Newsletter No. 486

07 # 4 8 6 | 4 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 6 第八十一屆大會典禮特別安排 Arrangement for the Eighty-first Congregation 大學第八十一屆大會(頒授學位典禮)將於11月17日(星期四)上午10時正在林蔭大道舉行, 由大學校董會主席梁乃鵬博士主持頒授碩士學位及學士學位,並由大學校長沈祖堯教授頒 發傑出教學及研究獎。 同日下午,各書院將為所屬學士學位畢業生舉行畢業禮,詳情如下: The Eighty-first Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees will be held at 10 am on 17 November at the University Mall. Dr. Norman N.P. Leung, Chairman of the Council, will confer first and master’s degrees. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, will present awards for teaching and research excellence. The graduation ceremonies held by the nine Colleges for first-degree graduates will take place in the afternoon of 17 November. The schedule of the ceremonies is as follows: 成員書院學士學位畢業典禮 First-degree Graduation Ceremonies Held by Nine Colleges 書院 College 時間 Time 地點 Venue 主禮嘉賓 Guest of Honour 和聲書院 Lee Woo Sing 12 nn – 1:15 pm 逸夫書院大講堂 Shaw College Lecture Theatre 李乃 熺 博士(聯業製衣有限公司董事總經理及和聲書院院監會主席) Dr. Lee Nai-shee, Harry, SBS, JP Chairman of TAL Apparel Limited and Chairman, Committee of Overseers, Lee Woo Sing College 聯合書院 United 12 nn – 2:15 pm 邵逸夫堂 Sir Run Run Shaw Hall 陸志聰醫生(香港醫院管理局港島西醫院聯網總監) Dr. Luk Che Chung Cluster Chief Executive, Hong Kong West Cluster, Hong Kong Hospital Authority 敬文書院 C.W. Chu 12 nn – 2:30 pm 敬文書院朱謝玲玲樓 多用途禮堂 Multi-purpose Hall, Marina Tse Chu Building 楊綱凱教授(敬文書院院長) Prof. Kenneth Young Master, C.W. Chu College 晨興書院 Morningside 12 nn – 2:30 pm 晨興書院宴會廳 Dining Hall, Morningside College 莫理斯教授(晨興書院院長) Prof. Sir James Mirrlees Master, Morningside College 新亞書院 New Asia 1:30 pm – 3:15 pm 林蔭大道 University Mall 陳志新博士(香港中文大學校友評議會主席及新亞書院校董會副主席) Dr. Chan Chi Sun Chairman, CUHK Convocation and Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees, New Asia College 善衡書院 S.H. Ho 2:00 pm – 3:45 pm 何善衡館 Ho Sin Hang Hall 袁隆平教授(中國工程院院士及國家雜交水稻工程技術研究中心主任) Prof. Yuan Longping Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director General of China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Centre 崇基學院 Chung Chi 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm 崇基禮拜堂 Chung Chi College Chapel 曾鈺成先生(前香港特別行政區立法會主席) The Hon. Jasper Tsang Yok Sing, GBM, GBS, JP Former President, Legislative Council of the HKSAR 伍宜孫書院 Wu Yee Sun 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm 逸夫書院大講堂 Shaw College Lecture Theatre 許漢忠先生(新創建集團執行董事及副行政總裁) Mr. Stanley Hui Hon-chung, JP Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer NWS Holdings Limited 逸夫書院 Shaw 3:30 pm – 5:45 pm 邵逸夫堂 Sir Run Run Shaw Hall 鄔滿海先生(香港房屋協會主席) Mr. Wu Moon Hoi Marco, GBS Chairman, Hong Kong Housing Society 碩士學位課程畢業典禮則於11月18日(星期五)及19日(星期六)按學院分八節舉行: The master’s degree graduation ceremony will be held on 18 and 19 November in eight sessions: 學院 Faculty 日期/時間 Date/Time 地點 Venue 主禮嘉賓 Guest of Honour 第一節(文學院) Session 1 (for Faculty of Arts) 18.11.2016 10:00 am – 12 nn 林蔭大道 University Mall 陳方正博士(中國文化研究所名譽高級研究員) Dr. Chen Fong-ching Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK 第二節(工程學院) Session 2 (for Faculty of Engineering) 18.11.2016 11:00 am – 12:15 pm 邵逸夫堂 Sir Run Run Shaw Hall 范思浩先生(北豐國際有限公司主席兼行政總裁) Mr. Fan Shi-hoo, Hamen Chairman and Chief Executive, Pac-Fung International Limited 第三節(理學院) Session 3 (for Faculty of Science) 18.11.2016 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm 邵逸夫堂 Sir Run Run Shaw Hall 賀子森教授(香港大學副校長(研究)) Prof. Andy T.S. Hor Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), The University of Hong Kong 第四節(社會科學院) Session 4 (for Faculty of Social Science) 18.11.2016 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm 林蔭大道 University Mall 陸恭蕙女士(香港特別行政區政府環境局副局長) Ms. Loh Kung-wai, Christine, JP Under Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR 第五節(教育學院) Session 5 (for Faculty of Education) 19.11.2016 10:00 am – 11:30 am 邵逸夫堂 Sir Run Run Shaw Hall 李樂詩博士(極地博物館基金創辦人) Dr. Lee Lok-sze, Rebecca, MH