Newsletter No. 311

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。截稿日期 載於本刊網頁( ) 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. Deadlines for contributions can be found at . 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話 2609 8681/2609 8589 ,傳真 2603 6864 ,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8681 / 2609 8589; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail iso@cuhk. ). 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 資訊處全新網頁面世 New ISO Website 資訊處網頁已經換上新貌登場。 資訊處負責彙編和發放大學的資訊予中大成員、持分者和公眾,以適時、準確和 高效率為服務目標。新網頁除上載資訊處出版的大學刊物,亦介紹了我們的組織 和工作,詳列出版和截稿日期。資訊處整理和彙編資訊時,經常會碰到關於語 言、文體和表達的問題,為此必須向權威的典籍和相關部門查證,部分資料大學 成員或會不時使用,故我們亦上載了該等資料,方便使用。 資訊處期望建立一個更全面、有系統和易於取用的大學資訊資料庫,除不斷豐富 網頁的資訊,更需要各部門的支持。歡迎大家瀏覽資訊處網頁,你們提供的意見 和資訊,是我們達標不可或缺的要素。 We are pleased to announce that the website of the Information Services Office (ISO) has been revamped and re-launched. At ISO, we aim at providing timely and efficient services in the compilation and dissemination of accurate information about the Chinese University to its members, various stakeholders and the public. Our website houses the electronic versions of the University publications within our purview and provides other information concerning our office, work schedule and modus operandi. In going about our business, we come across and resolve numerous linguistic, stylistic and presentational issues on a continuous basis, and are aided by, refer to and rely on many resources and authorities. Where appropriate, we have made such information available for the convenience of our colleagues. We hope to build up eventually a more comprehensive, structured, and readily retrievable repertoire of University information. More information and databases will be added from time to time. In order to fulfil our service pledges, we have to maintain an open loop with the rest of the University community. Your comments and suggestions, and support through browsing and feeding us information, are therefore indispensable to the performance of our functions. 大學圖書館系統歲晚新春開放時間 University Library System Opening Hours During Chinese New Year Holidays 日期 Date 大學、崇基、新亞、 聯合及法律圖書館* UL/CC/NA/UC/ Law Library* 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 2008年2月6日 6 February 2008 8:20 am – 12:30 pm 9:00 am – 12:30 pm 8:30 am – 12:30 pm 2008年2月7 – 10日 7 – 10 February 2008 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 2008年2月11 – 12日 11 – 12 February 2008 9:00 am – 7:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:30 am – 9:00 pm * 有關法律資源中心在此期間之開放時間,請查閱法律圖書館網頁。 Please refer to the Law Library homepage for LRC's opening hours during this period. Awards Prof. Frank Vigneron, Assistant Professor in the Department of Fine Arts, has been selected as a recipient of the 2006 University Research Prize by RMIT University. Prof. Dennis Lam Shun-chiu, Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, and Prof. Emily Chan Ying-yang, Assistant Professor at the School of Public Health and the Department of Community and Family Medicine, have been selected for the first Hong Kong Humanity Award 2007. The award, co-organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross and Radio Television Hong Kong, is the first award of its kind in Hong Kong that aims at recognizing individuals who live up to and put into practice the spirit of humanity. • • 環迴路臨時交通安排 Temporary Traffic Arrangement at Campus Circuit for Site Formation Works at Area 39 為擴大中大校園,以配合未來發展,校方正向政府申請批出鄰近大學的「39區」 土地,在該處興建科研實驗室大樓。 為此,土木工程拓展署準備在「39區」進行地盤平整工程,主要是在該處填土至 主水平基準以上6.5米。為了方便和加快工程進行,以期第一座實驗室大樓可在 2012年落成,配合「三三四」新學制的實施,土木工程拓展署建議安排一條由白 石角至「39區」的工地運料路線,經過大學東閘及一段環迴路,運送填土材料。 該路線即將開始運作,為期一年半,如需延長使用時間,則須先獲大學允許。 土木工程拓展署的工程車獲准在星期一至五(公眾假期及大學特殊日子除外), 早上9時30分至下午6時30分駛經環迴路。在工程高峰期,工程車輛的交通流量不 得超過每小時21次往返車程;而整項工程期間,平均約為每小時14次往返車程。 為減少塵埃飛揚,將清洗 工程車車輪、運載物料會 蓋上帆布,並每日清潔環 迴路。另外,還會嚴格遵 守《噪音管制條例》。在 整項工程期間,土木工程 拓展署和大學會密切監察 噪音和塵埃等環境影響。 如有查詢,請致電9 4 6 8 8762,聯絡大學安全及環 境事務處。 The University is applying to the Government for an extension of campus land in the area known as Area 39, where the University’s Centralized General Research Laboratories Complex is proposed to be built. The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) will carry out site formation works, which mainly involve filling of earth to a level of +6.5mPD. To facilitate and speed up the works so that the first laboratory building in the complex can be completed by 2012 to cater for the new 3+3+4 curriculum, CEDD proposes a haul route for fill material transport from Pak Shek Kok to Area 39 via the Eastern Gate and a section of Campus Circuit. The works, to commence soon, will last for one and a half years unless extended with the University’s prior approval. Access by CEDD construction vehicles to Campus Circuit is allowed within the restricted hours of 9:30 am – 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays and the University’s special event dates. The volume of construction traffic will not exceed 21 round trips per hour during the peak construction period. The average traffic volume will average to about 14 round trips per hour during the construction period. Dust mitigation measures including wheel wash, canvas cover on loads and daily cleaning on Campus Circuit will be implemented. The Noise Control Ordinance will be strictly complied with. The CEDD and University will closely monitor the level of noise and dust throughout the period. For enquires, please contact the University Safety and Environment Office at 9468 8762. 東閘開放時間 Opening Hours of Eastern Gate 為了方便大學成員,校方決定由2008年2月10日起,延長東閘開放時間,由早上 7時至凌晨12時,全年適用。 For the convenience of the University community, the University has decided to extend the daily opening hours of the Eastern Gate to 7:00 am – 12:00 midnight throughout the year starting from 10 February 2008.