Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
• Ther e mus t be other corners on our beautifu l campu s that hav e lef t lastin g memories ? • Residenc e 4 wa s m y hom e fo r ove r a decade. Th e scenic Tolo Harbou r viewed fro m th e balcony ther e at different time s o f the year i s forever etched i n m y memory. Every da y durin g th e las t si x year s a s vice - chancellor, I had to climb a flight of step s leadin g to the entranc e o f th e Universit y Administratio n Building, wher e m y office i s housed. The experienc e of struggling up the steps in heav y rain with umbrell a in han d also remain s vivid a s ever. And the n ther e i s th e fis h pon d i n th e centra l courtyard o f the Institut e of Chinese Studies . Imagin e lounging i n a chair wit h a good boo k b y th e pon d just outsid e th e Ar t Museum . Lif e offer s n o greate r •偌大的校園還有甚麼其他景物令你不 能忘懷? •曾住在四苑十多年,露台外望那吐露 港四時的景色,至今仍歷歷在目。 當了校長之後,天天都要爬一段 石階,才到達大學行政樓的正門。最 難忘就是大雨天在行政樓門外的狼 狽。 還有中國文化硏究所的魚池,就 在文物館對開的四合院裡。那兒有一 股很悠閒又很書卷的氣氛。試想端一 張椅子坐在池邊看書,倦了就觀魚, 中國文化研究所四合院ー角 A corner of the central courtyard i n th e Institute o f Chinese Studie s 中文大學校刊•特刊 Chines e Universit y Bulleti n • Specia l Supplemen t 2 6
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