Newsletter No. 184
Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 CUHK Newsletter No. 184 19th May 2001 3 P e r s o n a l i a • 人 事 動 態 P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態 • P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態• P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態• P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態 新書 New Books 香港亞太研究所 H K I A P S 研究叢刊第五十一號 《雲南省與湄公河區域合作:中國地方自主性的發展》 改革開放後,雲南省地方政府率先在湄公河區域採取邊境開放政策,積極發展 與緬甸、老撾和越南的邊境貿易,並參與區域合作。湄公河區域展現了前所未有的 區域整合發展,是中低與低收入發展中國家區域合作的突破。 作者楊洪常利用此案例,説明該區域整 合的發展,是異於歐美貿易集團整合模式, 或是亞洲成長三角整合模式。它是以「南南合 作」為基礎,爭取多元化力量參與,促進區域 內外互補關係,從而實現資源優勢的「開發型」 整合模式。 國際統一書號 9 6 2 - 4 4 1 - 5 5 1 - X ,平裝本, 263 + x i i i 頁,六十港元。 研究叢刊第五十二號 《香港選舉資料匯編: 1996 年 - 2000 年》 此書由葉天生編,收集一九九六至二零零零 年間香港各級議會選舉及補選的資料,包括各選 區的投票情況、候選人的基本資料和投票率等,按類排目,分條列表,以方便讀者 檢索。此書亦輯錄了一九九六至二零零零年間,各年的選民登記冊中有關年齡及性 別分布的數據,臨時立法會的選舉資料,特區首屆區議會的組成方式及其正副主 席、委任議員和當然議員的名單。這些都是研究香港選舉政治不可或缺的資料。 國際統一書號 962-441-552-8 ,平裝本, 195 + x i i 頁,六十港元 Occasional Paper No. 115 Growth Without Catching Up: Organizational Dynamics in the Restructuring of the Electronics Industry in Hong Kong Written by Stephen W.K. Chiu and Wong Ka-chung, this paper attempts to enrich the literature on the diversity of the east-Asian experience by focusing on one critical difference between Hong Kong and the newly industrialized economies in east Asia 一 its distinctive path, since the 1980s, of industrial restructuring by relocation rather than upgrading. The authors use the r es t r uc t u r i ng in the electronics industry as a critical case to illustrate the general pattern of restructuring in the manufacturing industry. They argue that, in addition to the opportunities and constraints inherent in export-oriented original equipment manufacturing, environmental imprinting on the internal organizational dynamics of the firms in the industry has also had an effect. Their contention is that because of the dominance of the 'sub-contractor model' in the development of Hong Kong industry, local electronics firms have developed a heavy commercial orientation in their organization, and lack a drive towards product innovation. The organizational models acquired during the formative period of the firms have continued to shape their development during the later periods. ISBN 962-441-115-8, paperback, 79 pages, HK$30
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