Calendar 2007–08
Teaching Departments • Law 433 Part 8 Carver, Anne Rosamunde, BA, MA (Cantab); Solicitor, Supreme Court of Judicature of Eng & Wales; Attorney, High Court of Lesotho; Attorney, High Court of Botswana; Solicitor, Supreme Court of Hong Kong [ United ] Fok, Myrette Jean 霍陸美珍 , BA (Law) (Kent); Solicitor, Eng & Wales; Solicitor, Hong Kong [ Chung Chi ] Grady, Terence Michael, BA (Lond.); Solicitor, Eng & Wales; Solicitor, Hong Kong [ Shaw ] Hie, Hok Fung 許學峰 , LLB, PCLL (CityU); LLM (HK); Solicitor, High Court of Hong Kong; Solicitor, Supreme Court of Eng & Wales [ Shaw ] Lo, Dak Wai Alexandra 羅德慧 , LLB, PCLL, BChMed (HK); LLB (Peking); LLM (CityU); Solicitor, Supreme Court of Hong Kong; Solicitor, Supreme Court of Eng & Wales; Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Hong Kong [ Chung Chi ] Rhodes, Peter Frederick, LLB (Auck.); LLM (Alta.); LLM (Harv.); Barrister & Solicitor, High Court of New Zealand; Barrister & Solicitor, Saskatchewan, Canada [ Chung Chi ] Planning Officer Ying, Diana 英龍彩珠 , MA, LLM (CityU); MIL; MIHRM Faculty Secretary Wong, Yin Hang 黃演行 , BA (H.K. Polytech.); MBA (Henley Mgt. Coll., UK); LLB (Lond.); Certified Risk Planner Administrative Assistant Wong, Yu Ping 黃裕萍 , BSc (HK); MSc (Mgt) (PolyU); PGCertProfAcct (CityU)
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