Newsletter Summer Supplement (2004)
新書 New Books 香港亞太研究所 HKIAPS 研究叢刊第六十號 《香港社會政治的延續與變遷》 劉兆佳、王家英、尹寶珊合編 對於香港的社會和政治發 展來說,九七回歸是重要轉捩 點。「一國兩制」是嶄新的概 念,既講求香港與內地這「兩 制」的並行不悖,也涉及對「一 國」的重新認識,當中如何平 衡國家與本土之間的利益,是 重要的挑戰;「港人治港」預示 了權力的再分配,勢必掀起新 舊政治力量的磨擦和對民主化步伐的爭論。因此, 權力爭奪與理念衝突相互交織,構成了回歸後的政 治景觀。 回歸不久,香港隨即受到亞洲金融風暴、內地經 濟迅速崛起,以及全球化方興未艾的連串衝擊,出現 罕見的、持續的經濟衰退。缺乏管治和危機處理經驗 的特區政府,無法應付如此突變,認受性備受質疑, 社會和政治重組不但困難重重,眾所期待的經濟轉型 亦舉歩維艱。 此書集中探討回歸前後香港的社會和政治發展, 強調當中既有延續,也有變遷,值得大家關注。作者 都運用實徵資料,就社會問題、醫療政策、政治態 度、大眾傳媒和社會結構等具體領域的面貌變化, 作切實的分析,以提供有用的線索和參考。 國際統一書號 962-441-560-9, 平裝本, 308 + viii 頁,七十港元。 Occasional Paper No. 145 Development and Transformation of the Free Port of Hong Kong Shen Jianfa and Yue-man Yeung The territory of Hong Kong consists mainly of hilly areas and possesses almost no natural resources. Its major assets are a deep-water harbour and a resourceful population. Hong Kong was developed into a free port during British rule. Currently, Hong Kong is a Special Adm i n i s t r a t i ve Region of China. 'One country, two systems' has been practised since July 1997. The success of Hong Kong as a global city in Asia has much to do with its status as a free port, its role in international trade and re-exports in a cross-border system of regional production. This paper examines Hong Kong's free port policy and the government's approach of non-intervention in the economy. Generally, Hong Kong follows the economic policy of free enterprise and free trade. No import tariffs are imposed and there is only limited licensing control of a few commodities. Hong Kong has gone through several stages of development due to changes in its external environment. This paper also examines Hong Kong's development and transformation in recent decades; its industrialization, de-industrialization and current transformation associated with China's open-door policy of 1978; the Asian financial crisis; and the closer economic partnership arrangement (CEPA) between Hong Kong and mainland China. ISBN 962-441-145-X, 26 pages, paperback, HK$15 Occasional Paper No. 146 Space, Scale and the State: Reorganizing Urban Space in China Shen Jianfa Space and scale have become the key f o c i o f Ch i na 's urbanization as the role of the state has been contested and altered at various spatial levels. This paper argues that spatial restructuring of China's urban areas is a politically constructed process and that the recent advancements in scale theories can be used for political-economic analyses of China's reorganization of urban space. Multi-scalar in perspective, this paper examines how lower-level places acquire the status of cities, a process that directly affects the number of cities in China, the system of ' c i t y - l ead i ng coun t y ', the recent administrative conversion of suburban counties to city districts, and the merging of cities and towns. The paper also contributes to the theoretical debates on central-local relations, the role of the state in China's r e f o rms, g l oba l i za t i on, ma r ke t i za t i on, and decentralization. ISBN 962-441-146-8, 32 pages, paperback, HK$15 Occasional Paper No. 147 Fundraising for Charity on the Streets of Hong Kong: An Anthropological Approach Satohiro Serizawa This is an ethnographic study of a fundraising campa i gn by a cha r i t ab le o r gan i za t i on in contemporary Hong Kong. Many scholars in Chinese studies and Hong Kong studies are interested in charitable activities and civic power in local Chinese societies. In this study, contrary to the trend emphasizing historical texts and large charitable organizations, the focus is placed on a small charitable organization and its fundraising campaign. Through an analysis of the interactions and performances of volunteers, especially of people living in homes for the elderly who sell cookies for charity on the streets, the popularization of charity in contemporary Hong K o ng is desc r i bed. The importance of the contributions of committee members, elderly volunteers, and o r d i na ry c i t i z e n - d o n o r s to t he organization is examined. ISBN 962-441-147-6, 34 pages, paperback, HK$20 Occasional Paper No. 148 Enhancing the Livability of Asian Mega-cities Yue-man Yeung Worldwide, Asian mega-cities stand out because of their numerical dominance and because they are the foci of rapid economic transition. Yet these cities have grown more quickly economically than socially. It is argued that their l i vab i l i ty and, specifically, their social sustainability must be promoted alongside economic growth. The paper has three parts. In the first, the recent rapid growth and status of Asian mega-cities are surveyed and the problems confronting them are noted. Then the quality of life in Asian cities is addressed, with specific examples cited of how cities have attempted to measure this dimension of urban life. Finally, some major issues and policies regarding the strengthening of the social sustainability of these cities are reviewed. The paper concludes with a plea to begin the task of strengthening the social well-being of Asian cities. ISBN 962-441-148-4, 30 pages, paperback, HK$15 Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Inst i tute Occasional Paper No. 10 China's Western Development: The Role of the State in Historical and Regional Perspective Yue-man Yeung and Li Xiaojian ISBN 962-441-810-1, 35 pages, paperback, HK$20 Research Centre for Translat ion website: e-mail: Thefollowing books are sold at a 30 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. Renditions No. 61 (Spring 2004) Get in touch with Taiwan's vibrant poetry scene through some of its most recent works. This selection by William Tay features the works of 34 poets, ranging from highly respected veterans to emerging new voices. 136pp., HK$99 Renditions No. 62 (Autumn 2004) A miscellaneous issue featuring prose, fiction, and poetry from classical and modem literature. Authors represented include Lu You, Wu Woyao, Zhang Henshui, Wen Jie, and the scholar Yeh Chia-ying. 120pp., HK$99 10 暑期特刊 二零零四年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 2004
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