Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
口積極改進學生的語文能力 校方於一九九七年設立語文敎學四層架構,全面推行校內的語文改善計劃,並不斷加強有關課 程和活動的內容與素質。 To salvag e the deteriorating Chines e and Englis h languag e standard s among loca l youths, the University introduce d a four-tier languag e enhancement programm e fo r it s students i n 1997 , and reinvigorated it s languag e enhancement course s and activities . •開設副學位課程 為配合政府把高等敎育普及率增至百分之六十的目標,中大的校外進修學院於二零零二年開設 副學位課程,並積極與本地及海外敎育機構商討有關合作及課程銜接事宜,為本地學子開拓更 多進修途徑。 To respon d to the government's cal l t o rais e the participation rat e i n post-secondary educatio n t o 60 pe r cent of the relevan t age group, the School o f Continuing Studie s (SCS ) launche d sub-degree programme s i n the summe r of 2002 , and actively explored possibilitie s o f join t ventures wit h loca l and overseas educationa l institutions t o increas e and diversif y opportunities o f highe r education fo r loca l youths. 李校長與新西蘭懷卡托大學校長 (左) 簽訂學術 合作協議,讓修畢本校副學位課程的學生到該校 修讀本科學位課程。(二零零二 年 五月 九 日) On 9th May 2002 , an academic agreement was signed with the University o f Waikato i n New Zealand, who will recognize credits gaine d in the SCS's associate degree programmes . 。研究 Research •建立香港特區首個國家級科研中心(一九九七年) 中國科學院與中大於一九九七年合作成立地球信息科學聯合實驗室,設於中大校園,數年間發 展成為香港特區首個國家級科硏中心,專責硏發地球信息科技,培訓有關專才,並參與國家大 型高新技術項目,範疇涉及衛星遙感和雷達等重要國防硏究。 The Joint Laborator y fo r Geoinformation Science , first established on the campus i n 199 7 i n collaboration wit h th e Chinese Academy o f Sciences , ha s grown int o a high-powered researc h and education centr e of nationa l importance , tasked with forefron t researc h and application i n geoinformation scienc e and technology an d the training of experts i n the field. I t is the onl y research centr e of nationa l statu s i n Hon g Kong , commissioned b y the central governmen t t o conduct high-tec h project s relate d to satellite , radar , and hyperspectra l remote-sensing , wit h important implication s fo r nationa l defense . 中文大學校刊•特刊 Chines e Universit y Bulleti n • Specia l Supplemen t 12
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