Bulletin Summer 1977

These familiar aids w ill help bring this Dic­ tionary w ithin easy reach o f more readers. (2) A Sung B ib li ography (宋代書錄) - this is a publication o f great prestige, edited by Pro fessor Yves Hervouet o f College de France and represents the jo in t efforts o f 80 inter national sinologists over a period o f 22 years. The 900-page Bibliography includes 660 items arranged according to the order o f the Ssu-K'u Ch' ü an-Shu (四庫全書), and the sys tem used in Classifications o f Chinese Classics by the Kyoto University is adopted. The Notices are rendered mainly into English, w ith about one-fifth in French. Ch'ing and Ming handbooks were pub lished some time ago, but the Sung Dynasty, rather the Sung era, which is at the mid-point o f Chinese written history and represents a formative period o f many imperial institu tions, has hitherto not been covered. The publication o f this monumental work thus fills the gap. The Bibliography w ill be pub lished in August 1978 , in time for the Sino logists Conference to be held in Europe. Q. Will the establishment o f the Chinese University Press boost co-publication projects w ith other university presses? A. Our co-publication so far is limited to individual titles. The Publications Office co-published the following titles w ith other presses: Title University Press Derk Bodde, Festivals in Classical China Princeton Ping-ti Ho, The Cradle o f the East Chicago S. S. Liu, Vignettes from the Late St. John Ch ’ing: Bizarre Happenings Eye- witnessed over Two Decades Winston Wan Lo, The Life and Thought Florida o f Yeh Shih A. C. Graham, Later Mohist Logic, London Ethics and Science Modern Chinese Poetry: An Anthology Hong Kong (1917-1949) T. A. Bewley, Proceedings o f the Inter- California national Workshop on Hormones and Proteins The Chinese University Press is now in a more favourable position to consider co-publication w ith other university presses. I am sure w ith our present strength, co-publication projects w ill continue to increase. We are at the moment negotiating w ith Indiana University Press for the co-publication o f two titles. The Chinese University Press is fortunate in having Mr. George Kao, Editor-at-large o f Renditions, a Chinese-English magazine o f this University's Centre for Translation Projects, to be our Honorary U.S.A. Representative. Mr. Kao w ill assist the Press in making all the necessary con tacts w ith government and educational institu tions, research bodies as well as scholars and authors w ith a view to closer cooperation. Q. Finally, w ill you please tell us something about the future plans o f the Chinese University Press? A. When it comes to planning, we have first to take into consideration the budget. An annual budget o f HK$250,000 is not much and we have to try our best to make the most o f it. Our long range plans include: (a) Search for and publish titles o f scholarly research —It w ill be our continuous task to look for worthy manuscripts consonant w ith the aims o f this University, to encourage scholarship and the interflow o f East-West culture. (b) Publication o f "book series" (1) To publish Chinese translations o f important reference books directly related to university teaching, such as those in the fields o f medical sciences and business administration - Chinese versions o f reference books written mainly in western languages are in great demand and university presses are in a better position to find qualified scholars for the task. (2) To co-operate w ith the Centre for Trans lation Projects in the publication o f bilingual books. (3) To continue w ith the reprinting o f Chinese rare books. (c) Publication o f audio-visual aids - Nowadays, publication is not limited to the paper-ink media but also other materials such as audio visual aids. The Chinese University Press w ill produce such teaching aids as cassette tape, slide and microfiche, etc. for media assimi lation. (d) Apart from specialized scholarly publishing, the Chinese University Press w ill also publish general educational materials as a service to the local community.