Newsletter No. 471
4 471 • 19.1.2016 校園消息 Campus News 中大榮獲2015年度IMA國際互動媒體最佳網站獎(大學組) CUHK Website Wins ‘Best in Class’ at Interactive Media Awards 2015 (University Category) 「一帶一路」國際學術會議 Academic Conference on ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ 中文大學主網站( ) 在一百三十二個 參賽的大學網站中脫穎而出,獲IMA國際互動媒體頒發 2015年度最佳網站獎(大學組)。 IMA國際互動媒體邀請網頁設計界的專家作評審,所 有參賽作品按「設計」、「內容」、「功能」、「易用度」 及「專業水準」五方面評分。中大網站在滿分五百分中 共獲四百九十分,其中「內容」及「功能」兩方面皆獲 滿分,而「設計」、「易用度」及「專業水準」則獲接近 滿分。 中大網站自2015年8月起,全面引入對應式網頁設計, 為有興趣報讀,以及正在中大就讀的學生、畢業生、教 職員、媒體與訪客提供最新的中大資訊。在計劃與開發 時,着重網站的無障礙設計,讓更多用者可便捷瀏覽適 切內容。 除上述所獲獎項外,中大主網站已於 2015 無障礙網 頁嘉許計劃中榮獲金獎,並蟬聯公眾票選的最喜愛 網站。 有關IMA國際互動媒體大獎詳情,請瀏覽: For more details of the IMA award, please visit: 香港亞太研究所與香港特別行政區政府中央政策組,於2015年12月17至18日假中大校園 舉行國際學術會議,探討「一帶一路」建設倡議所帶來的機遇及挑戰。 是次會議為來自「一帶一路」地區近三十個國家的學者、施政者、智庫人員及其他持份者 提供一個交流平台,分享經驗與知識,促進相互間的合作。會議首日由財政司司長曾俊華 先生及沈祖堯校長致辭,為大會揭開序幕,隨後由三位國際著名學者發表主題演講。 A premier academia international conference on Hong Kong and the World under the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, co-hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies and the Central Policy Unit of the HKSAR Government, was held at CUHK on 17 and 18 December 2015. The conference was a major milestone in providing an international forum for scholars, policy-makers, think tanks, and other stakeholders from around 30 countries in the ‘Belt and Road’ regions to share knowledge and experiences, and promote collaboration. It featured welcoming speeches by Mr. John Tsang, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, followed by three keynote speeches by internationally renowned scholars. The official website of CUHK ( ) has received the IMA (Interactive Media Award) ‘Best in Class’ award among 132 entries submitted in the ‘University’ category in 2015. The IMA Best of Class award is given to outstanding websites through a series of evaluation by distinguished professionals and experts in web-related business. All submitted website entries are scored using five specific criteria. Scoring 490 out of a total of 500, the CUHK website obtained full marks for both ‘Content’ and ‘Feature Functionality’, and nearly full marks for ‘Design’, ‘Usability’ and ‘Standards Compliance’. The CUHK website has been enhanced to a fully- responsive design since August 2015, targeting prospective and current students, alumni, staff, media and visitors. Accessibility has also been incorporated into the planning, design and development stages to ensure the availability of web content to the widest possible audience. Apart from the IMA award, the CUHK website has also received the Gold Award in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2015 in the Website Stream and was voted one of ‘My Favourite Websites’. 2015中大高爾夫球日籌款成績破歷屆紀錄 HK$1.9 Million Raised on CUHK Golf Day 2015 第十一屆中大高爾夫球日於2015年12月14日在香港高爾夫球會舉行,為大學籌得近一百九 十萬元,創歷史新高,成績令人鼓舞。崇基學院第三次勇奪中大盃,而Wealth Eagle隊則贏 得東方表行公開盃冠軍,男女子組個人總桿獎分別由鄧金榮校友及梁果華校友奪得。 中大高爾夫球日籌得的捐款,除指定用途外,將全數撥入「中大高爾夫球日獎學金」,鼓勵 成績優異、積極參與義工服務,且在運動上表現卓越的同學,2015年共有七名同學獲獎。 The 11th CUHK Golf Day was held on 14 December 2015 at the Hong Kong Golf Club. A record high of HK$1.9 million in donations was raised through Golf Day this year in support of the development of the University. Chung Chi College became the third-time winner of the CU Cup. Wealth Eagle Team was the winner of the Oriental Watch Open Cup – Best Net, while alumni Mr. Jeremy Tang and Ms. Leong Kuo-wa won the Men’s and Ladies’ Best Gross Championship, respectively. Donations raised in the CUHK Gulf Day will be used to fund the CUHK Golf Day Scholarship, except those with designated areas of support. In 2015, seven undergraduates with outstanding academic performance and active participation in voluntary services and sports activities have been awarded the scholarship.
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