Newsletter No. 533
大廈的中大人類學系主任 麥高登 教授和一群人類學系學生, 並參與他們的研討會。連場關於國籍、文化和語言的討論,有 如人類學的入門課;與一位碩士生的一席話,更令Innocent 眼界大開,見識到人類學的縱深寬廣,進而決定修讀。「人類 學涵蓋古今,研究不同飲食、語言、文化、人物……這不正是 離家別國的我所經歷的?我的人生像為學習人類學度身設計 一樣。」他指,人類學對他來說,是非常重要的教育,「人類學 強調放眼世界,與人接觸,讓理科出身、慣在數字裏打轉的 我發展更為均衡,也使我學懂謙虛,活得更踏實,學會將心 比心、體會他人的處境,照顧社會被遺忘的一群。」 在人類學的世界,他貫徹黑色肌膚給他的祝福和使命,研 究和關注如身為難民、同時又是女性等多重弱勢人士。他 的畢業論文考察中國對沖基金,探視其行業道德。「中國 將會引領世界,但很多人都對其道德狀況心存戒懼。要弄 清這個問題,我們何不找出整個國家牽涉最多金錢利益 的地方—比如對沖基金,審視它的道德規範,從而一窺 究竟?」 君子豹變意縱橫 非洲之子將人生傾注學問裏,他的學習,卻從不囿於課室。 身為中大英語辯論隊成員,他一手籌辦本年1月舉行的聯校 人權辯論比賽;校園以外,2017年他與一名台灣女生創辦 「流浪之聲」平台,讓外籍傭工、難民與少數族裔等弱勢群 體述故事訴心聲,更於各大、中小學舉辦文化交流活動和座 談會。平台迴響廣泛,文章廣獲議員援引,特首亦曾回應有關 內容,大學新聞系、中小學的演講邀請整年不輟。2019年伊 始,長年關注中非關係的Innocent效法駐非美國大使館的 「美國中心」,成立「香港非洲中心」,舉辦讀書會和座談 會,讓世人認識真正的非洲。 嘗過卑微的人,會對別人的痛苦變得敏感。在為「流浪之 聲」撰寫文章時,他曾訪問一位非洲模特兒,對方在白人主 導的業界遭受歧視的經歷,激發他與友人籌辦「Harmony」 時裝音樂匯演,展示被主流社會埋沒的美麗與才華。活 動去年12月在蘭桂坊舉行,由模特兒、時裝、音樂以至演 出流程均由難民和少數族裔一手包辦,大受歡迎。現時 「Harmony」已變身為社會企業,每年舉辦兩次匯演,更即 將推出由難民設計師設計的一系列T恤,讓他們發揮才華之 餘同時教育大眾。 Innocent的姓氏Mutanga,在修納語意為「第一」,他不畏 艱難,甚至遇難則喜,走在眾人之先的魄力和勇氣,也許早 流淌在其血液之中。理性的他,思維周密如水銀瀉地,雙眼 在言談間煥發光采,談及以往難過的日子,絲毫沒有感傷。 只有當提及他的家人—早逝的父親和身在津國的母親和祖 母,這位早慧的人類學家、準投資銀行家便會放緩語調,眼 神掠過一抹難言的憂傷:「我想念母親和祖母,祖母煮的肉 卷,真的『好好食』。」 家的滋味,不用讀人類學,自懂得,自難忘。 and his students. He joined in their discussions about nationality, culture and language and was duly initiated to the discipline. A conversation with a master’s student opened his eye to the subject’s extraordinary breadth and depth and helped him make up his mind. ‘Anthropology studies things present and past, and is about different food, languages, cultures and peoples… these are no strange things in my life. Am I not cut out for anthropology?’ He went on to explain that anthropology is very important education to him, ‘Anthropology casts its sight on the exotic and emphasizes mixing with the local. It’s a counterweight to my training in mathematics and physics so far. It teaches me humility, to think and feel as others do and take care of the neglected.’ Once he threw himself into anthropology, Innocent was true to his colours and embraced research into the multiple disadvantaged identities, for example, being both refugee and female. For the final year thesis, he takes upon the Chinese hedge funds, studying its moral compass and the socio-historical context in which they make decisions. ‘China is going to lead the world, but many people are apprehensive about its moral standing. To figure this out, what better way is there than to study the moral grounds of its hedge funds where the nation’s money and interests are at stake?’ A Rising Phoenix Straddling all Worlds Out of Africa, Innocent plunged right into the world of knowledge, but his classroom has more than four walls. As a member of the CUHK English Debating Team, he pulled off the joint-university Human Rights Debate Competition this January. Beyond the campus, he co- founded The Wandering Voice, an online platform where domestic helpers, refugees and ethnic minorities can tell their stories, with a Taiwanese friend studying journalism in Hong Kong. The platform was so well-received that its stories were frequently cited by lawmakers and the Chief Executive responded to its report on refugee children. Invitations flew in all year round from journalism schools and schools on all levels. Stepping into 2019, Innocent founded the Africa Center Hong Kong to bring the real Africa to the world by organizing book clubs and forums. Those who have tasted the gall of life will understand others’ pains and sufferings bet ter. In an inter view with an African model for a story in The Wandering Voice, Innocent learned of the injustices she suffered in a predominantly white fashion industry. He then co- founded the ‘Harmony’ fashion and music show. Held in Lan Kwai Fong last December, the show, which was run by refugees and ethnic minorities from modelling, fashion, music to the rundown, was greeted with a large turnout. Harmony has since metamorphosed into a social enterprise that runs the refugee-curated gala twice a year. A T-shirt collection designed by refugee fashion designers will soon be launched, showcasing their talents and educating the public about the socially disenfranchised. Innocent’s family name Mutanga means ‘being the first’ in Shona. His intrepidity—or, in his words, ‘the excitement he feels of solving difficult problems’—and his pioneering spirit may have been in his blood. He has a mind that turns as quickly as mercury, and his eyes would give out a lively spark whenever an interesting idea gets hold of him. Even when touching upon past hardships, the enterprising youth remained impassive. Only when talking about his family—the father he lost at a tender age, and his mother and grandmother in Zimbabwe— would the precocious anthropologist and investment banker-to-be begin to soften, when a tinge of profound, inexplicable sadness shot through his big round eyes. ‘I miss my mother and grandmother. The meat roll made by my grandmother was really ho ho sik (Cantonese meaning extremely yummy).’ The memories of one’s family can be savoured without any anthropological knowledge. 03 # 5 3 3 | 0 4 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 9 「Harmony」T恤圖案和設計草稿。「同坐一船」構思源自難民乘船的 於香港大學舉辦展覽和分享會,介紹在港難民、少數族裔和外籍傭 工的生活、文化、宗教和藝術 Hosting the ‘Migration and Aspiration’ exhibition at the University of Hong Kong, introducing the lives, cultures, religions and arts of the refugees, ethnic minorities and domestic workers in Hong Kong 往內地考察對沖基金運作,Innocent路經上海人民公園相親角。自 小被譽為「神童」的他,廣受青睞,不少津國女孩的父母都寄望有此 佳婿。時地雖變,情與貌,略相似 Passing by the ‘marriage market’ at People’s Park in Shanghai during a field trip there to research on Chinese hedge funds. Considered a child prodigy, Innocent was the ideal husband to the daugters of many Zimbabwean parents 驚險回憶 T-shirt prints and fashion design drafts by Harmony. The featuring of boat is inspired by the refugees’ horrid boat-taking memories
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