Bulletin No. 1, 2011
A Caring Campus 15 hands, promoting organic farming in schools, and helping to organize recreational activities for the staff. The experience inspired her to reflect on the environment. People care more about the natural environment when they are getting their food directly from it, she said. Farmers she had met believed that ‘life controls life’, so they preferred to let pests be killed by natural predators rather than resorting to using chemical pesticides, even though the latter would save time. The internship not only let her experience organic farming first-hand, but also enhanced her knowledge of how to live in harmony with nature. We reap what we sow. When we lavish care on our students and other members of the campus community, and importantly, instil in them the values that would enable care to go beyond the familiar and the immediate, we are rewarded with students and graduates who embrace the world as global citizens. 1 Medical students interning at Beijing Xuanwu Hosiptal 2 A student Chong Hiu-cho (left) teaches English to primary school pupils in Beijing 3 Lorraine Lee learning the ropes of organic farming in Brazil 1 3 2
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