Newsletter No. 538

中大人於2019香港資訊及通訊科技獎奪三獎 CUHK Members Receive Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019 中大教授及校友領導及參與的三個創新資訊及通訊科技應用方案,在「2019香港資訊及通訊科技獎」 中奪得三獎。兩位物理系校友黃偉健先生及胡宏俊先生為香港天文台研發的「小渦旋」預報系統,奪 得商業方案獎。該系統可於數小時前預報降雨和閃電的區域、時間和強度,以支援天文台的暴雨預警  服務。 由醫學院眼科及視覺科學學系梁啟信教授(前排左二)創辦的艾斯數碼有限公司奪得智慧生活獎。該公 司的虛擬實境頭戴式裝置,讓醫生和專業人員可以評估眼疾病人的視力障礙,以及體會病人日常遇到的 困難,如模擬超市購物、白天及夜間上落樓梯等。中大亞洲供應鏈及物流研究所網際物流研究中心、香 港機場管理局和啟悟合作研發的物聯網強化飛行區管理系統,獲得智慧出行獎。該系統能夠實時監察停 機坪上航班和設備的狀況,協助管理航班抵達和離境期間的工作,如行李和航餐處理等。 Three innovative Information and Communications Technology solutions led or developed by the professors and alumni of CUHK have won top awards in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019. Two alumni from the Department of Physics, Mr. Wong Wai-kin and Mr. Woo Wang-chun, developed an urban-scale nowcasting system, Short-range Warning of Intense Rainstorms in Localised Systems (SWIRLS), for the Hong Kong Observatory. The system won Smart Business Grand Award. SWIRLS, which provides forecasts of location, timing and intensity of rainfall and lightning hours ahead, can support operation of rainstorm forecasting and warning services. ACE VR Ltd, founded by Prof. Christopher Leung (2nd from left, front row), the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, won Smart Living Grand Award with its virtual reality headset which simulates day-to-day activities, e.g., supermarket shopping, stair navigation in daytime and nighttime, and visualises difficulties experienced by visually-impaired patients. The system thus allows clinical assessment of vision-related disability. Hong Kong Airport Authority, Center of Cyber Logistics, AISCL, CUHK and ubiZense Ltd developed the IoT-Augmented Airfield Service System which won Smart Mobility Grand Award. The system can monitor the real-time operations of flights and facilities and support managing preparatory tasks between arrivals and departures of flights, e.g., baggage handling and catering. 國際程式設計比賽摘銅 Wins Bronze Medal in the International Collegiate Programming Contest 一隊中大學生日前遠赴葡萄牙波圖,出戰第四十三屆「國際大學程式設計比 賽(ICPC)」世界總決賽,在一百三十五隊決賽隊伍中脫穎而出,勇奪銅獎。 隊伍成員包括數學系何雁行、計量金融學系潘力行,以及計算機科學系易維 濱。參賽隊伍須於五小時內編寫程式解決十一道涉及不同演算法、資料結 構、博弈論等問題。ICPC是全球規模最大的電腦程式比賽,分地區賽和世界 賽,吸引逾五萬名來自一百一十個國家及地區約三千所大學參加。 The programming team at CUHK won a bronze medal at the 43rd Annual World Finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) held in Porto, Portugal, among 135 teams. The team included three undergraduate students: Yik Wai-pan, a Computer Science major, Ho Ngan-hang, a Mathematics major, and Poon Lik-hang, a Quantitative Finance major. They were required to solve 11 computer programming problems involving algorithm, data structure and game theory, etc., in five hours. The ICPC, the largest programming contest in the world, is a multi-tier competition with local, national, and regional contests leading to the world finals. This year over 50,000 contestants from over 3,000 universities in 110 countries took part in the competition. 本港首個兒童及青少年精神健康研究 Hong Kong’s First Child and Adolescent Mental Health Study Kicks Off 中大精神科學系及心理 學系合作開展全港首個 針對兒童及青少年精神 健康的大型研究「畀心 機」,將隨機選出一百 多家中小學,再從同意 參與的學校中隨機邀 請八千名六至十七歲的 學生或/及其父母,接 受有診斷標準的訪談, 了解現時本港中小學生 的精神健康狀況和各種生心理因素,之後進一步邀請其中一千人深入研究, 找出影響本地兒童及青少年成長的風險及保護因素,以建立完善支援系統。 這項研究為期約兩年半,由政府成立的精神健康諮詢委員會委託中大進行。 The Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Psychology at CUHK have launched Hong Kong’s first child and adolescent mental health study, ‘WORK HEART’. The inter-disciplinary team is now recruiting local students aged from six to 17 to participate in the study. Random sampling will be adopted to choose 8,000 students from over 100 primary and secondary schools. The selected students and/or their parents will participate in a detailed interview covering mental health diagnoses and other biopsychosocial factors. A sub-group of 1,000 students will be invited to participate in an intensive study where further health indicators will be measured. The study will help identify the risk and protective factors influencing child and adolescent development so that a support system can be developed. The study initiated by the Advisory Committee on Mental Health will complete in two-and-a-half years. 政策模擬比賽列亞洲地區三甲 CUHK Team Becomes Top 3 in Policy Simulation Competition in Asia 難民問題引起全球關注。五名公共政策社 會科學碩士課程的學生組隊遠赴韓國世宗 市,參加2月23日的NASPAA-Batten模擬 比賽亞洲地區選拔,就難民問題建議政策, 與十一隊亞洲區頂尖大學競逐。經過一輪 舌戰,中大與韓國發展研究所公共政策與 管理學院和新加坡國立大學列地區三甲。 中大隊伍成員(左起)楊苑詩、甘莹、孫研 智、趙嬿鎔和譚婧珊,在課程主任黃偉豪教授和課程副主任朱湄指導下備戰兩月。整日的比賽分為多個 回合,每隊扮演一個國家制定政策,並且要在短時間內與其他參賽隊伍達成共識,達致雙贏。 Refugees have been one of the pressing global issues arousing concerns from every country.  Five students of the MSSc Programme in Public Policy (MPUP) formed a team to come up with policy recommendations for refugees’ issues at the NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition (Site Competition) on 23 February in Sejong, South Korea. The team competed head-to-head with eleven teams from other top Asian universities. CUHK, together with KDI School of Public Policy and Management in South Korea and National University of Singapore, became the top three in the competition. The CUHK team, formed by (from left) Violet Leong, Harper Gan, Stella Son, Eunice Chiu and Retam Tam, spent two months preparing for the competition with support and guidance from Prof. Wilson Wong, Programme Director of MPUP, and Prof. May Chu, Assistant Programme Director of MPUP. The day-long competition was divided into rounds of simulation games. Each team represented a country making policy decisions and was required to collaborate strategically with the other teams within limited time to achieve ‘win-win’ outcomes. 05 # 5 3 8 | 1 9 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 9