Newsletter No. 297
第二九七期 二零零七年五月四日 No. 297 4 May 2007 1 第二九七期 二零零七年五月四日 No. 297 4 May 2007 「濤 崇基學院五十五周年書畫展 Chung Chi College 55th Anniversary Exhibiton 聲:靳杰強書畫近作展」由四月二十四日至 五月二十五日,分別於崇基學院行政樓地下 展覽廳及崇基學院牟路思怡圖書館大堂舉行。展覽是崇 基學院五十五周年院慶活動之一。 本年度崇基學院駐校藝術家靳杰強校友(一九六六/ 物理)早年跟隨名家學習中國書畫,數十年來,靳先 生於傳統書畫基礎上不斷求進,開創了獨特的藝術風 格。展覽以「濤聲」為題,形聲俱備,寄喻作者近年 對大自然深刻的尊崇之情。展出的行草書法剛勁有 力,有如海濤拍岸之震撼,且不滯礙於山林岩澗,而 達至灑脫飄逸的境界。畫作方面,作者以其物理學嚴 謹理性的觀察及細膩之情感表達投射於畫作上,流水 規律的動態躍然呈現,將觀者包圍於人與自然,物我 兩忘的氣魄之中。 開幕典禮四月二十四日舉行,由崇基學院院長梁元生教 授、五十五周年校慶籌備委員會主席梁怡教授、藝術促 進委員會主席張燦輝教授、香港藝術館總館長鄧海超先 生、中大藝術講座教授兼藝術系系主任蘇芳淑教授、靳 杰強博士尊翁靳浩明先生與兄長靳埭強博士,以及靳杰 強博士主禮。 I n celebration of the 55th anniversary of Chung Chi College, the exhibition ‘Surf Songs: Kit-KeungKan’s Recent Ink Paintings and Calligraphy’ is staged at the lobby gallery, Chung Chi College Administration Building and the lobby of the Elisabeth Luce Moore Library from 24 April to 25 May 2007. Dr. Kan Kit Keung is the college’s resident artist 2006– 07 and a Chung Chi alumnus. The works selected for the exhibition depict the images and sounds of nature and express the artist’s profound feelings for nature. The opening ceremony was held on 24 April 2007. Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, head of Chung Chi College; Prof. Leung Yee, chairman of the College Organizing Committee of the 55th Anniversary; Prof. Cheung Chan-fai, chairman of the College Art Promotion Committee; Mr. Tang Hoi-chiu, chief curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art; Prof. So Fong-suk, professor of fine arts and chair of CUHK Department of Fine Arts; Mr. Kan Ho Ming, father of the artist; Dr. Kan Tai Keung, brother of the artist; and the artist himself officiated at the ceremony. 聯合金禧誌慶法書展及朗誦會 United College 50th Anniversary Exhibition and Recitations 聯 合書院為誌金禧院慶,於上月下旬舉辦「魏唐三 昧─蘇文擢教授法書展」及「蘇文擢教授詩詞 朗誦會 」。 蘇文擢教授(1921 – 1997)以經學詞章名世,舊學深 醇。一九六五年起任教聯合書院中文系,開講經、子、 詩詞、古文、文學批評、中國教育思想等科目,桃李滿 門。蘇教授之書法藝術,繼承家學,宗紹魏唐,法度眉 山,擷英采華,自成一己風格面貌。蘇教授更積極推廣 朗誦藝術,撰寫相關文章,改良傳統吟誦技巧,去蕪存 菁,揭櫫新朗誦形式「韻律誦」,影響深遠。蘇教授晚 年與及門組織詩學團體「鳴社」,弘揚詩學,薪傳國 粹,推廣中國文化,不遺餘力。 為紀念蘇教授的卓越成就及對聯合書院之貢獻,聯合書 院、文物館、大學圖書館系統及鳴社於四月二十日至五 月三十一日假大學圖書館展覽廳舉行「魏唐三昧─蘇 文擢教授法書展」,六月五日起移師至胡忠多媒體圖書 館舉行,展期至六月三十日結束。 開幕典禮於四月二十日舉行,由聯合書院院長馮國培教 授、文物館館長林業強教授、大學圖書館館長施達理博 士、蘇文擢教授夫人蘇楊淑明女士、學海書樓主席賴恬 昌先生及鳴社社長蘇文玖先生主持。鳴社並將蘇教授墨 寶一份捐贈予大學,永久保存於文物館。 「蘇文擢教授詩詞朗誦會」則於二十一日在王統元堂舉 行,當日特別邀請朗誦專家、學者及曾在校際朗誦節表 現傑出之學生,朗誦蘇教授詩詞作品三十餘首。朗誦表 演者包括聯合書院校董暨校友殷巧兒女士、專責項目處 長室處長暨校友伍展明先生、校友馮祿德先生、香港大 學中文學院主任單周堯教授、香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 主席宋立揚先生及培僑中學校長招祥麒博士等。 U nited College is holding an exhibition and recitations to celebrate its 50th anniversary. The exhibition ‘The Brush Dances and the Ink Sings: the Calligraphy of Prof. So Man-jock (1921–1997)’ was officially opened on 20 April 2007. The exhibition is co-organized by United College, the Art Museum and the University Library System of CUHK, and the Ming Society. Prof. Fung Kwok-pui, head of United College; Prof. Peter Lam, director of Art Museum and Dr. Colin Storey, University Librarian, Mrs. So Man-jock; Mr. T.C. Lai, chairman of Hok Hoi Library, and Mr. So Man-kow, president of Ming Society officiated at the opening ceremony. Ming Society donated a piece of Prof. So’s calligraphy to the University at the ceremony. The work will be placed in the Art Museum permanently. The exhibition is held from 20 April to 31 May 2007 at the University Library exhibition hall and from 5 to 30 June 2007 at the Wu Chung Multimedia Library. Another event in commemoration of Prof. So’s distinguished achievements, ‘Recitations from Prof. So Man-jock: His Shi and Ci Poetry’, was held on 21 April at T.Y. Wong Hall. The performers included Ms. Yan H.Y. Lina, trustee and college alumna; Mr. Ng Chin Ming Stephen, d i r e c t o r of Special P r o j e c t s , and college alumnus; Mr. L.T. Fung, college alumnus; Mr. Li-young Sung, president of the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association; Prof. C.Y. Sin, head of the HKU School of Chinese; and Dr. Chiu Cheung-ki, principal of Pui Kiu Middle School.
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