Newsletter No. 207
CUHK Newsletter No. 207 19th September 2002 3 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 大學規程修訂 Amendment to University Statutes 《香港中文大學條例》(第1109章)附表1內的《香港中文大學規程》規程26最 近經修訂,使大學可頒授新設的專業會計學碩士( M.P.Acc.) 學位。 Statute 26 of the Statutes of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in Schedule 1 to The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1109) has recently been amended to provide for the conferment of a new master's degree 一 the Master of Professional Accountancy (M.P.Acc.) degree — by the University. 博文講座教授 Distinguished Professor-at-Large 大學委任諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎人 Prof. Jame s A . Mirrlees 為博文講座教授,任期由二零零二年八月一 日 起生效。 Prof .Mirrlee s 一九六三年取得劍橋大學經濟學博士 學位後,留校任教,六八至九五年受聘於牛津大學,九 五年起重返劍橋大學,出任政治經濟學講座教授。 他在資訊不對稱的誘因理論研究方面卓然有成, 更開展了一門新學問。他於一九九六年獲授諾貝爾經濟 學獎,以表揚他在這方面研究的傑出貢獻。 Prof. James A. Mirrlees was appointed Distinguished Professor-at-Large from 1st August 2002. Prof. Mirrlees obtained his MA in mathematics and natural philosophy from Edinburgh University in 1957 and his Ph.D. in economics from Cambridge University in 1963. Prof. Mirrlees has worked in India and Pakistan, and taught in the UK and the US, including as adviser at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, as Edgeworth Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford, as professor of political economy at the University of Cambridge, and as visiting professor to MIT, UC Berkeley, and Yale University. In 1996, Prof. Mirrlees was awarded the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for his fundamental contributions to the economic theory of incentives under asymmetric information. 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointments 計算機科學與工程學講座教授 Professors of Computer Science and Engineering •大學委任梁廣錫教授為計算機科學與工程學講座教 授,任期由二零零二年八月一日起生效。 梁廣錫教授在英國倫敦大學攻讀工科,先後於一 九七七及八零年取得理學士(工程)和博士學位。 梁教授畢業後即加入英國 ERA 科技公司任高級工程 師,八四年轉任英國中央發電局系統分析員,八五 年受聘為中大講師,九零年升任高級講師,九六年 升任教授。他是十多份學報的編委及評審員,亦是 多個專業學會的成員,二零零零年獲香港電腦學會 理事會推選為該會第十七名院士。他曾發表論文一 百五十多篇,並於過去十二年取得逾一千五百萬港 元研究資助。 Prof. Leung Kwong-sak has been appointed professor of computer science and engineering from 1st August 2002. Prof. Leung obtained his B.Sc.(Eng) and Ph.D. from the University of London in 1977 and 1980 respectively. He joined The Chinese University in 1985 as a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, becoming senior lecturer in 1990 and reader in 1996. In 1999, Prof. Leung was appointed chairman of the department. Prof. Leung is a fellow of the Hong Kong Computer Society, a member of the British Computer Society, the Specialist Group on Expert Systems of BCS, the Institution of Electrical Engineers, and the Association for Computing Machinery, as well as a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is also a chartered engineer. •大學委任徐雷教授為計算機科學與工程學講座教授,任期由二零零二年八月一日 起生效。 徐雷教授一九八一年取得哈爾濱工業大學工學學士學位後,到清華大學進 修’先後於八四及八七年獲授工學碩士及博士學位。徐教授曾在北京大學、芬蘭 拉彭蘭塔科技大學、加拿大岡戈地亞大學、美國哈佛大學和麻省理工學院從事研 究或教學工作,一九九三年加入本校服務。 他是多份國際學術期刊的編委或顧問,亦是多個專業學會的成員’去年底更 獲選為電機及電子工程師學會院士。他曾出版論文 二百四十多篇;九四年獲國家自然科學獎,九五年 獲國際神經網絡學會領袖獎。 Prof. Xu Lei has been appointed professor of computer science and engineering from 1 st August 2002. Prof. Xu received his bachelor degree i n electrical engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology in 1981, his master and Ph.D. degrees in information science from Tsinghua University in 1984 and 1987 respectively. He joined the CUHK Department of Computer Science and Engineering as senior lecturer in 1993 and was promoted to reader rank in 1996. Honours bestowed on Prof. Xu over the years include the Beijing Young Scientist Prize, the Chinese Education Ministry Fok Ying Tung Foundation Prize, the Chinese National Natural Science Award, and the International Neural Network Society Leadership Award. He is a fellow of IEEE. 圖書館休館 Library Closure 大學圖書館暨各分館於十月一日(國慶日)及十月十四日(重陽節)休館。 The University Library and all branch libraries will close on 1st October (National Day) and 14th October 2002 (Chung Yeung Festival). 學生工讀計劃 Study Campus Work Scheme 二零零二至二零零三年度學生工讀計劃基金現已接受申請。該計劃讓需要經濟援助 的本地學生,利用課餘時間協助教職員進行研究或處理其他工作,獲取報酬(本科生和 研究生時薪皆為五十港元)。 工作性質規定為(一)協助大學教員從事研究工作,(二)協助各行政單位在繁忙 期間的工作,或(三)其他獲工讀計劃委員會批准之工作。 大學同人可向學生事務處索取申請表格,填妥後寄回范克廉樓一樓學生事務處學生 工讀計劃委員會秘書,截止申請日期為二零零二年十月四日。 受聘學生不得連續工作四星期,而每星期工作時數須在十八小時以下;每段受僱期 也不得超逾五十九日,而兩段受僱期之間最少須暫停工作一個月。 所有撥款只可用作支付本校工讀生薪酬,並須於二零零三年九月三十日前全數支 付。獲資助之教職員須於二零零三年十月卅一日前擬就報告,經學生事務處學生工讀計 劃委員會秘書轉呈有關捐助機構。 Applications for grants under the Student Campus Work Scheme 2002-3 are now invited from members of the academic and administrative staff. Aim: To help needy local students by providing opportunities for paid campus work, in the form of assisting University academics/ administrators in their projects. Nature of Work: a) To assist academic staff in their research projects. b) To assist administrative staff in projects which require a large task-force on a short-term basis. c) Any other job assignments as may be approved by the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme. Remuneration: HK$50 per hour for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Application: Staff members who are interested in applying should return the completed application forms to the Secretary, Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme, c/o Office of Student Affairs at 1/F, Benjamin Franklin Centre no later than 4th October 2002. Remarks: a) Approved funds should only be used as remuneration for students of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. b) Students will not be allowed to work for more than 18 hours in any one week for four weeks or more. c) The duration of each engagement should not exceed 59 days. There should be a break of service for a least one month between each engagement as a student helper in the University. d) Approved funds should be expended in full before 30th September 2003. e) Supervisors of approved projects are required to forward a report to the Secretary, Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme, c/o Office of Student Affairs by 31st October 2003, for onward transmission to the donors for information. 預防肝炎運動 Hepatitis Awareness Campaign 保健處將於十月十六至二十五日舉辦預防肝炎運動,在保健醫療中心展出有關 肝炎的資料,提供健康諮詢服務,為教職員及其家屬和學生檢驗肝炎抗原及抗體, 並為有需要者注射疫苗。
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