Newsletter No. 311
第 311 期 2008 年 1 月 19 日 No. 311 19 January 2008 大學再添中國工程院院士 Another CUHK Professor Elected Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering 自 動化與計算機輔助工程學講座教授徐揚生教授 上月獲選為中國工程院院士,以表彰他在工程 科學的創造性成就和重大貢獻。 徐揚生教授為著名的空間機器人與智能控制專家,於 1989年獲賓夕法尼亞大學博士學位後,轉任美國卡內 基梅隆大學計算機學院機器人研究所研究員,創建了 首間無重力太空機器人實驗室和地面實時控制中心; 1997年加入中文大學。 徐教授在空間機器人的設計、控制及動力學研究,以 及無重力地面試驗設施的研製等方面貢獻非淺。他致 力推動中國航天智能控制技術的發展,提出並參與了 有關航天智能系統的研製。此外,又深入研究和開發 動態穩定系統的控制、人類控制策略的自動建模、穿 戴式智能人機界面,以及全方位混合動力汽車等課 題。 徐教授的研究成果豐碩,發表論文達二百七十多篇、 專著三部、編著一部。除重大的科技項目,他的貢獻 更深入實用層面,照顧日常生活所需。例如「跟蹤機 器人」有助行李運輸和購物,「智能眼鏡」可為遊客 即時翻譯,「智能鞋」提供手控制之外的選擇,「帽 控輪椅」則提升殘疾人士的生活素質。 中國工程院院士是國家設立的工程科學技術最高稱 銜,每兩年增選一次,2007年的候選人有484名,共 增選33名新院士,當中兩人為香港科學家。 徐教授亦為國際歐亞科學院院士、國際電機及電子工 程師學會院士和國際宇航科學院通訊院士。 P rof. Xu Yangsheng, Professor of Automation and Computer-aided Engineering, has been elected member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) in December 2007, in recognition of his ground-breaking achievements in the fields of engineering science and technology. Aworld-renowned expert on robotics, Prof. Xu obtained his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in the US in 1989. Prior to joining CUHK in 1997, he was a faculty member at the Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, where he directed the Space Robotics Laboratory and developed the world’s first zero-gravity laboratory environment and various real-time controlled space robot systems. Prof. Xu has made significant contributions to the advancement of intelligent control systems in China’s space technology, as well as the research and development of dynamic stable systems, automatic learning of human control strategy, wearable intelligent interface, and omni-directional hybrid electric vehicle. Prof. Xu has published over 270 papers, three monographs, and one edited work. In addition to space robotics, he has made ‘down-to-earth’ inventions that have wide application and vast potential. These include a ‘tracking robot’ to help luggage transport and shopping, ‘intelligent eyeglasses’ offering instantaneous translation to tourists, ‘intelligent shoes’ that provide an option other than hand control, and a ‘smart wheelchair’ that improves the quality of life of the physically challenged. CAE membership is the highest academic title in engineering science and technology in China. New members are elected biennially. Among 484 eligible nominees for the 2007 election, 33 new members were elected, with two Hong Kong scientists making the list. Prof. Xu was elected Academician of the International Euroasian Academy of Sciences, Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and a corresponding member of the International Academy of Astronautics. 中大空氣流通評估方法研究五度獲獎 CUHK Project on Air Ventilation Assessment Bags Fifth Award 建 築學系吳恩融教授領導的「香港空氣流 通評估方法的可行性研究」擊敗逾百 個來自世界各地大學建築學系的參賽單位,榮 獲2007年英國皇家建築師協會研究獎,在傑出 大學主導項目組中奪得亞軍。頒獎典禮於去年 11月在倫敦舉行。 該項研究於2003年由規劃署委託中大進行,以 回應同年非典型肺炎爆發後,市民對都市空氣 流通課題的關注。研究於2005年完成,報告的 建議全數獲政府接納及採用,納入「香港規劃 標準與準則」中,並促成了前房屋及規劃地 政局與前環境運輸及工務局公布的聯合技術通 告,要求所有政府工程遵守有關的評估準則, 當中包括啟德機場舊址及添馬艦新政府總部的 規劃。 除英國皇家建築師協會研究獎外,該研究另曾 榮獲四項獎譽,包括香港建築師學會的研究大 獎、環保建築專業議會的研究及規劃組大獎、 國際節能及環保建築會議的最佳研究論文獎, 以及香港規劃師學會研究及規劃組優異獎。 吳教授說:「我很高興見到一項學術研究對香港城市 規劃政策產生影響,令我感到十分鼓舞。我期望香港 的城市環境繼續改善,讓市民大眾受惠。」 A CUHK research project entitled ‘Feasibility Study for Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment (AVA) Method in Hong Kong’ led by Prof. Edward Ng, professor in the Department of Architecture, was honoured at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Research Awards 2007, held last November in London. The CUHK project emerged as the first runner- up in the Outstanding University Led Project category, among projects by over 100 architecture departments in universities around the world. This was also the project’s fifth award. The project was commissioned by the Planning Department of the HKSAR Government to address heightened public demand for better city ventilation after the outbreak of SARS in 2003. Completed in 2005, the recommendations of the project were adopted by the Government, resulting in a new section on air ventilation in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines, and a joint technical circular on air ventilation assessment system issued by the then Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau and the then Environment, Transport and Works Bureau requiring all government projects to adhere to the assessment methodology. Government projects assessed by the AVA system include the planning of the former Kai Tak airport site and the design of new Government headquarters buildings at the Tamar site. The study had received four other awards earlier: the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Research Award 2005, the inaugural Professional Green Building Council Grand Award 2006 – Research and Planning Studies category, the Best Paper Award of the 23rd International Conference on Passive andLowEnergyArchitecture, and theCertificate of Merit of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners 2006 – Research and Planning Studies category. Prof. Ng said he is honoured by RIBA’s recognition. ‘More importantly, I am pleased to see that a piece of academic research is now influencing planning policies in Hong Kong. I hope our urban environment will improve and the general public will benefit in the years to come.’ 徐揚生教授 (右) 與他研製的「帽控輪椅」 Prof. Xu Yangsheng (right) and the smart wheelchair Courtesy of Andrew Hendry Photographer 左起:評判團主席Prof. Jane Rendell、研究顧問香港奧雅納工程顧問有限公司 董事邱萬鴻博士、中大研究領導建築學系吳恩融教授及英國皇家建築師協會 主席Mr. Sunand Prasad From left: Prof. Jane Rendell, chairlady of the jury panel, Dr. Raymond Yau, director, Ove Arup and Partners HK Ltd. (advisor of the study), Prof. Edward Ng, Department of Architecture (leader of CUHK study), and Mr. Sunand Prasad, president of the Royal Institute of British Architects
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