校長、教師、家長及社區工作員參考。 作者何瑞珠任教於香港中文大學教育行政與政策學系,並任香港學生基礎能 力國際研究計劃總監。她曾任香港中小學教師、世界銀行之印度教育研究及培訓 顧問、加拿大卑詩省大學研究助理、中大華南教育及發展研究計劃研究員、家庭 與學校合作研究計劃首席研究員及家長教育督導委員會委員等職。 國際統一書號962-996-049-4,平裝本,一百三十四頁,八十港元。
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