Annual Report 2012–13

Gaudeamus Igitur – Let Us Rejoice! 5 new edifices and facilities possible. Indeed the Chinese University had, throughout its first 50 years, been the recipient of tremendous kindness and support from the leaders of our community, without which the University’s development would certainly have taken a different and a much more arduous course. This was also a year in which our fund- raising efforts were substantially augmented by the Sixth Round of the Government’s matching fund scheme, and it is only appropriate that I record here, with all humility, the appreciation of everyone in CUHK, and their immense gratitude for our benefactors’ noble acts of civic-mindedness. Excellence in Teaching and Research Since its earliest days, teaching and research have been the unquestioned priorities of the University, and all plans and efforts for development have been geared towards these two closely intertwined causes. The year under review saw the University Grants Committee Award for Teaching Excellence going to a CUHK academic again for the second year running, and a leading researcher of the University, himself a Fellow of the Royal Society, London, winning the 2012 Ernesto Illy Trieste Science Prize. These, and many other colleagues winning accolades awarded by other prestigious authorities, provide excellent role models for students and scholars in the University, and at the same time help to raise the esteem in which CUHK is held in international academe. While the firmament above the Chinese University is certainly illuminated by the blazing trails of stellar scholars, the University’s claim to international standing is also built upon its corporate alliance with eminent research institutions around the world, and by the establishment of State Key Laboratories on its campus. These collaborative efforts speak of the quality and 中大友好熱心公益,樂善好施,我在此謹代 表中大全體向他們的高貴品行致以謝忱。 教研並重 孜孜求善 中文大學自創校之初,已把教學與研究明 確視為並重的要務,一切發展計劃和舉措, 無不是為配合這兩項緊密相連的工作。本 年度,中大學者連續第二度獲得教資會傑 出教學獎,而另一位優秀研究人員兼英國 皇家學會院士,則獲頒 2012 年「的里雅斯 特獎」。他們與獲其他著名機構頒獎嘉許 的中大同仁,為師生樹立楷模,並有助提升 中大在國際學術界的聲譽。 成就斐然的學者,如眾星群聚,光芒萬丈, 將中大校園照得燦若蒼穹,不過,大學引 以為豪的國際地位的基礎,還在於它與世 界各地頂尖研究機構的合作關係,以及它 在校內建立的國家重點實驗室。這些與國 內外學術機構的協作,足證中大的研究水 準高超,舉足輕重,並且能與夥伴機構合 作無間。本校在 2012 至 13 年度的研究成 果,詳見本報告「開拓人類知識的版圖」 一章。