Founder, Polar Museum Foundation 第六節(工商管理學院) Session 6 (for Faculty of Business Administration) 19.11.2016 10:00 am – 12 nn 林蔭大道 University Mall 盛智文博士(蘭桂坊集團主席) Dr. the Hon. Allan Zeman, GBM, GBS, JP Chairman, Lan Kwai Fong Group 第七節(醫學院) Session 7 (for Faculty of Medicine) 19.11.2016 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm 林蔭大道 University Mall 羅思偉醫生(新界東醫院聯網總監) Dr. Lo Su-vui Cluster Chief Executive, New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority 第八節(法律學院) Session 8 (for Faculty of Law) 19.11.2016 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm 邵逸夫堂 Sir Run Run Shaw Hall 譚允芝女士(香港大律師公會主席及資深大律師) Ms. Winnie Tam, SC Chairman, Hong Kong Bar Association 泊車安排 Parking 邵逸夫堂對面之停車場將作畢業生座席,該停車場將由10月30日至12月2日暫停開放,以便 搭建帳篷。11月17日典禮當日,富爾敦樓、大學行政樓、邵逸夫夫人樓及田家炳樓等部分車 位,將保留予嘉賓及公務車輛專用。 The car park opposite Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, to be used as a seating area for graduates, will be temporarily closed from 30 October to 2 December for the erection of a canopy for the ceremony. Some parking spaces at John Fulton Centre, University Administration Building, Lady Shaw Building and Tin Ka Ping Building will be reserved for guests with special parking labels on 17 November. 停課安排 Suspension of Classes 11月17日典禮當日,全日制本科課程(醫科三至五年級除外)及研究院課程將會停課。 On 17 November, full-time undergraduate classes (except MB ChB Programme Years 3–5) and postgraduate programmes classes will be suspended. 惡劣天氣應變措施 Adverse Weather Contingency 典禮當日若遇惡劣天氣,大學將啟動應變程序,第八十一屆大會將改於邵逸夫堂舉行,並直 播到校園內多個演講廳;新亞書院畢業典禮則於晚上7時30分在邵逸夫堂舉行;碩士學位畢 業典禮之第一節(文學院)、第四節(社會科學院)、第六節(工商管理學院)將改於李兆基 樓六號演講廳舉行,並直播到鄰近的多個演講廳;而第七節(醫學院)將改於康本國際學術 園劉佐德演講廳舉行,並直播到鄰近的多個演講廳。而在室內舉行的崇基學院、聯合書院、 逸夫書院、晨興書院、善衡書院、敬文書院、伍宜孫書院及和聲書院等畢業典禮,以及其餘 四節碩士學位課程畢業典禮則不受影響。大學如需要啟動有關程序,詳情將在港鐵大學站及 林蔭大道廣播,並在大學各校門出入口,以及畢業禮網站 宣 布。 In the event of adverse weather, the University will launch the contingency plan. Upon an official announcement, the Congregation will be moved to the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and simultaneously broadcast to lecture theatres on campus. The New Asia College Graduation Ceremony will take place in the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall at 7:30 pm. The Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony, Session 1 (Faculty of Arts), Session 4 (Faculty of Social Science) and Session 6 (Faculty of Business Administration) will be moved to the LT6 of Lee Shau Kee Building and simultaneously broadcast to nearby lecture theatres on campus; while Session 7 (Faculty of Medicine) will be moved to the Lau Chor Tak Lecture Theatre, Yasumoto International Academic Park and simultaneously broadcast to nearby lecture theatres on campus. The indoor ceremonies for Chung Chi, United, Shaw, Morningside, S.H. Ho, C.W. Chu, Wu Yee Sun, Lee Woo Sing Colleges and Sessions 2, 3, 5, 8 of the Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony will not be affected. If the contingency plan is to be implemented, details will be broadcast at the University MTR Station and the University Mall, and also announced at the entrances of the University and at the congregation website ( www.cpr. ) on the day. 公積金計劃投資回報成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 基金 Fund 9.2016 1.10.2015–30.9.2016 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 1.11% 0.95% 10.43 % 13.07 % 平衡 Balanced 0.33% 0.85% 8.31 % 12.47% 穩定 Stable 0.51% 0.74% 7.03% 11.13% 香港股票 HK Equity 2.06% 1.69% 14.58 % 14.23 % 香港指數 HK Index-linked 1.71% 1.82% 15.35 % 16.08 % A50中國指數 A50 China Tracker –2.95 % –1.90 % 0.99 % 1.25 % 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.06% 0.01% 0.72% 0.13% 美元銀行存款* USD Bank Deposit* 0.08% 0.01 % 0.97% 0.31% 澳元銀行存款* AUD Bank Deposit* 2.14 % 2.01 % 12.10% 10.27% 歐元銀行存款* EUR Bank Deposit* 0.81 % 0.81 % 0.64 % 0.75 % 人民幣銀行存款* RMB Bank Deposit* 0.20 % 0.20 % – 2.02% – 3.16% 強積金數據請參閱 : For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month