Newsletter No. 236
CUHK Computer Scientist Elected IEEE Fellow P rof. Michael Ly u Rung Tsong of the U n i v e r s i t y ' s D e p a r t me nt o f Computer Science and Engineering has been elected fellow of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for his outstanding accomplishments in engineering science and t e c h n o l o g y. C i t ed f o r h is 'contributions to software reliability e n g i n e e r i n g and s o f t wa re f a u l t tolerance', Prof. Lyu is the first scientist from greater China to be elected IEEE fellow in software engineering . An expert in software reliability design, testing, modelling, and analysis, Prof. Ly u was the first scientist to propose a paradigm for N - v e r s i on p r o g r amm i ng and mu l t i - v e r s i on software. He conducted r ea l -wo r ld experiments with different project teams to demonstrate the significance of this p a r a d i gm f o r e x p l o r i n g software design diversity. He also p r o p o s ed and evaluated the use o f n o v e l r e l i a b i l i t y mo d e l l i n g and analysis schemes to assess and compare faul t tolerant software architectures. Prof. Lyu was on e of the first scientists to show the effective application and interpretation of software reliability models for software projects. Based on his extensive experience in both industry and academia, he proposed several approache s f or so f t wa re reliability modelling, which were widely recognized in the software engineering industry. Virtual-Real ity Training for Keyhole Surgery Soon to Be Introduced T he advent of Mi n ima l ly Invasive Surgery (MIS) has reduced surgical trauma and pain and hastened recovery. It has also brought about drastic changes to the approach and practice of al l surgical disciplines. MIS has been widely applied to operations of the abdomen, chest, head and neck, brain, and vascular system. It has been proven safe and effective for children, even newborns. Currently at the Prince of Wales Hospital, 80 per cent of surgical operations are MIS. Unlike in conventional surgery, MIS surgeons operate through a television monitor with a flat two- dimensional image rather than r e l y i ng on direct vision and the sense of touch. Their movements are also restricted by the keyhole access. In response to the urgent need for training and practising facilities in MIS, the CUHK Faculty o f M e d i c i n e w i l l introduce a revolutionary virtual reality surgical training programme from July 2004 for all surgical trainees and experienced surgeons across surgical disciplines in th e New Territories East Cluster of hospitals. The programme, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, w i ll provide safe, efficient and repetitive training and practice in different simulations and scenarios in a cost-effective manner. Surgeons can test dangerous or new surgical procedures at no risk to patients. A l l surgeons in the New Territories East Cluster w i ll nee d to have undergone virtual reality training for accreditation before they are assigned to any MIS operation. Good News for Nasopharyngeal Cancer Sufferers Over 60 nasopharyngeal cancer patients and their f a m i l y s h a r e d experiences and learnt more about the Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) and cosmetic prosthetic processes at a gathering held by the Cochlear Implant and Hearing Rehabilitation Centre on 8th February. The centre introduced the world's first application of BAHA in nasopharyngeal cancer patients. Close Partnership with French Research Institute fo r Advancement in GIS T h e University's Joint Laboratory for Geoinformation Science (JLGIS ) signed a Letter of Intent with the French Naval Academy Research Institut e for close academic exchange on 12th February 2004. With the signing of the letter, the institutions w i l l collaborate in research on ma r i t i me GIS and ma r i t i m e sustainability development. There w i ll be academic exchange, visits, and joint research projects. The institutions hope that their joint research powe r w i ll bring about better maritime sustainability development in Asia. Attending the ceremony were Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vice-chancellor of the Universiy, Dr. Abdo Malac, consul (scientific and academic affairs) of the French Consulate General in Hong Kong; Prof. Leung Yee, dean o f the Faculty of Social Science; Mr. Thomas Wu, director of academic links; Prof. Tsou J in Yeu o f the D e p a r t m e n t o f A r ch i t ec t u r e; and M r . Ro b e r t L i , b u s i n e ss manager o f JLGIS. The signatories were Prof. Hu i L i n ( r i g h t ) , director of J L G I S , a n d P r o f . Christophe C l a r amunt (left) o f the GIS Group of t h e F r e n c h N a v a l A c a d e my R e s e a r ch Institute. Chung Chi Receives Zhejiang Student Delegat ion A delegation of 10 students fro m Zhejiang University visited Chung Chi College from 7th to 14th February 2004 under the first part of the college's Student V i s i t o r Pr og r amme w i t h Zhejiang University. The theme of the programme was 'Biotechnology and Life Sciences: Dreams and Nightmares'. The delegation was received by 20 Chung Chi students. Exchanges were made on the theme at a series of seminars and visits to local organizations. The second part of the programme w i l l be held in Zhejiang in April this year. The opening ceremony of the Hong Kong programme took place on 9th February in the Chung Chi College Administration Building. Officiating at the ceremony were Mr. Chu Zhinong, director general of education, Science and Technology Department, Liaison O f f i c e o f the Ce n t r al Pe o p l e 's Government in the HKSAR; Mr. Karl C. Kwok , chairman of the Chung Chi College Board of Trustees; Dr. George Hung, trustee of Chung Chi College; and Prof. Rance Lee, head of Chung Chi College. The Student Visitor Programme with Zhejiang University, held for the second time, is supported by the generous donation of Mr. Eddie Lu, a college trustee. Laurels for Nursing Students Students of the Nethersole School of Nursing won the debating contest organize d by the Association of Nursing Staff on 7th February 2004. One of the students, Mr. Chiu Wai Lok (left), also won the Best Debater Award. 2 No. 236 4th March 2004
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