Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2003
APPOI NTMENT OF THE N EW V I CE -CHANCELLOR The Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, at its meeting held on 13th October 2003, appointed Prof. Lawrence J. Lau as Vice-Chancellor of the University for a period of six years from 1st July 2004. The Council is very pleased that Prof. Lau, a world famous and distinguished economist and an educationalist with vision and tremendous experience, is willing to accept the appointment to lead The Chinese University into its fifth decade of development. P rof. Lawrence J. Lau, Kwo h - T i ng L i Professor of Economic Development at Stanford University, was bo rn i n China i n 1944 and became a n a t u r a l i z ed US citizen i n 1974. He received his BS degree i n physics and economics, w i t h Great Distinction, f r om Stanford University, and his M A and Ph.D. degrees i n economics f r om the U n i v e r s i ty of C a l i f o r n ia at Berkeley. He joined Stanford University i n 1966 and was named the first Kwoh - T i ng L i Professor of Economic Development i n 1992. He then served i n Stanford as a co- director of the Asia/Pacific Research Center (1992-1996), and director of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) (1997-1999). He is also a Senior Fellow of SIEPR (by courtesy), the Institute for International Studies (by courtesy) and the Hoover Institution (by courtesy). His specialized fields are economic theory, economic development, economic growth, and the economies of East Asia, including Ch i na. He d e v e l o p ed one of the f i r st econometric models of China i n 1966, and has continued to revise and update his model ever since. Prof. L au is a memb er of Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi, a Fellow of the Econometric Society, an Academician of A c a d e m i a S i n i c a, a m e m b e r of t he Conference for Research i n Income and Wealth, an Overseas Fellow of Churchill College at the University of Cambridge, an Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 2003 30
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