Annual Report 2012–13

Gaudeamus Igitur – Let Us Rejoice! 7 and the general public. During the past year we also saw CUHK service teams reaching out to places as diverse as Kolkata and Gansu, bringing much appreciated aid and warmth to people in need in those places. More detailed information about our service and care programmes during the year under review are available in the chapter on ‘Serving and Caring’. Golden Jubilee Celebrations and Beyond The celebration of the University’s Golden Jubilee is a concerted effort involving staff, students and alumni, made possible with the support of friends and well-wishers, and the community at large. It is a year-long series of activities that on the one hand reflects the diversity and colourfulness of university life through these decades, and on the other serves to showcase the achievements of the University in various fields and disciplines. We are not apologetic about the University’s high exposure in the media throughout the Jubilee year as our publicity efforts serve to keep the general public informed about how a good university gradually evolved, however modest its origins, and our roadshows, for example, proved to be extremely popular with aspiring secondary school pupils and their parents. 關心環境問題,為後世子孫謀福祉。博群計 劃推行十分順利,這是一眾負責員工的努 力,也有賴學生和公眾的自願參與。在過去 一年,中大的服務隊伍踏足加爾各答和甘 肅等各個不同地方,協助和關懷有需要的 人。關於本年度我們的社會服務工作,詳見 「服務與關懷」一章。 金禧校慶及其他 大學金禧慶祝活動是全體員工、學生和校友 通力合作的成果,也全賴各方友好、支持者 和社會大眾協助才能實現。這些橫跨一整 年的各種活動,一方面反映這幾十年來多 采多姿的大學生活,另一方面顯示大學在 不同範疇和學科取得的成就。在這個金禧 年,中大頻頻在傳媒上出現,俾眾周知這所 優秀大學從創業維艱的歲月走到今天的歷 程,而我們在校外舉行的展覽,也廣受有志 入學的中學生和他們的家長歡迎。 此刻我們猶沉醉於慶祝中大五十周年的活 動和盛典,但也是我們思考前路的時候。 中大誠將自強不息,在教學和研究方面力爭 上游,此舉純粹是為使學術發展更上層樓, 也為促進科學進步,最終目的是促進人類 福祉。其他組織或許十分重視的一些考慮 和因素,但對學術和科學無真正補益者, 則並非我們之關注。專心致志鑽研學術,