Newsletter No. 525
08 # 5 2 5 | 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 8 阮兆輝教授主講「氍毹逐夢」 Cantonese Opera Master’s Public Lecture 中大中國音樂研究中心將與音樂系合辦公開講座,題為「氍毹逐夢」,由粵劇名伶、「中國戲 曲欣賞」通識課程講師阮兆輝教授主講,內容涵蓋他在大學授課的體會、日後推廣粵劇的路 向,以及他對粵劇的微願。 The Centre for Chinese Music Studies and the Department of Music co-organize a public lecture by Prof. Yuen Siu-fai, the Cantonese opera master who teaches the General Education course ’The Appreciation of Chinese Opera’. He will talk on his experience in teaching in the University, the promotion of Cantonese opera, and his vision for this traditional arts. 日期 Date 12.11.2018 (星期一 Monday ) 時間 Time 2:00 – 3:30 pm 地點 Venue 何添樓B6室 Room B6, Ho Tim Building 聯合書院到訪傑出學人講座 United College Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lectures 聯合書院2018至2019年度「到訪傑出學人」講座邀請了劍橋大學公共衞生及基層醫療學系、 腫瘤學系的癌症流行病學講座教授保祿 • 費羅,於11月初演講兩場。 Prof. Paul Pharoah, Professor of Cancer Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and Primary Care and Department of Oncology, University of Cambridge, will visit United College from 4 to 11 November as the College’s Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2018–19. During his visit, Professor Pharoah will deliver two public lectures. 題目 Topics 為甚麼癌症會在一些家族中流行? Understanding why cancer tends to run in families? 癌症基因測試– 市民大眾準備好未? Are we ready for genetic testing in population? 日期 Date / 時間 Time 6.11.2018 (星期二 Tuesday ) 4.30 pm 8.11.2018 (星期四 Thursday ) 4.30 pm 地點 Venue 康本國際學術園地下劉佐德演講廳 Lau Chor Tak Lecture Theatre, Yasumoto International Academic Park 查詢 Enquiry 3943 7598 (林偉源先生 Mr. George Lam ) 3943 7455 (楊頌妍小姐 Ms. Amy Yeung ) 留座網址 Registration 博群大講堂 2018–組裝未來:一個物理博士的社會實驗 University Lecture on Civility 2018—Assembling the Future: A Social Innovator’s Intriguing Project 博群大講堂邀請了「開源生態計劃」創辦 人兼執行總監Dr. Marcin Jakubowski舉行 演講。他於2003年創辦「開源生態計劃」, 以開放原始碼方式發布工具與機械的製造 藍圖,然後透過共享與協作,讓各界能夠實 惠地製作符合自己需要的器材,達至自助自 主、自給自足。他將與聽眾分享如何推動該 計劃,以助現代人應變資源短缺、重掌生活 自主的經驗。 Dr. Marcin Jakubowski, founder and executive Director of Open Source Ecology, is invited to be the keynote speaker of the University Lecture on Civility. He established Open Source Ecology in 2003, an open platform that allows the public to have free access to blueprints of different industrial machines which are easily fabricated at low costs. He will share with the audience his personal experience of driving Open Source Ecology to tackle the paucity of resources and to take control over our own lives. 日期 Date 24.10.2018 (星期三 Wednesday ) 時間 Time 6:30 – 8:30 pm 地點 Venue 李兆基樓6號演講廳 LT6, Lee Shau Kee Building 「快樂鳥,青葱林」曾陳桂梅視覺藝術展 ‘Happy Birds, Forest Green’ Visual Arts Exhibition 展覽展出曾陳桂梅校友(1980/崇基社工)以飛鳥和自然 風景為題材之攝影作品。曾陳桂梅為澳洲皇家墨爾本理 工大學純藝術碩士及英國皇家攝影學會院士,於2001年 起屢次舉辦個人創作展覽。是次展覽同時為「崇基學生 發展綜合大樓」的興建計劃籌款。 The exhibition features Mrs. Carol Tsang’s photos of birds and the natural scenery. Instead of giving a documentary record, the artist creates her own visual language combining photography and post-processing to express the impression and inspiration that nature brings to her. Mrs. Carol Tsang (1980/Social Work) has obtained a Master’s degree in Fine Art at RMIT Australia and is the Associate of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. The exhibits are donated for the fundraising campaign of ‘Chung Chi Student Development Complex’. 日期 Date 15.10.2018 – 9.11.2018 開放時間 Opening hours 星期一至五 Mondays to Fridays 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 星期六 Saturdays 9:00 am – 1:00 pm 星期日及公眾假期休息 Sundays and public holidays closed 地點 Venue 崇基學院行政樓大堂展覽廳 Lobby Gallery, Chung Chi College Administration Building 代碼世界:網站及數碼內容開發論壇 House of Codes: A Forum on Development of Websites and Digital Contents 為促進校內各部門的數碼資訊交流,資訊處與資訊科技服務處將合辦論壇,探討網站及數碼 內容的開發。來自該兩個部門的同事以及從事數碼行銷的講者將會分享管理網站及數碼內容 的寶貴心得。報名現已開始,先到先得,額滿即止。活動以廣東話進行。 To strengthen the digital information exchanges among CUHK units, a forum focusing on the development of websites and digital contents will be co-presented by the Information Services Office (ISO) and the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC). Colleagues from the two offices, as well as a guest speaker from a digital agency, will share their valuable experience in managing websites and digital contents. Registration is open now on a first-come, first-served basis. The forum will be conducted in Cantonese. 日期 Date 6.12.2018 (星期四 Thursday ) 時間 Time 8:45 am – 12:45 pm 對象 Audience 中大職員,特別是網站管理員及網頁編輯 CUHK staff, especially those who manage websites and digital contents 地點 Venue 李兆基樓5號演講廳 LT5, Lee Shau Kee Building 報名 Registration 高錕教授紀念展覽 In memory of Professor Sir Charles Kao 為紀念第三任校長、「光纖之父」高錕教授,中大正舉辦高錕教授紀念展覽及開設悼念網 頁。展覽展出其獎牌、勳章、證書、課堂手稿以及生平照片等。場內同時設置弔唁區,供各界 人士留言悼念。 CUHK is now launching a special exhibition and website in memory of Professor Sir Charles K. Kao. The exhibition will show items belonging to Professor Kao including medals, certificates, handwritten lecture notes and photos, etc. A place for condolence is also set up for the public to sign in, record their messages of condolence and pay their last respects to Professor Kao. 日期 Date 即日至2018年10月24日 From now until 24 October 2018 開放時間 Opening hours 星期一至五 Mondays to Fridays 星期六 Saturdays 星期日 Sundays 9:00 am – 8:00 pm 9:00 am – 6:00 pm 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm 地點 Venue 大學展覽廳 University Gallery 宣 布 事 項 / A nnouncements
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