Newsletter No. 534

07 # 5 3 4 | 1 9 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 9 徐悲鴻的小粉絲模式 你想必曾聽過徐悲鴻的鼎鼎大名,或者看過他異常受酒樓和商店青睞的各種駿馬 圖。如果告訴你這個中國現代美術和美術教育奠基者也有小粉絲的一面,你會否好 奇他的偶像是誰呢? 對徐氏有研究的人都知道,他平生最推崇的是清末畫家任伯年,曾有「故舉古今真 能作寫意畫者,必推伯年為極致」之語,又稱他為「仇十洲(仇英)以後中國畫家第 一人」。任伯年於1895年11月4日逝世,徐悲鴻當時才幾個月大,不幸與偶像緣慳一 面。但這無阻他按任氏照片為其繪畫油畫肖像和寫下《任伯年評傳》以表仰慕。徐 氏兒子在一篇報道中更曾透露他最後一次看到父親買畫就是買了四張任伯年的精 品,當時父親如獲至寶的笑容叫他難忘—那是在徐氏去世前一個月。 讓大師如此迷戀的大師是怎麽樣的人呢?任伯年生於鴉片戰爭爆發的1840年,出 身貧寒,父親任淞雲是小商人,也是民間畫師,任伯年本人也是終其一生鬻畫維生。 不過與我們常聽的潦倒藝術家故事不一樣,任伯年二十九歲從紹興移居上海後,逐 步建立了成功事業,在世時已是名利雙收。彼時十里洋場的多元文化和文人名家匯 聚的交游圈滋養了任伯年的藝術,讓他形成了對後世影響深遠的風格。中國美術館 館長 吳為山 將之概括為「源出民間,化俗為雅;吸收文人,雅中帶俗;巧借西法,化 西為中;融會貫通,自成家法」。任氏下筆瀟灑靈動,所繪造型突出且充滿戲劇感, 構圖亦不囿於繪畫格式與媒介的局限。無論冊頁卷軸,均好以大特寫呈現物事,直 使林木之風響沙沙可聞,華服之重墜伸手可觸,教人神馳廣闊無垠的畫裏大千之 餘,顛覆破格處亦發人深思。 由2019年3月22日至8月18日,文物館新展覽「妙筆傳神:中國美術館藏任伯年人物 畫特展」除合辦方中國美術館惠借的八十二項精選任畫外,也會展出徐悲鴻紀念館 借出的任伯年油畫肖像,以及中國美術館吳為山館長創作的任伯年塑像,讓觀眾透 過徐、吳兩位中國藝術傳薪者的目光了解任伯年這位重要藝術家,為展覽帶來更豐 富的角度。 Heidi Wong 晚期肺癌 標靶藥接力續命 Late but Not Lacking in Hope 根據衞生署的統計數字,2016年香港共有三千七百八十人死於肺癌,佔癌症死亡人數約 26%,是癌症頭號殺手。大部分肺癌病人確診時已到晚期。然而,近年醫學界憑標靶治療屢 見奇功,一再延長晚期肺癌病人的壽命。中大醫學院腫瘤學系系主任兼李樹芬醫學基金腫 瘤學教授 莫樹錦 說:「現在我們是找出肺癌的生物標記,例如癌症的驅動基因,然後就是針 對這些生物標記來決定採取甚麼療法。」 吸煙引起的肺癌與不吸煙人士罹患的肺癌不同。前者是煙中致癌物導致大量基因突變,因 此標靶治療的成效有限,但不吸煙的病人基因突變相對單一,亞洲病人近五成是「表皮生 長因子受體」(EGFR)基因突變,標靶藥正好對症下藥。莫教授說:「我們在2009年發表 一項研究,在一千多名晚期肺癌病人中,服用標靶藥物的病人七成病情受控,而接受傳統化 療的病人只有四成多見效。」相反,如果病人並非帶有EGFR,則傳統化療的成效較佳。 針對EGFR的第一代口服標靶藥「吉非替尼」是公立醫院的常規藥物,2012年更納入關愛 基金的安全網。服用此藥的無惡化存活期約十個月,然而,約一半病人服用九個月至一年 左右,癌細胞會產生T790M的抗力基因,導致吉非替尼失效。醫學界遂開發出針對T790M 的第三代標靶藥「奧希替尼」。假設晚期肺癌病人先後有EGFR和T790M,依次服用第一代 和第三代標靶藥,便可延續平均約兩年壽命。 現在,晚期肺癌治療並非單單要病人苟延殘喘,僅僅保命而已,而是要他們活得有質素,在 尊嚴和盼望中與癌共存。 According to the Department of Health’s statistics, lung cancer claimed 3,780 lives, accounting for 26% of all cancer deaths and being the top killer cancer in 2016. Most patients would already be in the late stage when the disease is diagnosed. In recent years, targeted therapy has shone a light of hope on late-stage lung cancer patients and prolonged their lives. ‘Now what we do is to identify the biomarkers of lung cancer such as driver oncogenes and then decide the treatment based on the biomarkers,’ said Prof. Tony Mok , Chairman of the Department of Clinical Oncology and Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Professor of Clinical Oncology of the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK. The type of lung cancer caused by smoking is different from that non-smokers suffer. As the carcinogens in cigarette lead to a large number of various mutations, targeted therapy has limited effectiveness. On the contrary, the mutations in non-smokers are confined to a few. Around half of the Asian patients have epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation. ‘In 2009, we published a study showing that 70% of some 1,000 patients with late-stage lung cancer have their cancer growth controlled after having targeted therapy, compared to only 40% for those receiving conventional chemotherapy,’ said Professor Mok. Conventional chemotherapy, however, has proven to be more effective than targeted therapy for patients with non-EGFR mutation. The progression-free survival with Gefitinib, the first-generation oral EGFR inhibitor, is around 10 months. It is listed in Hospital Authority Drug Formulary and has been covered by the Community Care Fund for patients with financial difficulties since 2012. However, around half of the patients taking Gefitinib for nine months to a year would have T790M mutation in cancer cells and develop resistance to Gefitinib. In response to T790M mutation, Osimertinib, the third-generation targeted therapy, has been developed. Suppose a patient suffer from late-stage lung cancer caused by EGFR mutation and then have T790M mutation. He will have his life prolonged by an average of two years if he receives the first-generation and third-generation targeted therapies accordingly. Now, the treatments for late-stage lung cancer are not only to keep the patients alive but to offer them an opportunity to live in hope and dignity. M. Mak 雅 共 賞 / ART iculation 醫醫筆寫 / D octors ’ N otes  任伯年像 徐悲鴻 布面油畫 51×39 cm 1927年 徐悲鴻紀念館藏  蘇武牧羊 任伯年 紙本水墨設色軸 148.5×83.3 cm 癸未(1883年) 中國美術館藏