Bulletin Summer 1977
Q. May we know the difference between the Chinese University Press and the University Publications Office, on whose foundation the Press was estab lished? A. The Publications Office and the University Press are same in nature and the ultimate aim is to promote creative scholarly research. The Chinese University Press is o f course run on a larger scale and is more intent on scholarly publishing. A t present there are only about two hundred univer sity presses in the world and to qualify for membership in this exclusive club, our standards must measure up t o those o f our counterparts. After nine years o f operation, we have attained the required standards, both experience-wise and personnel-wise. The establishment o f the Chinese University Press is an indication o f our deter mination and readiness to keep abreast o f our counterparts in the world o f scholarly publishing. The Chinese University has as its objectives bilingualism and the promotion o f cultural inter flow between the east and west, which w ill be the Chinese University Press' guiding principles in the formulation o f its policies. Q. What is the role o f the Chinese University Press in the University? A. One o f the functions o f the Chinese University Press is to serve the whole University, but its success depends a lo t on the support o f the various units and members o f the University. The Chinese University Press aims to promote more scholarly research in the University through its active programme o f high-standard publishing, and it is hoped that our colleagues w ill demon strate their confidence in us by letting the Press publish their scholarly works. Only through such mutual stimulation and encouragement can the CUP grow and thus add to the achievements o f the University. However, in order to guarantee the high standard o f its publications, the Chinese Univer sity Press has stringent criteria for the acceptance o f manuscripts, insisting on creative and analy tical powers and intellectual honesty. Q. As the Chinese University Press expands, w ill it install its own printing equipment? A. We are not in a hurry to install our own printing equipment, because we have in Hong Kong a highly-developed printing industry. Many o f our local printers have achieved world standards. It w ill suffice to avail ourselves o f their services, at least for the time being. But we do have problems in Chinese type-setting. Q. What major publishing programmes are in progress? A. Two publishing programmes are now in progress: (1) Supplementary Indexes to Lin Yutang's Chinese-English Dictionary o f Modern Usage - consisting o f two Supplementary Indexes to the Dictionary, one arranged according to the Wade-Giles system of romanization and the other based on the Radical Stroke Count.
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