Annual Report 2008–09
23 學 術 發 展 Academic Development • 澳洲悉尼大學監督Prof. Marie Bashir 及大學校長Dr. Michael Spence • 法國國家科學研究中心主席 Dr. Catherine Br é chignac • 德國康斯坦茨大學校長Prof. Gerhart von Graevenitz • 荷蘭烏德勒支大學校長Prof. Yvonne van Rooy • 南韓梨花女子大學校長李培鎔博士 • 美國聖母院大學常務副校長 Dr. Thomas G. Burish • 美國加州大學柏克萊分校校長 Prof. Robert J. Birgeneau • 美國大學太空研究協會主席 Dr. Frederick A. Tarantino 中大校長及副校長年內多次率團出訪世界 知名院校,推廣中大強項,加強聯盟及促 進協作。副校長鄭振耀教授率團到美國布 朗大學,簽訂了兩份備忘錄;校長劉遵義 教授率團到麻省理工學院,鞏固原有工程 學的學術研究協作,並探討在企業管理培 訓及癌症研究上的合作機會。劉校長並往 哈佛大學進行禮節訪問,與校長 Prof. Drew Gilpin Faust 及協理常務 副校長Prof. Jorge Dominguez會晤。 是年度,中大與外地院校簽訂了八十份備 忘錄,當中四十一份為新訂,部分為﹕ • 智利天主教大學 — 本科生交換計劃 • 法國國家科學研究中心及法國國立巴 黎高等化工學校 — 傳統中藥研究 • 英國牛津大學中國研究所 — 中國研究 • 美國布朗大學 — 研究生交換計劃 • 美國喬治梅森大學 — 地球信息與地球 科學研究 • 美國洛杉磯豪斯耳科研究中心 — 聽覺 科學研究 • 美國耶希華大學 — 法律研究生交換 計劃 In 2008–09, CUHK received a total of 117 delegations from 23 countries. The largest number of contingents was from Europe, followed by the North and South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. They included: • Her Excellency Prof. Marie Bashir, Chancellor and Dr. Michael Spence, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney (Australia) • Dr. Catherine Bréchignac, President of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) • Prof. Gerhart von Graevenitz, Rector of the Universität of Konstanz (Germany) • Prof. Yvonne van Rooy, President of Universiteit Utrecht (The Netherlands) • Dr. Bae Yong Lee, President of Ewha Womans University (South Korea) • Dr. Thomas G. Burish, Provost of the University of Notre Dame (US) • Prof. Robert J. Birgeneau, Chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley (US) • Dr. Frederick A.Tarantino, President and CEO of the Universities Space Research Association (US) The Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellors continued to lead a number of delegations to key institutions around the world, promoting CUHK’s strengths, reinforcing alliances and fostering collaboration. A delegation led by Pro-Vice- Chancellor Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng visited Brown University. Two Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) were signed. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau led a delegation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where existing collaborations in engineering between the two universities were consolidated and new initiatives in business management training and cancer research were explored. Professor Lau also paid a courtesy visit to Harvard University and met with President Prof. Drew Gilpin Faust and Vice Provost Prof. Jorge Dominguez. CUHK signed 80 MOUs with international institutions during the year under review. Forty-one of these were for new partnerships and programmes, including: 校長劉遵義教授與荷蘭烏德勒支大學校長 Prof. Yvonne van Rooy(右)續簽備忘錄 Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau renewing MOU with Universiteit Utrecht President Prof. Yvonne van Rooy (right)
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