Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1994
Table 1 Sample from the Concordance to the Zhouli (周禮) 哀 ai 8 abc 八曰殺〇 2.1/20/2 4 以凶禮 〇 邦國之憂 3.1/36/27 以喪禮 〇 死亡 3.1/36/27 以荒禮 〇 凶札 3.1/36/27 以弔禮 〇 禍災 3.1/36/27 以搶禮 〇 圍敗 3.1/36/27 以恤禮 〇 寇亂 3.1/36/28 則令 〇弔 之 5.53/74/29 安 23 以 〇 邦國 1.1/5/10,1.2/6/2 4 以佐王 〇 擾邦國 2.0/15/24 2.1/20/1 六曰以俗教 〇 2.1/20/10 然則百物阜 〇 2.1/20/17 六曰 〇 富 2.1/20/26 以本俗六 〇 萬民 2.1/20/26 以田里 〇甿 2.40/28/5 以 〇 賓客 3.21/41/1 掌 〇 宅敍降 3.48/45/11 〇 車 3.64/47/2 8 均守平則以 〇 邦國 4.1/53/9 使之相 〇 相受 5.3/68/ 4 其康樂和親 〇 平爲一書 5.53/75/1 和則 〇 6.3/80/ 1 長轂則〇 6.29/85/1 4 危弓爲之 〇 矢 6.30/86/22 若是者爲之 〇 弓 6.30/86/23 〇 弓爲之危矢 6.30/86/23 其人 〇 6.30/86/2 3 其弓 〇 6.30/86/2 3 其矢〇 6.30/86/2 3 韽 an 1 微聲 〇 3.29/43/ 5 豻 an 3 〇 3.64/47/31 士以三耦射 〇 侯 4.18/56/11 夾弓、庾弓以授射 〇 侯 、鳥獸者 4.39/59/ 2 K e y 〇 = The position of the character in the sentence a = Chapter reference b = Page reference C = Line reference notes, while Dr. Chen oversees conceptual design of the information retrieval system to be used for electronic publication, and monitors programming progress. Other key members of the team include Mr. Ho Che Wah, executive editor and project coordinator, and Mr. Ho Kwok K i t, computer projects officer. Two Forms of the Concordance Series Book Form The ICS Ancient Chinese Texts Concordance Series, consisting of 94 titles in 65 volumes, which the Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Ltd. has been publishing, will be completed within five years. The first batch consisting of 12 volumes (Table 2) came out in 1992, while the second batch of 16 titles in 14 volumes (Table 3) will come out in mid-1994. These two batches mainly cover texts hitherto unconcordanced, while the remaining 39 volumes consisting mainly of texts already concordanced are expected to be completed by 1996. Electronic Form To enable researchers to set up thei r own databases w i th personal computers, it has als o been decided that the concordances should be available electronically in the form of floppy disks. The software will be known as the CHANT (CHinese ANcient Texts) Database. It is a computer programme for viewing, searching and retrieving. The CHANT system displays the contents of the ancient Chinese texts in a format identical to that of the text found in the printed form. For those in possession of the ICS Ancient Chinese Texts Concordance Series, the computer programme is a convenient key to the printed text. Wi th the built-in search functions in the programme, the user can search a single character, phrase, or special sentence structure, and search results can be sent to a printer or a file for convenient browsing. Add i t i onal information like statistics about the frequency of use of a particular word in the text and its pinyin is also included. The basic requirements for using the CHANT system are: • a 286 or above fully IBM- Table 2 First Series of Concordances (12 volumes) 1. Zhanguoce 《戰國策逐字索引》 2. Liji《禮記逐字索引》 3. Shangjunshu 《商君書逐字索引》 4. Xinxu 《新序逐字索引》 5. Hanshi Waizhuan 《韓詩外傳逐字索引》 6. Dadai Liji 《大戴禮記逐字索引》 7. Kongzi Jiayu 《孔子家語逐字索引》 8. Shuoyuan 《說苑逐字索引》 9. Huainanzi 《淮南子逐字索引》 10. Wenzi 《文子逐字索引》 11. TheMilitarists (Wuzi, Simafa, Sunzi, Yuliaozi) 《吳子、司馬法、孫子、尉繚子 逐字索引》 12. Yizhoushu 《逸周書逐字索引》 Research Projects 15
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