Newsletter No. 367

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三六七期 二零一零年十一月十九日 No. 367 19 November 2010 P10 人生就如一場宴會 …… 而我就像負責送客 …… Life is a banquet.... I am ... responsible for seeing guests off. P5 隱喻的應用會塑造思想及社會政策。加拿大及葡萄牙 的移民政策為全球最佳。 Metaphors shape thought and social policy. Canada and Portugal are among countries with the best immigration policies. P2 運動好比健康沖劑,希望 全港市民也會定時抽時間 呷一兩口。 Exercise is a health drink. I hope Hong Kong citizens can have one from time to time. Building Love and Care with Laughter The Watoto Children’s Choir, which consists of children orphaned by AIDS or war in Uganda, was invited to perform in the S.H. Ho College Fourth Anniversary ‘Concert of Hope’ on 19 October. Before the concert, the Watoto choir members (in red) were given a campus tour and were invited to the Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge for a barbecue with Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (2nd right, back row), Vice-Chancellor; Mrs. Sung (1st right, back row), Prof. Sun Sai-ming Samuel, Master of S.H. Ho College, and Mrs. Sun (seen here on the left); Prof. Leung Wing-nang Albert (5th right, back row), Dean of Students, S.H. Ho College; Prof. Wong Kam-bo (7th right, back row), Fellow of S.H. Ho College Assembly; and students of the College (in brown). In Hong Kong for the first time, the children were excited and impressed by CUHK’s warm reception. 以笑築起互助互愛的橋樑 由愛滋及戰亂遺孤組成的非洲烏干達Watoto兒童合唱團(紅衣),應善衡 書院邀請,為於10月19日舉行的四周年院慶「希望之聲」音樂會獻唱。音樂 會前,他們不但遊覽了中大校園,又到校長寓所,與沈袓堯校長伉儷(後排 右一及二)、善衡書院院長辛世文教授伉儷(西裝及藍衣)、輔導長梁榮能 教授(後排右五)、院務委員黃錦波教授(後排右七)及書院學生(褐衣)共 進燒烤晚餐。首次踏足香港,又感受中大人的親切和友誼,團員歡欣之情洋 溢於一張張燦爛的笑臉。