Newsletter No. 535
04 # 5 3 5 | 0 4 . 0 4 . 2 0 1 9 Vincent Tse (1st left), Clementine Chow (centre), Theresa Leung (2nd left), Sharon Wong (2nd right) and Rico Chan (1st right), in their policy proposals titled ‘How to use Chinese medicine to complement and alleviate the pressure of the public healthcare system’, suggested that the 18 community- based Chinese Medicine Centres for Training and Research (CMCTRs) which are providing Chinese medicine outpatient services should receive public funding on a par with that for western medicine services; and in the long run a public- funded Chinese medicine hospital and a dedicated Chinese Medicine Authority for the management of service provision, overall policy planning and development of Chinese medicine should be established. The policy contest, organized by GeNext which promotes youngsters’ active participation in public affairs, emphasizes ‘empathetic thinking’. Lobbying is the key to winning the contest. Contestants have to conduct an opinion survey on their chosen policy area, draft suggestions based on the results, and put those online to invite public comments. They then have to lobby face-to-face real-life stakeholders with differing views and of different political persuasions and revise their proposals accordingly. The final part is to persuade a judging panel comprising social and political leaders. They spent a whole term formulating the policy. ‘Our major theme is to incorporate Chinesemedicine service into the public healthcare system and the long-term end is the incorporation of a Chinese Medicine Authority,’ said Rico Chan. ‘It has to be supported by the public and implementable,’ said Vincent Tse. It is difficult to put Chinese medicine on a par with western medicine in the healthcare system. Results of the telephone survey, which successfully interviewed 634 people, revealed that the confidence level of Hong Kong citizens for Chinese medicine was comparable to that for western medicine. Due to insufficient knowledge and higher fees, however, people tended not to choose Chinese medicine. The respondents were supportive of the strengthening of Chinese medicine services. Support of their proposal earned them the additional ‘Most Favourite Policy Award’ with 4,299 votes. T he Government should fully incorporate Chinese medicine services into the public healthcare system in order to ease the burden of the overloaded system. Five Year 4 students from CUHK’s School of Chinese Medicine suggested making good use of the strengths of Chinese medicine in the provision of primary health care to absorb patients from the overcrowded public hospitals. Their policy proposals won them the Champion of the 3rd ‘Caak Dim—Outstanding Policy Maker Challenge’. 梁煒琦補充:「中醫納入公營系統,長遠能為政府節省醫療 開支。 「許多人誤以為中醫療效慢,其實不然。中西醫在許多病種 療效相若,一些病種中醫療效甚至更好且成本較低。最近流 感肆虐造成急症室輪候時間過長,病房使用率超標,可是, 早有本港學者研究以荊防敗毒散及銀翹散治療流感,能有效 紓緩病情。中醫值得成為更多市民的另一選擇。」 目前政府投放於中醫的資源只佔整體醫療開支不及百分之 一,而十八間地區中醫教研中心,須自負盈虧,政府補貼有 限,診金也就較高。在財政緊絀下,教研中心聘用約三百六 十位中醫師,每年應付的求診人次逾一百二十萬。現時本港 約有九千五百名中醫師,人手充裕,政府只需稍增撥資源已能 大幅增加服務。 因此這幾位準中醫師建議政府直接管理中醫教研中心,長遠 來說,設立公營中醫院及中醫藥管理局,統籌中醫服務。「類 似建議早有業界前輩提出。我們不希望建議在贏得比賽後 便不了了之,比賽過程我們獲得不少中醫業界人士協助,我 們會繼續爭取,期望團結力量,最終能讓建議落實,」謝智勇 說。 周艷秀總結參賽經驗:「我們是學生,沒有政治壓力,可以建 構更理想的政策模式。比賽期間,大學教授們亦給我們許多 幫助,既提高政策的可行性,也有助推廣中醫文化……當初 我們沒想到會勝出,當直接面向群眾時,他們的大力支持真 是意料之外,加上業界團結支持,令我們深受感動。現行的 中醫政策有不足之處,但我們深信在業界齊心支持下,好的 政策倡議將影響深遠。所以先改變自己,才能改變社會。比賽 讓我們對中醫文化加深認識,中醫學並非固步自封,而是不 斷發展進步,猶如有待發掘的『寶藏』。」 公 營醫療系統負荷超標,是政府的一大棘手問題。 中醫學院五名四年級生倡議善用中醫專業於基層醫 療,分流病人以緩解公共醫療體系的壓力,此議為 他們奪得第三屆《策掂─傑出政策人大賽》比賽冠軍。 謝智勇 (左一)、 周艷秀 (中)、 梁煒琦 (左二)、 王淑芬 (右 二)及 陳皓天 (右一)以「探討如何借助中醫專業紓緩公共 醫療體系的壓力」為題,建議將目前十八間分布港九新界 各區的中醫教研中心改為公營,開設中醫院及成立中醫藥管 理局,將中醫納入公營醫療系統,為市民提供適切的中醫服 務。 由致力推動青年人積極參與公共事務團體「為正策士」舉辦 的政策比賽,有別於傳統政策比賽,強調「換位思考」,致勝 關鍵在於政策遊說。參賽學生先接受民意調查基本訓練,按 參賽的政策範疇,進行電話民調,然後因應所集意見擬訂政 策,在網上發表,邀請公眾評論。他們更須面對不同立場、崗 位和政治光譜的持份者進行遊說,再反覆修訂出可行和具民 意支持的政策建議。比賽的最後階段是要說服由多位政界領 袖組成的評判團。 他們花了整整一個學期的時間擬制政策。「大方向是將中醫 納入公營系統,長遠發展是成立中醫藥管理局,」陳皓天說。 謝智勇認為:「政策要成功,必須得到民意支持,而且切實可 行。」本港的醫療系統由西醫主導,中醫難平分秋色。他們進 行電話民調,成功訪問六百三十四人;發現很多市民對中醫 的信心水平與對西醫相若,但中醫就診率則偏低,原因是認 識不足,以及收費較高。不過,他們卻十分支持加強中醫服 務。市民的支持讓他們的方案以四千二百九十九票領先,贏 得比賽另設的網上投票「最喜愛政策大獎」。 「我們針對公營醫療系統面對的主要困難─人口老化,中 醫和西醫一樣,都應在醫療服務的資源規劃和發展上佔一席 位,」王淑芬指出。 老年人口比例上升,對醫療服務的需求遠超線性增長。以 2014年為例,六十五歲及以上長者佔整體人口不足一成半, 但用於長者之醫療開支則佔整體近半。預計長者人口比例由 2018年約兩成上升至2036年的三成時,對醫療服務的龐大 需求將使公營醫療系統無法負擔,政府必須開拓新的醫療服 務模式。
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