Annual Report 1999–2000

校園建設與環境保護 85 CAMPU SDEVELOPMEN T ANDENVIRONMENTA L PROTECTIO N 左圖︰修建後的斜坡 右圖:新建的文化廣場,設於范克廉樓外。 Left: A stabilized slope Right: The Cultural Square outside Benjamin Franklin Centre •在鄭楝材樓開闢一隅作陳曾燾康樂中心; •擴闊崇基路及改善排水設施; •在校園東廓建造校警哨崗; •裝修李慧珍樓; •擴充及改善范克廉樓各膳堂的設備,又將該樓露天停車 場改建為文化廣場。 鞏固斜坡 為監察校內斜坡的穩定性,校園發展處建立了地理訊息系統 和完備的斜坡資料庫。該處的岩土監察小組經常巡視校內 斜坡,就各種侵損跡象建議緊急修葺,或作非經常維修。 一年下來,完成了五幅斜坡的排水及鞏固工程、十六幅的設 計工程,以及十一幅的實地勘察工程。 邊陲發展項目 政府在本校校園邊陲開展的主要建築項目包括擴闊吐露港公 路、白石角填海和興建科學園南面通路,各項工程已進行 • I m p r o v i ng canteen facilities a t th e Benjamin F r a n k l in Centre an d building a cultural square outside th e centre. Slope Stabilization T o m o n i t or slope stabilization o n campus, a Geographical I n f o r ma t i on System wa s developed i n conjunction w i t h a comprehensive slopes inventory. Frequent inspections were undertaken and th eGeotechnical M o n i t o r i ng U n i t made numerous recommendations i n th e yearf o r emergency and non-routine maintenance/repair w o r k s o n slope features showing signs o f distress. Stability and drainage i mp r o v eme nt was completed f o r five slopes, design wa s completed f o r 1 6 slope features, an d engineering inspection f o r stability was conducted f or 1 1 o f them. Outlying Development Projects T he three major government projects o n th e periphery o f th e Un i v e r s i ty campus were a t a n advanced stage o f development. T h e y include th e widening o f a section o f the T o l o H i g h w a y, th e Pa k Shek K o k reclamation, and th e construction o f th e southern access t o th e Science Park v i a the University's eastern campus. A l l were w e ll under c o n t r ol and their impact o n th e campus c o mm u n i ty was kept t o a m i n i m u m. The construction o f a n extension t o t h e upline station b y th e K o w l o o n - C a n t o on Ra i l way was completed an d commissioned, wh i le further renovation an d expansion w o r ks f o r University Station continued. T h e University's n e w lay-by an d bus-stop/ shelter were likewise completed an d commissioned. Safety Issues T he University has regularly arranged f o r safety audits t o b e carried ou t t o ensure that a high safety standard is achieved across th e campus. In 1999-2000, a schedule t o upgrade th e safety requirements o f kitchens an d canteens wa s d r awn up , and projects