Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2003

The script of Of Phoenix Lineage was the result of the c o l l e c t i ve e f f o r t of t h r ee generations of CUHK a l umni w h o n a r r a t ed t he d r e ams, accomplishments, p r i de and regrets of CUHKers — familiar s e n t i me n ts f r om d i f f e r e nt perspectives over a span of 40 years. The play's vision, moreover, extends beyond the gates of the University to include the history of Hong Kong. Head of the A l umni Affairs Office, Ms. Amy Yui, said that all t he p a r t i c i p a t i ng a l u m n i squeezed time from their busy schedules to contribute to their alma mater, volunteering their expertise for onstage and backstage wo r k. Each of t hem an embodiment of the CUHK spirit, their dedication and suppo rt propelled the play to success. 40th Anniversary Celebrations 21