Annual Report 2009–10
40 The University is strengthening its existing research capabilities by establishing new teaching programmes and research initiatives in fields such as logistics and supply chain studies, automobile parts, watch movements, biomedical engineering, law, public policy research, gender studies and cross-cultural studies. It is committed to publishing books, articles and other academic outputs of the highest quality, and to obtaining concrete results from applied research that translate into patents, technology transfer and licensing. Research Funding The bulk of the University’s research funding was provided by the Research Grants Council (RGC). In 2009–10, the University was awarded HK$168.5 million from the RGC in the form of General Research Fund (GRF), Collaborative Research Fund and Direct Allocation. A substantial proportion of this total, HK$143.5 million, was allocated under the GRF programme. The University also received about HK$75 million from the Government and government-related organizations, including HK$60 million from the Innovation and Technology Fund. Besides the HK$14.39 million allocated by the RGC as Direct Allocation, the University provided additional funding of HK$28 million for use by the Research Committee, which administers a number of internal funding schemes to support its researchers. This funding was distributed in various formats, including direct grants for research, support for strategic initiatives under the Group Research Scheme, matching funding for grants under GRF, travel grants for postgraduate research students, and awards under the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme. Institutional Developments During the 2009–10 academic year the University continued to develop its research collaboration efforts with Shenzhen. In February 2010 the University signed a memorandum of understanding with the Shenzhen Municipal Government to enhance collaboration in education by establishing a CUHK campus in Shenzhen. It is envisaged that the Shenzhen campus will offer an education of comparable quality to that provided at CUHK’s Shatin campus. The proposal reflects the views of a task force set up by the University Council to formulate a long-term strategy for the University’s involvement in the Pearl River Delta region, in terms of scholarship, education, R&D, training and technology transfer. The University also began to implement a knowledge transfer strategy, aimed principally at making its own staff and its external partners more aware of the importance of knowledge transfer as a two- way process of exchange of ideas, by giving greater visibility to knowledge transfer in its institutional structures and activities. During the report period a Knowledge Transfer Unit was established to coordinate knowledge transfer activities at CUHK. 中大不斷創辦新課程,又開展新的研究項 目,涵蓋物流和供應鍊管理、汽車零件、 錶芯設計和製造、生物醫學工程、法律、 公共政策、性別研究及跨文化研究等範 疇,使現有的研究實力更上層樓。中大也 致力出版書籍、發表論文和其他優秀的學 術成果,並以註冊專利、技術轉移和授權 的方式,把研究成果應用於實際。 研究經費 中大的研究經費主要來自研究資助局 (研資局)。二零零九至一零年度,中大 獲該局撥一億六千八百五十萬港元,包括 優配研究金、協作研究金及直接撥款,其 中優配研究金達一億四千三百五十萬元。 中大亦從政府及與政府有關的組織獲得 七千五百萬港元,包括六千萬港元的創新 科技基金。 是年度,除了來自研資局直接撥款的 一千四百三十九萬港元外,大學另撥交研 究事務委員會二千八百萬港元。該委員會 負責管理支持研究人員的校內撥款計劃, 透過不同渠道,如直接資助計劃、合作研 究計劃、優配研究金增補資助、研究生學 術會議資助金和博士後研究計劃,把研究 撥款分配予校內各研究項目。 大學發展 在二零零九至一零年度,大學與深圳繼續 發展研究合作。二零一零年二月,中大與 深圳市人民政府簽訂備忘,開展雙方在教 育領域的合作,並落實於深圳設立中大深 圳學院,預期學院的教育質素將等同於香 港本部。校董會轄下的深圳及珠三角地區 發展專責小組,將就中大在泛珠三角地區 之發展,制訂學術、教育、研發、訓練和技 術轉移等方面的長遠策略。 大學亦開始落實知識轉移策略,藉提升知 識轉移在校內架構和活動的鮮明度,讓教 職員及校外夥伴清楚了解知識轉移作為 一個雙向意見交流過程的重要性。年內, 中大新成立知識轉移辦公室,協調校內知 識轉移活動。
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