A New Era Begins 1975-78
Christian and the Chinese viewpoints I have just described, and uphold this basic tenet in charity or 仁. It is only when this noble sentiment is found among colleagues, among teachers and students, that the College can live up to the expectation of the Church. The Christian doctrine admits that we all have faults. So it has another key concept——that of humility. Again this is something most difficult to be expressed in Chinese. Most Anglo-Chinese dictionaries give 謙虛; that is o f f the mark. 虛懷 might be more appropriate. A good Christian naturally bears this in mind at all times. A Chung Chi student should never feel proud or aloof and look down upon his schoolmates simply because he happens to excel in studies, sports or other fields. The ultimate goal of Christians is embodiment of a more ideal society 一 on e that is full of justice and love. In the opening chapter Analects, Confucius says: “Every friend of ours is superior to ourselves; i f one makes a mistake, one must not be afraid to correct i t . " This is in accordance with the Christian spirit. Confucius tells us that we must be convinced that others are better than ourselves in some aspects. I f we make a mistake, we should not be afraid to correct it, for a corrected mistake is no more a mistake. Only by keeping the spirit of humility in mind can the College and its members spread the Christian spirit and make great contributions to the University. It is already twenty-six years since the College was established. Though by no means a long history, more than a quarter century elapsed. For a person, to be twenty-six years old means that he has passed from childhood to adulthood. The achievement of the College is obvious, and I have no doubt that its future will be even brighter. Let me end my speech by quoting Dr. Roy, your former Vice-President: “ I t would be just as alien to pride ourselves on being more Christian, or better academically than the other two colleges. What we can do is to give ourselves generously, with all that we have and believe, to improving the cooperation and effectiveness of the university as a whole." This is what he said in 1970. After seven years I think these words are still meaningful. Thank you. 35
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