Newsletter No. 471
471 • 19.1.2016 5 心理語言學國際研討會 International Symposium on Psycholinguistics of Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism 伍宜孫書院學生贏得聯合國氣候變化大會獎項 WYS College Students Win First Prize in HK Tertiary Schools COP21 Challenge 由英文系、語言學及現代語言系、兒童雙語研究中心及中大—北京大學—台灣聯合大學系 統語言與人類複雜系統聯合研究中心聯合舉辦的「心理語言學視角下二語習得及雙語研究 國際研討會」於2015年12月18在中大校園舉行,次日移師至深圳的中大深圳研究院。研討 會匯聚來自美國、歐洲、中國內地和香港的學者,交流和探討第二語言習得及雙語研究領 域的研究成果。 The International Symposium on Psycholinguistics of Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism was held on 18 December 2015 at CUHK and on 19 December at CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute in Shenzhen. It is jointly organized by the Department of English, the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre, and CUHK-Peking University-University System of Taiwan Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity. The symposium brought together scholars from the United States, Europe, mainland China, and Hong Kong in the fields of second language acquisition and bilingualism to exchange research findings. 兩位伍宜孫書院學生楊子雋( 右一 )及鍾芯豫( 左一 )與香港科技大學的一位學生組成隊伍, 參加由法國駐港澳總領事館及香港可持續校園聯盟合辦的第二十一屆聯合國氣候變化大會 香港大專教育界競賽,憑創新構想v ’ air.com贏得一等獎,從環境局局長黃錦星先生手中接過 這項殊榮。得獎構思是透過一個類似Airbnb的網上平臺,讓個人與團體上載現有的本地旅行 團資訊,提供有趣的旅遊體驗,鼓勵假日留港旅遊及消費,以減少境外旅遊對環境的影響。 Wu Yee Sun College students Yeung Tsz-chun Arthur ( 1st right ) and Chung Sum-yue Natalie ( 1st left ) teamed up with a HKUST student to participate in the HK Tertiary Schools COP21 Challenge 2015 jointly organized by the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macau and The Hong Kong Sustainable Campus Consortium. With their creative and innovative idea ‘v ’ ’, the team won the First Prize presented by the Secretary for the Environment of the HKSAR government, Mr. Wong Kam-sing. ‘V’air. com’ is an Airbnb-style platform that encourages local travel by allowing individuals and groups to list local tours available and offering various incentives to attract customers to spend their money and holidays locally, in order to reduce pollutions associated with overseas travel. 國際熱帶與亞熱帶遙感應用會議 International Conference on Remote Sensing Applications in Tropical and Subtropical Areas 太空與地球信息科學研究所於2015年12月8至10日在校園舉辦「第二屆國際熱帶與亞熱帶 遙感應用會議」,由中大副校長霍泰輝教授、國家科技部原部長徐冠華院士和香港特別行 政區政府創新及科技局局長楊偉雄先生主持開幕儀式。 來自不同國家和地區的一百二十名與會者就遙感技術在土地利用與土地覆蓋、大氣與城市 環境、海洋與海岸帶環境和自然災害監測等的應用深入討論。另外,大會還組織了兩場圓 桌會議,討論熱帶與亞熱帶區域中遙感應用所面臨的挑戰與機遇。 在會議閉幕式上,與會代表同意建立區域協調組織與數據共用機制,增強各國的可持續發 展能力建設。 The Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) hosted the 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing Applications in Tropical and Subtropical Areas from 8 to 10 December 2015. Officiating guests at the opening ceremony were Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro- Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, Prof. Xu Guanhua, former Minister at the Ministry of Science and Technology, and Mr. Nicholas W. Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government. More than 120 scholars and research students from various countries and regions participated in discussions on remote sensing applications in land use/land cover change, atmosphere/urban environment, oceanography/coastal environment and natural disasters in the tropical and subtropical areas. Two panel discussion sessions were organized to discuss the challenges and opportunities of remote sensing applications, and oceanography and coastal environment monitoring in tropical and subtropical areas. At the closing session, participants all agreed to form a regional coordinating organization and data sharing mechanism to enhance the capacity for the building of sustainable development of regional countries. 呂榮聰博士榮膺2015年計算機器學會院士 Dr. Michael R. Lyu Conferred ACM Fellowship 2015 計算機科學與工程學系教授呂榮聰博士,憑藉對軟件可靠 性工程的理論與實踐之卓越貢獻,獲國際權威組織計算機 器學會頒授院士銜。2015年間,該會在全球推選四十二位 院士,呂博士是香港唯一的獲選者。ACM院士計劃的評選 嚴謹,只有百分之一的會員獲得院士銜,是該機構最崇高的 會員級別。 Dr. Michael Rung-tsong Lyu, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, has been elected as a Fellow of The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for his remarkable contributions to the theory and practice of software reliability engineering. In 2015, 42 were named ACM Fellows worldwide and Dr. Lyu was the only elected Fellow from Hong Kong. ACM is an authoritative international engineering organization and the ACM Fellow is the most prestigious member grade, recognizing the top 1% of its members for their outstanding accomplishments.
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