Newsletter No. 534

06 # 5 3 4 | 1 9 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 9 中國音樂研究中心在3月2日與西九文化區戲曲中心合 辦「地水南音《大鬧廣昌隆》唱片發布暨演唱會」,推 出研究中心的第八輯杜煥南音專輯之際,邀得阮兆輝 教授、陳祖澤博士、陳志輝教授等嘉賓,聯袂一眾曲壇 精英演繹南音絕藝。南音是上世紀初盛行的廣府方言 說唱曲藝。是次中心出版的新專輯,收錄瞽師杜煥在 香港富隆茶樓的現場錄音,呈現杜氏技藝原有神髓, 傳承南音餘韻。 The Centre for Chinese Music Studies co-organized the ‘ Revenge in Guang Chang Long CD Launching Ceremony and Concert’ with the Xiqu Centre, West Kowloon Cultural District on 2 March. Prof. Yuen Siu-fai, Dr. John Chan Cho-chak, Prof. Andrew Chan Chi-fai and other naamyam artists presented a concert of traditional naamyam at the ceremony. Cantonese naamyam is a traditional form of Cantonese narrative singing that gained popularity in the early 20th century. To pass on this cultural heritage, the Centre published the recording Revenge in Guang Chang Long by one of the most renowned naamyam artists Dou Wun. It was made of a live tea house performance that preserved Dou’s voice and the atmosphere of the traditional setting for the singing. 合力栽培  人工智能專才 Joining Forces to Nurture AI Talent 工程學院與商湯科技簽訂合 作協議,共同推動本地人工智能的教育發展,計劃於 未來三年聯手培育新一代人工智能人才,增進中學生 對人工智能的知識及興趣。 商湯將聯同中大舉辦中學生人工智能國際交流展示活 動,發掘表現優異的學生,鼓勵他們投考大學工程學 科。雙方亦會在教育事宜上積極合作,鼓勵學生探索 人工智能科技,教導他們正向而道德地使用人工智能, 以及認識其限制和風險。 The Faculty of Engineering and artificial intelligence company SenseTime Group have agreed to collaborate to promote AI education among Hong Kong students. Under the agreement, CUHK will join hands with SenseTime to nurture the next generation of AI talent over the coming three years. Through the participation in international AI competitions, exchange programmes and exhibitions, promising students will be encouraged to enrol in the engineering programmes in universities. The two parties also plan to engage in future educational activities that aim at encouraging the youth to explore AI and improve their understanding of the positive and ethical use of AI, as well as its limitations and risks. 治療「腦縮」新發現 New Light on Treating ‘Little Brain’ Diseases 生命科學學院陳浩然教授及其研究小組 最近發現一種名為AQAMAN的小分子化 合物,能有效解離有毒蛋白質聚集體,抑制神經 退化。AQAMAN有望開發成藥物,用作治療小腦萎縮 症及其他多聚谷氨酰胺(polyQ)疾病,為此種至今尚 無法可治的罕見疾病患者帶來曙光。陳教授的研究成 果最近獲《生物化學期刊》以封面文章刊登。 Prof. Edwin Chan from the School of Life Sciences and his research team have discovered a small molecule compound termed Anti-polyQ Aggregation for Machado-Joseph-Associated Neurodegeneration (AQAMAN) that can dissociate toxic protein aggregates and restrain neurodegeneration. AQAMAN has the potential to be developed into therapeutic usage, giving hope to individuals who suffer from Machado-Joseph Disease, the most common form of spinocerebellar ataxias, as well as other incurable polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases. Professor Chan’s research findings have been published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry as a cover story. 重新定義精神健康 Redefining Mental Wellness 學生事務處心理健康及輔導中心於2月28日舉辦年度精 神健康推廣日,以「重新定義」為主題、視覺藝術畫和 風車為吉祥物。活動鼓勵師生重新審視自己的性格特 徵與信念、重視的人和事,並合宜地重新評估自己的際 遇,以發掘新的人生可能。副校長吳基培教授(右四) 在開幕儀式上說:「有時我們遇到挑戰,感覺困難,試 試跟自己說:不是困難,只是有點複雜,然後運用你的 創意,轉個角度,可能就見到一片新天地。」活動吸引不 少學生組織參與,或在台上表演音樂及魔術,或在台下 主持攤位遊戲。 On 28 February, the Wellness and Counselling Centre of the Office of Student Affairs organized the annual Mental Wellness Promotion Day with ‘ReDefinition’ as the main theme and 3-D artworks and pinwheel as the mascots. The event encouraged students and staff to explore new possibilities by reappraising their situations and to reexamine their priorities, characteristics and beliefs. Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dennis Ng (4th right) shared his views at the opening ceremony: ‘When we are having a hard time dealing with challenges, try to talk to ourselves: they are not difficult, just complicated. Be creative and change your perspective, and you will see a different picture.’ Student societies participated in the event by delivering music and magic performances and holding booths. 以書會友 Bonding with Books 中大博群計劃於3月6日起舉辦第四屆博群書節,以 「閱讀是一場又一場的穿越」為主題,活動包括多場讀 書會、漂書園、展覽推介書目及新書選購優惠等,為校 園營造閱讀氛圍,讓中大人的情懷以書連結。 今年博群書節獲贈超過二萬五千本二手書籍,讓中大 員生於3月11至18日期間,在化身寫意漂書園的邵逸夫 堂大堂悠閒慢讀,徜徉書海;每位中大員生可選取最多 八本贈書。書節亦邀得多位文化界名家到中大主持共 十四場讀書會,已舉行的包括賴明珠談翻譯村上春樹 作品、林在山記翻譯林行止政論之種種。餘下節目可參 閱書節網址 php/zh/projects/university-lecture-on-civility/213 。 The 4th I·CARE Book Festival organized by I·CARE Programme of CUHK kicks off on 6 March. Themed ‘Reading is Voyaging through Time and Space’, this festival consists of a series of Book Talks, a Book Crossing Pavilion, Preferential Offer of New Books and other activities to foster a culture of literacy on campus, and to connect the CUHK community through the sharing of books. The Book Festival received over 25,000 second-hand books for the Book Crossing Pavilion during 11–18 March. CUHK students and staff immersed themselves in the sea of books in a cosy book room situated in the foyer of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Each participant was allowed to take away a maximum of eight books for free. Through 14 Book Talks, the Festival brings students and staff to renowned scholars, authors and translators. They include, among others, Lai Ming- chu who talked about translating Haruki Murakami, and Joyshan Kung about translating Lam Hang-chi’s editorials. The rest of the programmes can be found on the Festival’s webpage / icare/index.php/en/projects/university-lecture-on- civility/213?lang=en. 與清華北大聯辦雙學位課程 Teaming Up with Tsinghua and PKU 中大校長段崇智教授與清華大學校長邱勇教授代表兩 校於2月26日簽署課程合作備忘錄,兩校將合辦本科 雙學位課程,首批課程包括電腦科學與經濟學兩個專 業。完成相關四年制雙學位課程者將獲由清華及中大 頒發的學士學位證書。預計首屆學生將於2020 – 2021 學年入學。 翌日,段教授與北京大學校長郝平教授簽署課程合作 協議。兩校將合辦的首批本科雙學位課程包括語言學 及中國語言及文學兩個專業,最快於2019 – 2020學年 招生。學生完成四年制課程後,可同時獲中大與北大 頒發的學士學位證書。 CUHK joined hands to establish undergraduate dual degree programmes with Tsinghua University. An agreement signing ceremony was held on 26 February with Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Prof. Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua signing the agreement on behalf of both sides. The two universities will first launch dual degree programmes in computer science and economics. The first batch of students for these two programmes is expected to get admitted in 2020–2021. Upon programme completion, separate bachelor degree certificates will be issued to students by Tsinghua and CUHK. The next day, Professor Tuan went on to sign agreement on undergraduate dual degree programme with Prof. Hao Ping, President of Peking University. Dual degree programmes in the two disciplines of Linguistics, and Chinese Language and Literature are expected to be launched in 2019–2020 the earliest. Students will be awarded bachelor degree certificates by CUHK and PKU upon programme completion. 復刻南音絕響 Flashbacks to Cantonese Naamyam